Buy my game

buy my game

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Already did.

Also thanks for Morrowind. And please save Arcanum.

Stay awesome, Todd

It says here that you haven't preordered Skyrim: Legendary Edition for the Nintendo Switch, can you explain?

Never bought any Beth game after Morrowind and Bloodmoon

You're not our target audience anymore.

W-what if I don't have a Switch?

I dont have a Switch, Todd. Nintendo does not deserve my money.

Bethesda does, though. Maybe I'll buy Skyrim on Switch to gift a friend who has the Switch.

Hey Todd. Don't mind me I am just borrowing these games.

Don't worry I got it.

How much does Bethesda get from ZeniMax?


You are playing with a power whitch you don't understand kiddo.

[dusl casts banish daedra]

Oh sorry.

They go to the flames then.

I heard TES VI won't have a main quest?
Can you explain this nonsense to me?

Someone explain this shotgun to me. How does it work with the magazine halfway up the barrel?

It is too early to tell anything, all I can say is that you will get the best gaming experience in your all life.

Our team is working very hard to deliver you an excellent game which will succeed to be better than our award winning games like Fallout 4 or Skyrim.

By the way user did you buy Fallout 4? You should consider your words carefully because if I won't like your answer this goes up in your ass.

Did, thanks. It's a shame it takes 150+ plus mods and hours of playtesting them to make your games bearable.

I don't understand your problem fella. To be honest I enjoyed Fallout 4 much better without any mods, it gave me a much better gaming experience.

Look man, it just works


The back of the shotgun is longer than usual so it can fit in a really, really long spring, which makes the hammer hit the shotgun shell much harder to increase its range.

Very good post!

Perfectly said, I wanted to say the same. I am just an ordinary guy playing video games but this was clear from me from the first time I saw it.


It's not available for preorder.

Huh, he is just a man after all

Can someone photoshop "100% chance that this image is a lie"?

This threads make me feel bad. I honestly love Bethesda games, Sup Forums generally doesn't like anything, but in all seriousness I do like Todd's games a lot. It makes me feel bad because I've never actually bought the Bethesda games I play, I pirated them because I'm poor, but I love them.
Sorry, Todd.

Can you imagine how amazing Skyrim would be if it had chivalry like combat?

Can you imagine how amazing Skyrim would be if it was good?

>Being this jealous.

I mean, who wouldn't. I love Bethesda. I was smiling for a whole month straight when I heard they scrapped the open-world space-noir Prey 2 and made it a linear irrelevant FPS with spiders!

So looking forward to it. I hope they consult Todd, in case there's a dialogue or character progression systems in urgent need of nerfing.

Impartial gamer here, it IS good user.

Todd is just a playtester when it comes to non-Fallout or Elder Scrolls games.

What the hell does Prey 2 has to do with Todd Howard.

Can I get a quick rundown on these two?

if it was like Morrowind I would agree

2 mins 14

Motherfucker now I can't make fun of Todd, this made me love him.

Motherfucker...Todd and I have the same hair.

How do you make Skyrim fun?
What's a good build for legendary difficulty?

>legendary difficulty
gee that sounds really fun

>How do you make Skyrim fun?
Well, if you don't enjoy the game quests and things to do as they are, there are a lot of mods, but if you're really not having fun I don't think mods can fix that at all.
>What's a good build for legendary difficulty?
Just try whatever suits you best. Heavy armor is a good thing for defense in that difficulty, and using shields instead of magic is definetely easier and will help you more sometimes.

To be fair, these socks are bitchin'.

Why don't you enjoy the amazing damage sponge enemy design?

>What's a good build for legendary difficulty?
A good build for legendary difficulty is playing on Normal like a proper fucking human and not trying to make the game more a grindfest than it is already.