Get full money back on Grey, and if you got the neon one you get £20, quick before the prices drop
If you have just finished Zelda here is your answer
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Fucking Cex
>There are people out there who bought a Switch to play BotW
Why didn't you fags just buy/pirate it on Wii U? At the very least you could've waited for the Cemu guys to get it running.
>he didn't buy a £300 Zelda machine
Yeh it was silly, but this is there only way out user, CEX have provided the answer they also did this around 3ds launch :
>"You're gonna sell your Switch, right fags?"
>says faggot who didn't preorder theirs
>"It's only got Zelda! Surely you've finished it!"
>nervously awaits one to show up to buy
Reviewers hate it already:
If you don't sell it now it's gonna massively drop in value really quick. Especially when all the Zelda fans are done with the game and start selling the console back to stores and pawn shops.
Can mods please remove this thread?
OP is promoting theft.
Buy it to do what, play zelda and wait a month for it having another game
Since when did reviews matter to overall sells?
Just look at cawofdooty and ghost recon
Report it yorself faggot
I'm starting to get the feeling that Nintendo's arrogance is getting the better of it..
i want a portable mario kart machine and I'm holding out for mario odyssey
I missed out on galaxy and don't want to miss the boat again. plus, holding out for a metroid prime 4 or a VC release
If it's just one month why even bother selling and rebuying? Too much trouble
this is why you don't buy a console at launch, at least wait a few months so there is more than one game
Who are you talking to?
You realize people who bought a Switch have jobs and don't emulate video games out of their moms home.
I swear Sup Forums doesn't have a solid grasp on reality.
>He didn't buy a Switch
>He must be a poorfag living in his mom's basement
>not playing the definitive edition on the go
>Getting triggered this hard
How's that buyer's remorse setting in?
tfw did this with Xbone S because I was slowly realising there were no games
but I also made £50 out of it all thanks to Zavvi selling me it cheap
did you have an xbox one before user? or dive in at the S, what did you end up getting with your money?
>You realize people who bought a Switch have jobs and don't emulate video games out of their moms home.
if you can afford a computer that can run CEMU you can afford a Switch + BOTW
Because I know that the switch will have more games I want to play. Why play a slightly diluted version when I know I'll be buying a Switch eventually anyway?
dove in with the S, because my friend kept telling me to get an Xbox ever since the 360 was out
I've always had a PlayStation and Nintendo Console, but I decided to go for it since I had a lot of money at the time, but I've got the games he wanted to play with me on PS4 already, so there was no reason to buy them again on Xbox and the only game I got for £6 was Sunset Overdrive
I played it for a while and that was actually a pretty great game, but when I noticed CEX would buy it off me for a lot of money, I just sold it
no idea what I did with the money
but goddammit the Xbox didn't have a fucking thing to play
only shit I was looking forward to was ReCore and Scalebound which I decided I'd just get both on Windows 10
until one was cancelled and one wasn't too fun
seems like Sea of Thieves is dead too
>i'm probably one of like 4 people on Sup Forums that actually bought this on wii u and installed it day 1
I wanted to pirate it, but cemu is the safer bet. Plus, I don't feel like waiting months for the game to be playable.
There really is no point in having an Xbox this gen at all, they really need to show something at e3 this year
what do you mean "safer bet"? were you afraid that nintendo would send their ninjas to kill you if you pirated the game?
you could have been playing it 5 days before release if you did
if Scorpio is actually a good idea and not garbage like nearly every new idea in the industry is, then I'd probably get it
especially if it has games, but that thing is just a multiplat system
What if Sony exclusives aren't that interesting and all the multiplats are on both?
I'm still confused about what it is, is it there ps4pro or is it the start of like the next gen for them
uhh then just build a computer
thats all todays consoles are but dumbed the fuck down
They are interesting tho, Bloodborne, Uncharted, Nier, Digimon, Persona, Nioh, Yakuza,
Sony has actually been getting pretty nice exclusives. If you're buying an expensive console for multiplats just buy a pc. The xbox is a weird thing and I have no idea how they sell at all.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that most people don't buy consoles to play one game and then return it. That would be pretty fucking stupid imo. There are those few that do that though.
I've thought maybe it'll be like a console you can upgrade like a PC, with Microsoft sold parts that'll be twice what you'd usually pay for upgrading a PC
it would explain why they've been focusing so much on the digital front as well as putting games on Windows 10
>They are interesting tho, Bloodborne.....
I don't want to fuck up my wii u because I'm braindead as shit with cracking consoles, but emulations is easy. Sorry that I want to keep my wii u, bro.
It's what happened with like 90% of switch purchases though. What else are you going to play on it? Isaac? Now that people are done with Zelda they will just gather dust until Mario comes out.
>they will just gather dust until Mario Kart comes out
Don't tell me what I find interesting, lad. Bloodbourne and nioh are the only ones on there id want and I don't buy consoles till there's at least 5 games I want. PS4 still hasn't managed that for me, personally.
I guess you didn't have a 360 then. Achievements and friends were the final deciding factor for me.
Achievements and friends? You can have those in any platform.
Sup Forums doesn't have "normie" taste which is where the xbone no gaems meme comes from.
For starters almost all popular games are mutliplat, but if you just look at exclusives quality of exclusives (in normie opinion) goes
Nintendo > PC >>>>>>>>>>> xbox > ps4
(This is based purely of how popular exclusives are on each platform. xbone/ps4 are essentially multiplat machines, PC has a lot of popular exclusives and multiplats, nintendo has pretty much just exclusives although this is probably due to nintendo consoles being unable to run multi plats)
>Bloodbourne and nioh are the only ones on there id want and I don't buy consoles till there's at least 5 games I want. PS4 still hasn't managed that for me.
This This gen sucks so much ass. Glad I built a PC after they announced their consoles and I noped the fuck out. I just bought a 2nd hand Wii U to crack it to play BotW, bayonetta 2 and some other exclusives I missed out on.
There are extensive guides for retards on /hbg/
>implying normies like Nintendo
More like
Normies don't play PC games, m8
I live by 'better safe than sorry' dude. I would pirate but I enjoy emulation a lot more.
That's pretty stupid. If you'd spent more time on getting achievements over trophies and both new consoles are slightly different polished turds then why would go for the trophy one?
And surely of you had a bunch of Xbox friends who all got xBones why would you go for the ps4?
If I could afford the pc I would have. The debate isn't about the pc. Stop shoehorning it in.
If you can afford a new PS4 and some games you can afford to build a decent PC.
>If you'd spent more time on getting achievements over trophies and both new consoles are slightly different polished turds then why would go for the trophy one?
Achievements and trophies are exactly the same thing. What are you even trying to say?
>And surely of you had a bunch of Xbox friends who all got xBones why would you go for the ps4?
I don't know anyone who owns a xbone.
>selling hardware
>Selling the thing that's a 5+ year investment
My PS4 is only now getting a steady flow of games after like 4 years.
A port of a old PC game outsold any of the sony exclusives. I'm basing this purely on sales, not opinions.
Literally google ps4 best sellers, repeat for pc, xbox etc and you will get
>ps4/xbone are basically multiplats
>PC has a lot of popular exclusives
>nintendo is almost completely exclusives
>Normies don't play PC games, m8
Amerilard detected
You prove my point. People don't even think about PC games if they're normies. That's why they're so popular when they're ported.
The Wii U only lasted 4 years and two months before it was discontinued.
If you left the console generation with 30,000 gamer points and, like, 5 trophies why would you switch to trophies for the latest generation? Again, I'm working from a platform that the latest consoles are equally shit and pc isn't an option.
Right, but we're not talking about YOU. We're talking hypotheticals. It involves you thinking about someone who ISN'T you.
This discussion has evolved from someone asking why would anyone have chosen an Xbone.
Why are you struggling with this?
If I had to guess I'd say PC is the mainstream everywhere out of Amerifat land, it definitely is in the UK. Although all the consoles are normie.
Also stuff like league of legends is incredibly popular everywhere
People HAVE PCs, but also coming from the UK, I would say that in my experience, Nintendo is a child's toy and a nu-male nostalgia machine, PC gaming is mainly done by neckbeards and old men, and PS4 and Xbone struggle to compete for the dudebro types and people that just want to play AAA games without worrying about it.
Weirdly enough, living in China, nobody uses PCs at all. League of Legends is on phone now, and EVERYONE uses their phone to game, almost exclusively. Overwatch is getting popular though. People mainly use internet cafes.
The Switch might not be a 5 year investment is what I'm getting at.
Because your point is that people choose the xbone because they are used to gamer points and have friends with xbones.. but no one has an xbone. Maybe it's just very different over there in the states, over here in europe the xbone is almost non-existant.
You have proof that 90% of switches purchased have been returned? I'm sorry but I don't believe that considering I still can't find one and Nintendo is producing more volume for the next batch
I'm in London and I have an xbone so...must be just me. What exactly is your sample here, when talking about Europe? Like, where's your data?
I'm not poor
Pretty obvious he meant most Switch were purchased to play Zelda alone.
Wasting money doesn't equal poor.
I have $50,000 spare and refuse to waste money like in this case where the definitive version is going to be on PC in a few months maximum.
Fuck off faggot. I've got FAST rmx to play now. And maybe Bomberman, which I rented off Gamefly because fuck paying full price for it.
Anywhere you look ps4 sold over double what xbone and wiiU combined did in Europe.
Yaa I understood I just don't think the Switch is comparable to the Wii U.
Because Xbone and WiiU were terrible consoles.
Ah OK. I still have a hard time believing that. I want a switch for Zelda yes but I also know Nintendo will produce some good stuff. Honestly when the wiiu comes down in price I may buy one of those too.
>There are subhumans out there that don't support vidya and steal dead consoles to pirate 720p ports of games
>oh shit, they made a good game
>should I buy it?
>nah I'll play it for free
>Nintendo gets less money
>goes back to making bad games
Really makes you think... Well, it would if you had a brain.
This. So retarded. Those people just love to post all day how they beat the system, as its all they have.