Robots and androids

what's the difference

androids are humanoid robots, while robots are way broader term
basically, androids is subcategory of robots as a whole

pic related are robots. androids are deliberately made to look human.

Asking a question a simple google search could help you with. Starting a new thread with a false-flagged question as an excuse to post a gif that could be posted in the seven other nier threads.
You're a fucking nigger.

soft androids.

no, pick related are robots

Wizards mages sorcerors whats the diff?

Sweet Christmas would you look at the subtle fat buildup just below the cheeks where her thigh connects as she walks. My fucking dick is diamonds. Why can't other game design developers get this shit right?

no, that's mecca

What about cyborgs?

If it's not automated it is not a robot. Some of those are automated sure, but man, even things like Eva are definitely not robots. Since they can function on their own, they get elevated past and contain organic parts, they are cyborgs.

biological creatures with machine parts and machines with biological parts are cyborgs.

What difference between necromancers and warlocks?

Whats the difference, indeed

>what is android 18

Am i are cyborg?

those are super robots and real robots you silly anons

No, those are bionic people

op and fag
what's the difference

Thanks Ryusei

Whats the difference between you and OP? Both seems fags to me.

>Anime in charge of understanding technical shit
Don't be a dunce
Bionics are the artificial parts added to the man. The man himself is a cyborg.

anything for my robot loving pals

>Bionics is the application of biological methods and systems found in nature to the study and design of engineering systems and modern technology.
The fake arm that emulates a real arm is the bionic part
>A cyborg (short for "cybernetic organism") is a being with both organic and biomechatronic body parts.

Necros are just wizards who specialize in undead magic shit Warlocks sell their souls to demons n sheit for magix

Then what is this thing then?

android is phone

*sniff* *sniff*

Oh yessss my dear, quite pungent indeed, VERY delectable


Is that....dare I say, eggs I smell? Such an exquisite expulsion my love


Get your shitty game outta here. You shilled it so hard, and people bought into it for a little while.

No one wants to talk about your game anymore.

Keep your stupid looking, disgusting nigger culture robot away from GOOD looking, cute androids like 2B.


They look different and androids think they're superioir in every way

fucking cis android shitlords