>01./00. [3DS] Monster Hunter Double Cross (Capcom) {2017.03.18} (¥5.800) - 848.467 / NEW

For comparison
MHP2nd(FU): ~1.000.000
MH4: 1.715.060
MH4G: 1.446.289
MHX: 1.488.367
MHXX: 848.467

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm getting tired of playing MH on 3DS at least

Did you just unironically link Neogaf?

Kill yourself

MH is a mainstream casual title in Japan, so G-rank versions usually sell less, because they include some actually challenging content. Although in XX case it's negated by the ridiculously broken styles and weapon arts, so shouldn't be as much of an issue this time around.

It's because it's basically a re-release of X with a new monster or two. I fucking love monster hunter and even I probably won't play XX. I'm looking forward to MonHun switch though.

You do realise the XX content can just be bought as DLC for people who already own MHX, right? That's where all the missing figures are.

That aside, the nips are fickle motherfuckers, it's probably no coincidence that sales for a 3DS title are lower than previous entries following the release of the Switch.
Just wait for MH5 on the Switch and we'll see those higher numbers again for sure.

That's what they get for betraying Sony.
Maybe if Capcom gets on their knees and grovels real good Sony will let them put monster hunter on the PS4.

>yfw capcom takes this as people not liking styles and arts and removes them for mh5

It's not out in the west yet, is it?

There's nothing to "take as", the playerbase hates the styles and arts, that's a fact.

I'm done with MH until they out it out on the switch. Animal crossing and monster hunter both need to be announced before I even debate getting a switch.

This, except replace AC with a non-shit Metroid release. Not that I've anything against AC, it's just not something I'd buy a console for.

I hope that you realize that "Monhun switch" is actually just a port of xx

I just want a new animal crossing and they skipped the wii u.
I demand monster hunter 5 for the switch!!!!

I'd kill myself. I want 5.


There probably will be an XX port for the Switch. That said, if there's going to be a MH5 (and there definitely is), it'll be on the Switch too. Don't be daft.

maybe people are tired of playing MH on a fucking 3ds

I would expect a 600K drop off from the previous title to worry them

MH typically sells 1 million at the very least starting with FU and to see the sales go back to MH2nd/MH2 FW numbers to be worrying for them

>inb4 G games typically have a fall off user its fine!
Yes but not a 600K drop off. Plus them expected this to sell 2 million copies by march 31st. Thats not happening

Don't hold your breath on that

Mark my words, MH5 (sony's new "V" trademark) is coming to PlayStation just in time for the monster hunter movie. It's probably going to be casualized as fuck too

I know Capcom are massive sluts when it comes to corporate partnerships, but let's not get ahead of ourselves now.

Another game with shitty fucking Arts and styles.

Perfect dodge, Aerial style, and healing arts are cancer. Supers I can accept, but they really need to dial back the crazy. Mounting was too far as is.

Why add new, bad shit, when they could make the old, good shit better? Fuck swimming, arts, styles, and mounting. Make Elements and Status important outside of gimmick builds, make Hammer matter somehow, make high-level GL ACTUALLY USE THE FUCKING GUN, make SnS/DS viable, rework CB so it isn't king of technical and stun play, make LBG worthwhile. Figure out the good monsters and keep them, fix or axe the bad ones. Kezu and Gravios suck cocks, Giginox and Uragaan are way better. Why so many Flying Wyverns? Snake Wyverns need more than one good monster.

Before the accusations about weapon taste come in, I'm HBG and have played since Freedom.

Also, Seregios should be a Bird Wyvern, not Flying.

Capcom are literally driving all their IPs to the ground for being cheap fucks

>SFV flopped
>RE7 flopped
>MHXX flopped
What else they going to shit out now? Once Itsuno inevitably ditches this sinking ship, all they have left is Pachinko I guess.

Even the japanese know there is just going to be a Switch release of XX when the english version is announced.

So of course it's going to have shit sales. It would be even worse if Capcom did announce a Switch version later.

>I'm getting tired of playing MH on 3DS at least
christ, this. put it on PC and PS4 with crossplay and it will sell much better. i'll even buy it twice.


The lead of Monster Hunter is the son of Capcom's CEO
This lead hates Sony since they told him to fuck off when they asked to update the adhoc program for PS3 then Sony demanded they make trophies for MHP3HD

So don't you hold your breath on that either.

MHX isn't called 5 because it has styles.

Look at the steamspy numbers. Disappointing as fuck.

Is the newest western release of Monster Hunter on the New Nintendo 3DS a good game?

That guy is a fucking retard. He wanted adhoc on fucking PS3 instead of just using online matchmaking. Fuck him. No wonder MH is dying now, stagnant and ugly.

4U is the best 3DS Monster Hunter, especially if you're new to the series as it's the most beginner friendly. (Which is the impression I get from you post)

Generations? It's okay. Unbalanced as all fuck due to the Arts and Styles and putting old unmodified monsters and maps that haven't been used since circa FU right next to brand new ones is uncanny and awkward to say the least.
4U and 3U are still better, but it's not a terrible game on the whole.
The shit already existed, they just wanted Sony to update it.

>Monster Hunter

Thanks I'll buy 4U

Is it counted in the sales?

4 days is not 7 days

>You do realise the XX content can just be bought as DLC for people who already own MHX, right?
Really? That explains a lot. How much does it cost as DLC?


I agree the series should be exactly like MH1 and not evolve or add anything ever.

Holy shit, the madmen sold almost 1M of the same game.

Pokemon main games is the only Dell well un japan

>can just be bought as DLC
Source? I can only find the opposite and braindead fans making up excuses that buying a new upgraded version is not rip-off.

>First week
>Came out 4 days ago

>here's a whole list of changes I liked, and a few major ones I didn't
>including weapons, monsters, and moves that weren't in MH1
>dislike some monsters that were in old MH
>also you rework the game so it's got better weapon balance (and would barely resemble MH1)


I can't express how much I hate faggots like you.

I discarded anything you said after you bitched about swimming

Speaking of Capcom, what the hell is going on with Deep Down?

>halved attack speed for melee and less than halved range for guns is good

Nah, fuck off with that.

MHX had TWO DAYS I REPEAT 2 DAYS AND SOLD 1.5 million copies for the week it was apart of

MH4 had TWO DAYS OF SALES I REPEAT 2 DAYS and sold 1.8 million copies for the week it was apart of

MH4G had TWO DAYS OF SALES I REPEAT 2 DAYS and sold 1.6 million copies for the week it was apart of

MHXX did 850K in 4 days.Its a fucking flop dont try to spin this shit faggot know...MHX was just a shit game to begin with? Why would an enhanced remake of a shit game sell?

>An insane 850k sales is a flop because these other games sold insanely well


>Five games on the 3DS
>Gen is a rehash of previous 3DS games with a worthless style gimmick
>XX is just Gen with two new monsters
>evasion arts negate almost all of the difficulty
>only one monster is worth fighting no matter what you're looking for

MH literally hasn't sold less than 1 million copies first week since MH2nd which did 600K. This is a flop

Switch is objectively the best console to put it on.

>850k is insane
850k is really good for a new IP. For something that is as established as MonHan, in JP no less, it's almost dismal. It sets them way behind projections unless Capcom has some crazy forward thinking business dudes...
>Nip company
Actually, this might be in line with what they expect presuming they saw how the fanbase reacted to X, Jap companies like to plan decades ahead instead of next quarter.

Fucking good.

They need somethign to shake them up and motivate them to pull another tri where they bring the series back to its roots to try and re-examine what makes it good again.

The anime super moves and QTE mounting nonsense of the newer games has ruined the core hunting experience of the series.


Fair enough, what I've heard about XX's G-Rank doesn't look promising even with pic related aside.

>You do realise the XX content can just be bought as DLC for people who already own MHX, right?

This is the first time I've heard about this.

>tfw no mhxx on vita

Reminder that Freedom Unite and Portable 3rd are the best MH games and were also the last ones released for Sony consoles/handhelds.

>brought it back to its roots



Did I miss something in FU (read: MH Dos Redux) that was crazy left field?

>nothing new in mindblowing in MHXX
*yawn* wake me up when they decide to make new content which wasn't all played in 4U
*leans to the left*
*places paw on cheek and closes eyes*
(ー。ー) zzz

I hope it worries them enough to not make another shit game.

How many copies did they sell on the Vita?

0. That's right. Kill yourself.

they're gonna see it us Japs not liking styles and arts and get rid of them in the next game

I have no problem with this

Styles lock away all the good moves that should've been in the base moveset to begin with.

Good. Hopefully they get rid of arts for good and never think about using them again.

>need to buy overpriced 330€ tablet
>get uncomfy controllers
>need to spend 70€ extra for a controller that meets my bare minimum standards
>oh nevermind it doesn't even have a 3.5mm jack to put my headset in, I still need to buy an extention cord all the way from the Switch in TV mode to where I'm sitting if I want to use a headset
>nevermind ver.02, there is no chat system on the Switch, I need to use my phone even inside my house and drain its battery or keep it in constant charge if I want to chat with people while playing this co-op game with friends, all the while the game sound blasts from the TV because the headset will only have chat audio, not both game+chat like any normal console would
>Speaking of phone, there NO WAY TO INVITE FRIENDS in the first place from the console proper, even here I have to use the phone and the functionality doesn't even exist yet
>I would also need to pay another yearly fee to play 1 game online because there sure as shit aren't any others on this system I'm interested in playing online.

I huh... no thanks. For all the added costs and literally no benefit I'd rather just play it on my 3DS for free and speak via skype/discord. That play on PC/PS4. But definitely not Switch.

I guess this is what happens when you waste so many years making a spin-off that ended up being mediocre as fuck

The joycons are actually quite comfortable when separate

Otherwise yes, a lot of system features are very underdeveloped as of now

Metal gear Mantis was a mistake

Literally Hideo Baba of MH


>Capcom a realizing that Nintendo platforms are no longer profitable for third parties


New final boss in XX, only endgame worth doing.

>I guess this is what happens when you waste so many years making a spin-off that ended up being mediocre as fuck
Still alive and kicking, and jewing people with Hunterslyfe Courses as usual :^)

>cartridge based media is easy to port


They just need to make a MH game that isn't shit.

>he thinks styles are leaving

Style haters are so pathetic. They allow you to play traditional with no HA and you still bitch.

I let it slide if it meant an alternative to Hellsol, as well as attempting to defy the final boss gear syndrome.

I can't stand the right joycon in any configuration. I hated the retarded as fuck "analog above face buttons" design on WiiU, but now I understand why it's there.

You simply can't have an analog in the center (or below) region and not add a grip, the right thumb will be constantly bending and it simply cramps my hand. Joycons don't have any sort of palm rest so the analog should be above the face buttons in order to match my thumb's natural position. the PS4 controller has the analog down below, but it's also towards the center on the controller (not literally below the face buttons like in the Joycons) and it has a grip to rest my palm on and create distance to fully extend my thumb while aiming.

As a LBG main and Bow/GL as secondary I need comfy controllers
3DSxl + CPP already makes my hands cramp, no way in hell the seperate joycons are more comfy than that. and the joycongrip doesn't look any bigger than CPP's handles.

Anyway the controller is just 1 of like 15 reasons why I will never ever buy a Switch as it currently is. Maybe if they fix everything with a revision I will START to consider it.

MonHun on Playstatino fucking when?

>Aerial still has no I-frames
>Adept Evades still encourages you to throw yourself into attacks on purpose
>Brave is wasted potential because the gauge is virtually unsustainable
>Alchemy... lol

>Linking to neogaf.

Can't you be more transparent?

>I wish Rajang isn't the meta

Fucking this.

I hope this MH clone on this pc is decent

How does brave work? Is some kind of adept?

That's still a lot of units sold.

>01./00. [3DS] Monster Hunter Double Cross (Capcom) {2017.03.18} (¥5.800) - 1.014.584 / NEW

>Aerial still has no I-frames
Bait??? I can literally Aerial Evade almost every attack and counter them with aerial attacks? You just have to time it right, the MOI activates when your hunter tucked his fit during aerial dodge.

Please. Anything but the 3DS for the next one. My eyes can't take any more of this.

If they abandon the 3ds, the next one will be a Switch, PS4, and MAYBE Vita multiplat.

>mhx is average
>hey i know lets release a mhxg
>it sells less because people didnt like mhx
think for once capcom

Do you honestly believe that, with how cheap Capcom has been with this franchise?

Nearly a million in 4 days is bad? It's not even the weekend, when most people will probably go to pick it up since they'll be able to play it

Still, as someone that's dumped 1500 hours average between 4U and 3U, I hope they realise X was terrible and never think of doing that shit again.

You attack from Brave stance to fill the gauge in order to achieve Brave Mode, which expands your moveset. Getting hit in Brave stance auto-sheathes your weapon and you take damage unless the action is a tremor, wind or roar, or a flash.

Now the problem with that style is that Brave Mode cannot be sustained indefinitely like LS and DB's gauges, because your attacks refill too little. God forbid if the monster changes areas or went underground.

Its heartbreaking because some of the good moves are locked behind such a wasted potential of a style. The Lance Shield Bash being a GP is far useful than the sweep could ever be.

RE 7 was a good game tho, shame. Inb4 we needed RE5 2, RE3 2 or RE6 2 instead

How the fuck are Famitsu and Media Create off by so much so times? Like what the fuck?

Its the handheld only meme
If they just sell it on console and maybe even PC way more people will buy it
I would buy monster hunter, but I'm not gonna buy a DS just for one game

Wait no I'm an idiot, it's like 3k hours total with the two games added together for my playtime.

I can't bring myself to pass 70 in X. It just feels terrible. Everything about it feels lame. The new monsters are cool but there really aren't enough.

It's bad in comparison to their previous sales. I would expect a miserly company like Capcom to notice.

The question is if they'll do anything about it, or just go "Good enough" and keep going.

The pessimist in me expects the latter.