Sup Forums suddenly hates the Fade in Dragon Age

>Sup Forums suddenly hates the Fade in Dragon Age


Fade was always shit.

Skip The Fade mod for lyfe, going through that shit legit on my first playthrough was enough.

>why is there gameplay in my game? MOD THAT SHIT

Funny way to spell cancer.


Even if you enjoy it the first time, which I honestly did, it is so fucking tedious on any other play-through.


How fucking new are you?

It's alright but waaay too dragged out. Make it three times shorter and it will be better. I didn't have much problem with it on my first playthrough, but after that I want to drop the game every time I get there.
So yeah fuck fade

>be a mouse
>go through the same level several times
>no consequences for the rest of the game
>almost no dialogue
>took me almost 3 hours on first playthrough because of the mechanics
>trial and error puzzles

Yea no, fuck the fade

It was fun on the first playthrough. Second time you do this just turns into:
>go grab spirit form
>telepot from place to place
>grab another form
>teleport some more
>grab another one
>teleport some more
>kill the demon
>kill another demon
>oh look, a spirit form
>more teleportation
>kill the demon
>teleport even more because fuck you
>kill the last demon
>teleport and talk with every companion
>kill the demon boss

It wasn't hard, it was tedious as fuck. The visals got old very fast, and the whole thing takes way more time, overstaying it's welcome.

We always hated it. When I saw we I mean popular opinion I've seen here throughout the years that points to the fade sucking.

I enjoyed the intro, I like realms or "planes" like that where everything feels like mist but it's repetitive as shit. Actually DA;O may be one of the WORST rpg's as far as replay value is concered because of that shit and the deeproads. They're places that are amusing once if even that, not a 2nd or 3rd.

I'm pretty sure people always hated it. Skipping the fade was one of the most popular mods. Not sure why tho, I loved it even tho the aesthetics are pretty awful.

It removes you from a tense moment of the game and drags on for far too long.

you are bizarro me. I think the aesthetics are awesome, but level design is horrible.

Fade would be good if it wasn't 3 fucking hours long drag of copypasted shit that removes you from the story at a pivotal moment.

I've never played i, but everyone I know that has hated the fade. I know how much they hated it because it's the only thing I remember about the game form them talking about it.

>Sup Forums
Also, fuck the Deep Roads.

I like the deep roads. I like underground ruins and tunnels filled with monsters. Speaking of underground ruins, everyone go play Underrail

Deep Roads fucking drag man, they're cool on first playthrough but when replaying they are legitimately just a far shittier version of Underdark from Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights.

I guess that's a good point. Although without it the tower would be really short. Personally I liked the mechanics of shapeshifting and finding the stat altairs and all that. Plus the revelations for each companion are pretty great.

I like the idea but it doesn't look particularly good in the engine.

Fade is just bad in all 3 games

I think fade has always been over-exaggerated here. Same thing with Deus Ex liberty island and Baldur's Gate 2's Irenicus' dungeon.

All 3 games are bad.

who in their right mind shits on Liberty Island?

Blood Mage origin Fade =/= Tower Fade

The Blood Mage origin story Fade is short and fine.

We're talking about the 3+ hours long dogshit one midway into the game.

Irenicus Dungeon and Liberty Island are also short.

It was that part of the game that you play around for 15 minutes, don't fucking get it and drop the game for a week, then build up a courage to go through with it already or just drink alcohol.

And with each replaying it gets only worse.

The Fade was an interesting concept and fun to play through once. After that, it was dreadful to endure all the Fade all over again. That is why that skip the Fade mod was and is immensely popular.