How is it?

How is it?

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>those flowers
is that a jojo reference?


I regret getting premium

How long till Black Russians ?

Presumably a bunch of negro snipers camping about on both sides.

Russians are niggers by default

>no black albino

how sexist can you get?

>yfw you forgot BF1 was a thing

garbage, get automata instead

Stick with BF4/BC2.

Planes are off doing their own thing dropping darts and bombs on infantry.

Scouts are off doing their own thing being hillniggers

Tanks are roleplaying as hillniggers

Ammo pouches are being removed so it's drop and forget crate for supports

No one plays Medic because LOL SLR and SPACEBAR

Assaults rush in and grenade spam that regen out of nowhere


never was a thing, unless maybe bf2/2142 where people did the basic stuff like healing, reviving, repairing, etc..
everything afterwards is run and gun.

Ayo Hol Up

Fuck this nigger-loving bullshit of a history butchering game. If you wanted to shove niggers into shit make Vietnam 2, dont fucking shove them in every piece of promotional material for a fucking WWI game.

i remember almost coordinated assualts in bc2/bf3/4
but bf1 is just a shitty version of call of duty with tanks and planes

Quite enjoyable, on par with 4

Tanks are OP though

One capable squad that actually communicates and coordinates can rape an entire enemy team. Those are pretty rare though. Your best bet is to join a clan.

Its like every battlefield/battlefront from battlefield 2 Bad Company onward, with a different skin.

mad pigskin

I've played as tank repairer but I've literally been the only one ever to do that.

>always had a hard on for pre 1920 french stuff
>they shove niggers in AGAIN
They can't break me, they can't...

Tanks are fucking dogshit in BF1. Yes you can get a killstreak but they are not rewarding, they are made out of paper making pushing into objectives a death sentence every time, they're too slow and you can't react to incoming AT fire, there are no countermeasures and in general tanks take much less skill to be good with but also punish good tank players that in previous games could carry their teams by pushing objectives and forcing caps.

Tanks being so dogshit in BF1 made me quit the game and go back to BF4. Never have I played a BF game with tanks as shitty as this game. Honestly I have no fucking clue what DICE was thinking other than "we need to get rid of good tank players because they have too much impact on the game and we want casuals to have a chance at winning if they're up vs a good tank player"

t. BF4 tank pro

It's a wasted slot. If they put the wrench in the melee slot more people would use it.

I see. Well, WWI tanks were poop IRL too, so this is realistic somewhat

>bf1 is just a shitty version of call of duty with tanks and planes
this is exactly what people say with every new release of battlefield
i don't remember any coordination despite putting over 1000 hours into bf3 and bf4
unless you join a clan and play together, the experience in public servers has been mostly just random people running around shooting at each other, teamwork was very minimal.
the thing i hate about bf1 is the movement being too fast paced, other than that.. they're all almost the same.

Not really, in WW1 when tanks appeared the infantry ran away in fear because none of their weapons could do anything to them. It took a long time for AT rifles to be developed or the german AT grenades to be come up with.
Instead in BF1 you get K Bullets, AT rockets that travel much faster than in previous games + your tank is way slower so you can not dodge their shots, AT grenades that disable your tracks and kill you incredibly quickly with no way to react because you have no countermeasures and your tanks slow as a turtle and in general they nerfed the tanks.
Canister shell was super good in BF3 and 4, in BF1 it's crap and not worth a shit to snipe people. The tank HMG was removed and only 1 tank gets an LMG, which also has the spread mechanics of infantry LMGs (innacurate at first, accurate after a few shots, overheats).
Tanks in BF1 are too slow and shitty, you can't push objectives reliably because all it takes is 2 Assaults with AT nades to kill you in under 10 seconds with no way to react. You can't backpedal and reposition like you could in BF3 and 4, because your tank is so slow and you have nerfed turret turn speed.
Directional damage is still a thing however now tanks have much less weak spots, which makes positioning of your tank body less important overall, again removing from the skillcap. (not like it matters because, again, the AT nades are the main threat to a tank and directional damage doesn't apply to them).
And I could go on and on.

Not like I still can't go 50-0 in BF1 with tanks, I can, it's just boring as hell. Because I don't feel like I'm having the impact I would have in BF4, where I could literally carry 32 players alone with my Tank and my gunner if we were in voice comms.

Also vehicle balance is whack, the Light Tanks area worthless, the Heavy Tank is objectively better than all the other tanks, the arty truck just snipes tanks across the map and kills infantry alike, etc

Even in BF2 and 2142 there was no coordination unless you played with a clan.

Honestly the only time you find teamplay in these games is if you have a clan/team/friends and you get on comms and play as a squad and work together, because you'll never get cooperation from randos.

>cue chasing a support player for two minutes asking for ammo and still not getting it
>recons not using their spawn beacons except to camp a hill
>medics are the only ones throwing medkits but only because they are selfish, they never pay attention to people asking for heals
>engineers never coordinate to peek tanks at the same time to neutralize them
>people not using lock-on combos correctly, if you're a recon designating targets you can be sure literally nobody will take advantage of it