One of the characters in Mass Effect: Andromeda is modeled after this girl

One of the characters in Mass Effect: Andromeda is modeled after this girl.
Can you guess who?


Have not played yet but I'm guessing the krogan?

More like mass effect androgena am I right?


none of them

fuck off with this shitty bait

No, you have it all wrong.
Andromeda is a sexist tile for a video game.
Andro-medus = male ruler
The patriarchy strikes again.

That is a mentally ill man and not a grill.

morgan webb?

the ugly one


source? this looks like a porn screencap.

remind me of male ryder's proportions again

The male Ryder?

Is this one of them there transsexual bastards?


That's Morgan Webb, retard

No one can guess because their modelling is worse than shit tier. They have a tier of their own, actually.

More like Morgan male because she looks like a fucking man

Why do people remove their eyebrows to use a stupid ass clearly fake paint to create another one after? People find it sexy or something?

>They have a tier of their own, actually.
Yup. Not even /agdg/ is that bad

>mfw Sup Forums was wrong and the jews are white supremacists


user, that is clearly a large pile of makeup

you keep posting the edit, not the original


The grill on the left is obviously hiding manjaw behind her hairdo so the model is probably accurate

How terrifying that may be