>replay old game
>wonder if it's actually as good as I remember
>it totally is
this is the best feeling.
>replay old game
>wonder if it's actually as good as I remember
>it totally is
this is the best feeling.
Other urls found in this thread:
Demon's Souls thread? That's nice.
I didn't play DeS until after DaS, but man I love it so much. Personally I'd rank it third behind DaS and BB. Future games had too many quality of life improvements to rank DeS at the top for me personally, but I think it does still hold up remarkably well regardless due to the wonderful art, level design, setting, etc. I really wish it could get a remaster on PS4 because I'd buy the hell out of that.
penetrator for best boss
Holds up
You better not be putting Dark Souls first.
surprisingly, this holds up too
BB > DaS > DaS3 > DaS2 >>>>>>> DeS.
Fuck off nostalgia retards.
And gets even better on dolphin.
The Souls series died when From became self-aware of the memes and created the "Prepare to Die" edition. And then good level design was replaced with just placing big mobs or powerful enemies here and there.
Demon's Souls and Dark Souls before the DLC cancer, were the golden age of Souls.
BB > DaS > DeS > DaS3 > DaS2
I think DaS2 is the only one that's below 8/10. DaS had the phenomenal world design and interconnectedness plus the lore that put is slightly ahead of DeS for me. AotA was also a massive reason why, too. BB was just a fucking brilliant game all around and with Old Hunters it's one of my favorite games period now. I think 3 is a great game that doesn't quite reach the absolute heights of the others, and DaS2 is really mixed.
DeS, DaS, and BB are the holy trinity of Soulsborne to me. I think all three are excellent, and it's a real testament to DeS that it still holds up the exact same as it did at launch 8 years ago.
>DaS > DaS3
Fuck off nostalgia retard.
DeS hardly aged well though, the bosses and gameplay in general doesn't hold up. Only reason to replay it is for the atmosphere.
I've yet to fight him without help. I wonder how brutal he is by myself.
BB > DeS > DaSII SotFS = DaSIII > DaS PTD > DaS > DaSII
>replay old game
>wonder if it's actually as good as I remember
>it's actually even better
Beautiful beautiful game
DaS3 is objectively better than 1 in pretty much every way.
The correct rating is
New Gen souls (bb/das3) > Old Gen souls (des, das1/2)
Exactly what I felt after RE4 and DMC1
This one actually pisses me off, since no game even attempted to do it better after Dead Space.
But DaS is the most critically nostalgic game in the series despite having the worst potential gameplay and unbelievably bad design choices.
Anyone that puts DkS1 above BB or DeS is literally picking nostalgia over gameplay, and it's easily the worst of the 3 original titles.
He's no more brutal than going up against Flamelurker or False King solo.
Objective rating incoming.
BB >>>>> DeS/Nioh >>>>> nobody cares lol.
I played and finished Dark Souls, then I bought a PS3 and Demon Soul, I am not liking it, beside the poor framerate, the barren landscapes, having to go back to the Nexus for leveling and the way weight is handled.
I am still stuck in the first level, where the soon-to-be-recycled dragons just lie there where I can't hit them.
Unless I am supposed to buy 10000000 arrows and spend an hour hitting him.
You avoid them.
DaS has godtier design, get cancer faggot.
>having to go back to the Nexus for leveling
Why does every AotAbaby feel like they have the right to complain about this when every souls game has a level up waifu and DaS1 would too if it wasn't rushed as fuck?
Flamelurker is a lot easier if you use magic or dunk your weapon in sticky white stuff.
Demon's Souls does not hold up to DS1/2/3/BB
You're not supposed to kill them in 1-1. The red dragon in particular you get no real reward for killing at any point. You're supposed to run away from them. Much like the 5-2 island of giant depraved niggers.
Demons and to a lesser extend bloodborne are the only souls games that have no weak areas every area does exactly what it sets out to do. And this until the end of the game there is no lost izalith weaker second half to either of these games.
I think I will look up a walkthrough because I do not know where to go.
>no weak areas
I absolutely love BB but Burgertown was pretty shit and has a total of 8 mobs + NPC enemy.
Do you have brain damage? Demon's Souls doesn't throw you in an open, interconnected world. It throws you at the start of a level and tells you to go foward and foward is the only way to go. How are you lost in 1-1 Boletaria Palace?
>replay old game
>wonder if it's actually as good as I remember
>it isn't
>almost all NPCs and bosses in DeS are memorable
>DaS2 and 3 barely have any you can remember
Why is this?
Nostalgia, DeS bosses are pretty trash. Even Allant fights like a senile old man now compared to OoK or the Champ.
If you're in 1-1 you need to find a way to go around the side entrances from where you first go in, and you'll eventually find a lever to open the big gate you're presented with when you first enter the level. You have to kind of loop around but it's not that hard, just stick with it.
After that the level becomes a bit more linear I suppose.
>DaS1 bosses are so forgettable the game didn't even get an honorable mention
Ice cold
Pretty forgettable game besides tower of latria
Not even worth going to NG for since bosses suck ass and the online one ain't possible now since servers are vacant
Since the gameplay was not the point even back then. Silent Hill 2 is perfect.
>every boss in DeS is trivialized by how terrible the healing system is
Just WHAT did they mean by this?
Cobra Triangle for NES by Rare
Not him but memorable doesn't mean hard
I've only played up til Das2 and there's a tonne of forgettable bosses that are semi-hard compared to DeS were the only hardish one was flamelurker.
I mean Tower Knight is a piece of piss but he's memorable cos he looks fucking cool.
I would say that DeS bosses are a lot less replayable though, most of them have a gimmick and that's it once you've found it. While this is true for most other souls bosses, I think later games gimmicks require a little more skill to execute.
>gameplay was not the point
>horror game
>not scary
I hate SH2fags so much.
>Go to replay DeS
>Remember 2-1 and 4-1
I played DeS but I pretty much forgot all of it desu.
It means you are a le prepare to die faggot.
Yeah SH2 is a pretty good game but SH1 is scarier and SH3 has a better story.
I like psychological thrillers and shit but as a game it's fairly meh.
Pic related is my pick.
What the fuck am I reading? Penetrator is an absolute pushover. He barely even does anything.
>Demon's Souls is now considered old
>There are people who think it's old enough to have "aged"
I want underaged kids to go
Just picked it up used for 15 euros, I was glad since it's pretty rare to find it in my country.
Is the performance as bad as people say?
Despite being a PCfat I can tolerate 30 fps, but not when it goes into the 20s.
8 years, user. If someone was 10 when it came out, they can post here.
>having to go back to the Nexus for leveling
It's literally a non-issue. The only time you're really going to want to level up is right after a boss, so a warp point is right there, and if you've got a lot of souls you probably want to spend them on other things besides level-up as well.
Every boss is a pushover if you start off as Royalty like I did.
I don't remember it ever being all that bad, not noticably awful like DaS blighttown was anyway. Probably because the games aren't as open.
>boss fight in earlier game worse than boss fights that came later
No shock there, it should be expected. But he said memorable, not difficult. Demon's Souls bosses mostly try to be unique (ie. gimmick) compared to the later games where almost everything was just an intense dps race.
Fool's Idol isn't hard, but you can't even kill her if you walk into the level blind.
Old Monk is intended to be a pvp boss fight.
Tower Knight is Achilles.
Dragon God is more of a puzzle.
Killing all the small soldiers leaves Phalanx useless.
Maneater is maneaters.
In later games every boss is just another Maneater/Flamelurker/False King. What makes Demon's Souls so great is the variety and experimentation.
This is acceptable.
This. I wish people would move away from "intensely hard automatically = good/better". I love kirby games but they aren't hard. They do allow you to play the games in different ways though with different abilities. DeS is really fun in this way.
Watching souls bosses later on especially in BB and DaS3 every boss seemed to fight like Flamelurker. Just big sweeping moves and very very fast.
I've played it first time a year ago and I remember performance being much better than console versions of DaS 1. I can't really remember times when fps went noticeably below 20.
Personally I'd put DaS2 ahead of DaS3.
Spot on otherwise.
Nailed it familia.
Not to mention the OST. I feel like tracks such as the armoured spider's theme were much more varied as opposed to the literal choir for every fight of 3.
I don't think Spyro will ever not be fun to play
More than anything I put it down to the trumpets and horns that completely disappeared from later soundtracks. Everything in later games is either blaring orchestrals with the choir (DaS1 and 3), low Gregorian chanting (DaS2) or the 3 tracks in each game where they remembered that people like the solo piano pieces. There isn't a single track in later games that sounds like Phalanx's theme.
where did I say that he was difficult? I just liked his design the best.
>scrub who hasn't played the game past NG
Idk, every time I try Demon's Souls I give up after running out of grass usually on like the late 2nd or 3rd place I go
Don't mind me, just posting best DeS world.
Don't get hit you just dupe them
I wonder why they never brought back the composer who did the music for Demon's Souls for any of their future games.
every fucking time
DaS is objectively the game overall
It works as a psychological thriller.
I wish the game was as epic as that art
>Much like the 5-2 island of giant depraved niggers.
oh boy, I love that one.
>4 of the strongest enemies in the game in the middle of movement inhibiting swamp which makes fighting them almost impossible
>expect a reward
>it's just revival stones, which are not rare in the least
it's a nice lesson that sometimes, not challenging a dumb-looking fight is the correct option. It's these kind of things which build atmosphere.
It works as an interactive movie. Even adventure games have better gameplay than SH2.
i still enjoy MM 6-9 these days
nigga that's the best level in the game. The sheer amount of strategies you use can get through it, and the amazing rewards you get early-game for doing so it great. It's the definition of high-risk high-reward.
good taste
This 100% this is acceptable
>playing souls for the first time
>very low soul level
>ooooh shrine of storms, sounds neat
>go into 4-1
>see skeleton off into the distance animate
>starts rolling toward me
>get shit stomped
>beat them and get to the red skeleton
Those skeletons were the fucking best. Same with the shitty BP that spawned there.
This happened to me last year with Tomb Raider 2.
It took me by surprise, to say the least.
Although I've never played a Souls game, recently I've been watching a 100% playthrough of Demon Souls by Scribe. He makes that game sound so damn good with his knowledge of lore.
Really I'd love to try a playthrough myself but I honestly don't think I'm good enough to get anywhere.
I'm pretty fucking bad at videogames but DeS isn't too bad. Nothing there is impossibly hard and ball busting short of some enemies like the black phantom swamp lady in world 5.
All you do is die, learn from your mistakes, take a different approach and beat whatever.
>watching LP's of an otherwise great game
Don't rob yourself of an experience, you should make a point to try out a game that interests you, no matter the difficulty. Souls is rewarding as fuck when you finally conquer what you think is hard.
>his knowledge of lore
Demon's Souls tells you everything up front. There's no mystery to crack, there's nothing vague, it's just there. You should stop watching this tosser and start playing the game yourself because unless the game is called Drakengard then you should experience it yourself. Remember, you're only casual if you give up.
>putting darks souls before demon souls
what a pleb
That little shit always managed to get a heal off
>Demon's Souls tells you everything up front.
>tells you black and white world tendency events
>Finally git gud enough to beat the first skeleton
>Discover that if you run straight to the second one patrolling skellies will fuck you up
Truly masterful game design.
That was clearly in regards to discussion of lore.
The series got better after it, but damn does it still have the most "space adventure" atmosphere of all the games. Oh, and that music
>That gritty, industrial aesthetic
>That imaginative, original fantasy world
>That crushing difficulty
Abe should have more games.
>unless the game is called Drakengard then you should experience it yourself
That's like recommending reading a walkthrough of Killer7.
Funny, I used to hate this game as a kid. Tried replaying it recently and it's surprisingly fun.
>implying it didn't give you more freedom to build a character after the first boss than any other souls game