Find a flaw in this lore

Find a flaw in this lore.

You literally can't.

It's too long, our widest possible audience doesn't want to read, they want to play a CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE VIDEO GAME, therefore it has to be cut. Also you're not diverse enough so you're fired.

No flaw really it sounds like something that could actually happen it's comedic yet relevant.

What's the issue?

>British parliament is brought up


Torys and Labour are not going to be overtaken by some no names parties in the next 10 years

Well Labour might.

It doesn't explain the robot dinosaurs

That was when Wales was flooded.
Irreparably, this time.

Holo-pages? More like hollow pages...


The robot dinosaur are obviously a far-right plot to kill the refugees and lqbt.

Have some respect, user, there was a tremendous Holo-cost of human lives.

sounds reasonable, they already have a muslim mayor. dont know why everyone keeps complaining about this lore

>Sea levels rise due to climate change
>Britain is somehow unnaffected
>Even though most of the country would be underwater
>muh poor African refugees
Leftist fanfiction doesn't even make sense, do they believe there are magic barriers protecting whites countries against the forces of nature?

What a tragedy

That's not even a sensible excuse, because it specifically mentions the Azores being flooded, which is a part of Portugal, a White European country.

They are retards. London would be one of the first major cities to go.

Presumably causing as much as £20 worth of damage...

I know this is a joke thread about how much is flawed here, but I can't help but point this bit out:

>Second-Chance-Party-UK Prime Minister Sally Bowyer was among the first to tour the new museum. "Our nation totally needs this. What climate refugees endured was really bad. It completely deserves a real-space museum so we can literally stand in their remembrance and be aware and create a brighter world than what came before."

Even people who agree with whatever nonsense they are trying to push would see that this just sounds like a middle school girl gushing.

Unless the UK Prime Minister in whatever game this is is a middle school girl for some reason. Which I suppose is within bounds for whatever else is going on there.

White mans burden.

>Colonize world, and improve living standards
>Industrial revolution, making daily live easier
>Cars, Planes, Trains, Computers, Phones, ect
>Red Cross, Foreign aid to Africa, refugee resettlement, Affirmative action
>"Camp of the Saints" Style third world millions of hordes flood to Europe
>Europe goes black and never goes back
>Birthplace of western civilization destroyed forever because We Wuz Kangs n Shiiiiet

I mean damn, there's going to be what 4 billion Africans by 2100. Yes the biggest continent Africa will be hurt by flooding, not the coastal cities of Europe, ha!

>Birthplace of western civilization

Sounds like a 6th grade report.

I mean can't the leader of a nation use a better phrase than "really bad"?

What game

no israel

I mean literally, why do they literally love the word literally so much? *6th grade fanfiction*

Flooding must've been because of all the leeks plaguing the country.

Skyline: Nil Sunrise

>Climate Refugee Memorial Museum in London
They really didn't think this through, did they?

>really bad
>literally standing

This is fake, right?

My Google-fu is weak

It's in the fucking OP image you twat

I was talking about OP's image, you Welshman.

>a museum that celebrates people running from their problems and their country


Good old are Nige.


It's not actually lore, just bait.