Are breast jiggle physics important for video games?

Are breast jiggle physics important for video games?

A great game can only be built on great jiggle physics

Why is an obnoxious midget alien included in the BIG girls graph?

>tfw she's the only girl shroter than me

im a guy btw

Only for games that focus on making them ladies sexy.
Mostly fighting games.

What did they mean by this?

Those girls are really tall.

looks are important too

>only girls over 14 have gigantic monster tits that only idiots like
A big ol fuck you


i got it from a Sup Forums thread
i miss their thicc threads

It's as important as any other anatomical correctness

It's okay fellow manlet.
All of the other girls are taller than the average.

God, for my whole life, since I discovered how my dick works I've wanted to fuck Kari just so fucking bad.


I want to fuck Lum's footpussy. You heard me Sup Forums, whatchu gonna do about it?

I need ass jiggle and breast jiggle. Not too bouncy, not too stiff, just right

Only if they are good
>Pro tip: There hasn't ever been not even one game with good breast physics so far.


Good breast physics add a bit to the game. Bad breast physics make the game unplayable. If you're gonna make shitty physics where the character's tits are phasing back into their chest cavity when they run forward, may as well not have breast physics at all.

Because publishers and studios don't care about putting time into developing games with compelling stories and engaging mechanics. They just want to pander to the lowest common denominator, who cares more about eye candy and empty entertainment.

As long as they are somewhat accurate

Anyone else lose their shit as a kid/teen to the elf maid in baldurs gate dark alliance?

99% of games have mediocre to shit gameplay and story, atleast put those resources to something worth buying a game for