ITT: Scary enemies in non horror games
ITT: Scary enemies in non horror games
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Oddworld was most certainly a horror game. Choke on a scrab cake.
I wouldn't call it horror, it just had some ocassion spooky shit: Paramites and Scrabs being the main ones. It's hard to call shit like Sligs, Greeters and Glukkons spooky
PTSD as a kid from the temple.
Paramites were bro tier when you possessed one though
>That one that you follow to the left for a while
>Immediately on the next screen there's another one
>HISSING and then dead almost instantly
Nearly shat myself when that first happened
You kidding? They were comical
When the entire game is an allegory to the modern day plight of the working class being eaten alive by a giant corporate that entity works you to death steals your soul and life.
>That insane damage they'd do for some reason
I don't have that gif of Spongebob and Patrick running through the perfume department, but I'd post it if I did under the name "Black Gulch.gif"
>Game has a blatant message against commercialism
>The remake puts ads in the game
What did they mean by this?
I think that was done by someone when the game was fairly new.
It was, it's posted a lot in filename threads
I didn't mean I came up with the idea, I just wanted to post it with that filename
Fucking this
Something about the low poly count on them also freaks me out
The limitations made him better, they had less to work with so his features come out as sharper and more inhuman. The animation on him was just right too.
Too bad they removed the blood spatter in the 3DS version.
their speed was fucking scary
>blocks your path
his "milky" appearance definitely added to hoe unsettling he was. Most fan art doesn't do him justice by drawing him so ultra relaisitc
Paramites a cute
These fucks on the other hand
Lorne wasn't paid for those ads. They were put into the game for free because he wanted to spread the word of other indie games.
You can still complain that the ads break the world or whatever but it's not as bad as Sup Forums makes out. And one of those games (Velocity 2X) is one of the best games on PS4.
goddamn failed abortion dragon turning maidens into these
Half-Life was definitely made with horror in mind considering how often you go through dark places populated with headcrabs
Good thing they were insanely easy to kill
when i found out these could leap at you from a distance
true but the first the lizardmen sounded that alarm and i see them running away and the pisacas coming
slink slink
Pic related freaked me out even more.
>Swooping around earlier when you don't even know what it is
>Battle starts, he is translucent and seeps up from the bottom of the screen like a phantom
>Odd music that somehow fits him just right
>Those piano notes
Centaurs in fallout games obviously.
The concept spooked me more than anything tbqhwy
Sligs and Greeters are spooky
Shit it gave me a fright on my first playthrough