We already have 2 goty contenders. Persona 5 in the near future. Is the west finished?

We already have 2 goty contenders. Persona 5 in the near future. Is the west finished?

Other urls found in this thread:


>yfw BotW wouldn't have even existed without heavy Western influence

>le open world is western meme

People will trot out Horizon though.

RDR2 is not making 2017 and even then without The Benz it's a total wild card. Horizon and Shadow of Mordor will be the west's weapons of choice in the GotY discussion, even if critics rate Zelda and Persona higher.

Zelda MAY win goty, and that's a BIG "may". NiER has no chance.

Like it or not, it will most likely go to some trash western game. Just give up on reviewers. They're biased.

Ghost Recon is better than all this shit

Japan is really going all out this year. Gravity Rush 2, Nioh, BotW, Nier. The west shat out Horizon though so that's some competition at least.

If Dragon Age: Inquisition could steal it.

I wouldn't doubt that Mass effect Andromeda couldn't.


Remove Nier (4/10 game), add Nioh (9/10 game).

I don't think a game that has sub 80 score on metacritic could win normies goty awards.

This is the year that they have finally started to realise that bioware make half arsed games.


It's your regular copy paste western sandbox with a female character and mechanical dinosaurs.

The latter two doesn't even help it in the slightest

Nioh is good, but Nier shits on it hard.

In your dreams. You realize GOTY doesn't mean “best game of the year”, it means “game that normies liked the most”, right?

Show me a single joe normie playing nier.

>Post a Weeabo image

Automata isn't even better than the first Nier.

Nioh is miles better with a good story, nice characters and actual fun gameplay.

this 2bh Nioh is honestly Nioh is even better than Zelda.

>and actual fun gameplay.
Quick question: Can you dodge cancel in Nioh?

The thing I hate about souls-genre is that you can't stop your attack animation to dodge instead, which turns the gameplay from reaction-based to memory-based. (Not my cup of tea)

Thanks for showing us that you didn't play it.

I agree with the anons above, Horizon will be praised by tumblrinas and faggots in general, just look at HZD threads here, there's always at least one protecting it and claiming it is the best thing ever.

Awards don't matter, a popularity contest means shit.


Yes, you can. There's even a bug where you can dodge cancel super fucking fast. Not sure if they've patched it yet.

>this mad his favorite game turns out to be shit

I love Nier Automata. It's the most fun I've had in a game since Bloodborne. Don't even care about the haters.

Must feel good being a contrarian.

>The thing I hate about souls-genre is that you can't stop your attack animation to dodge instead

Why because you can't think two steps ahead?

Nioh is a shitty Souls clone for dumb literal weebs with horrible level design and shitty combat desu. It's like 6/10 max

What an awful post

What an awful post

Bannerlord will win GOTY!

No, because I have to know either by heart, by guide or by trial and error how many hits I can get in before the boss does his next attack animatino.

Again, memory-based. I have to actively remember “okay, I can get 3 hits after this animation lands - no more”.

>dark souls is western influence

this desu

nier is shitty weebbait and not good at all

nioh is amazing, just like yakuza

Nier Automata is a shitty DMC clone for dumb literal weebs with horrible level design and shitty combat desu. It's like 6/10 max

>the west's only hope for a GotY candidate this year is if the Turks finally get off their ass and save everybody
i can't take the irony anymore

I love automata too but i feel like i don't love it nearly as much as other people. what do you love about it so much?

>Samurai simulator
>not weeb
Meanwhile Nier with a mgs2 level tier story. Makes you think.

Literally falseflagging. You don't own either game.

>tfw sjws successfully managed to screw the western gaming industry
>tfw you remember that they're unwelcome in the eastern gaming industry, and that's why it's thriving so much

>by guide or by trial and error how many hits I can get in before the boss does his next attack animatino.
are you legit retarded?

Persona 5 > BotW > Nioh > Yakuza > Powergap > Nier in the dumpster

Can't prove me wrong.

>Mfw Nier wins against all odds.

Just stop samefagging. It's too obvious. Have a final (you).

-Great snappy gameplay with RPG touches to make it last
-Rollercoaster ride of a story
-Excellent OST
-Excellent character and world design

does Persona 5 have the same combat like Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE?

I will suck a dick Live if Nier wins goty. Screencap this.

triggered hard truth hurts?

>tfw Nier is a flop
>tfw Persona 5 is already GOAT

Feels amazing.

Western dev are trying to pander to women.
They go full sjw but at the end no one like their games but a few tumblr whales..
Meanwhile Japanese devs pander to women effortlessly (DMC, Zelda, MGS). They can even put Link in a tranny costum and it's still tastefully done. Just fun, not obnoxious.

Western devs a shit.
No girl want to be stuck with an ugly self insert.

this tbqh

Nier is not in contention, this is silly.

If RDR2 don't make it, it's gonna be BOTW for most sites and maybe some fringe sites will put up Horizon and P5 but RDR2 is BoTW's only potential rival

I don't even like BOTW that much but it's clear that it's a community favororite

you are all just WEEBS nothing that the west does satisfies your gook cravings, there are hundreds of interesting and amazing games out there yet you only enjoy weeb shit, simply accept that, then move to asia like the cuck you are.

>I don't even like BOTW that much but it's clear that it's a community favororite
This. Out of all the current games, BotW is the obvious GOTY contendor. The question is whether something else will dethrone it or not.

I agree with all that but something about the game's pacing just makes everything fall apart for me. It's just set piece after set piece and none of them feel like they have serious impact due to a lack of downtime. the only downtime they give you is to run around doing shitty sidequests in the tiny overworld that feels super squished together. kind of a weird complaint that there's TOO much cool stuff but i dont know what else to say, it just didnt click with me despite me loving every part of it

We're reaching levels of samefagging which shouldn't even be possible right now

post 1 (one) interesting and amazing game from the west this year.

The perfect videogame. Wiped my save file, wish I could wipe my memory aswell so I could play it for another 100 hours.

Horizon, the zelda killer

i keep hearing neir sux, and that horizon is good, but botw definately belongs here

except let's be real, nobody gives a fuck about nier outside of Sup Forums and Persona is even more overrated than LoZ.

The nioh samefag is in every Nier thread. He is THAT assblasted.

Funny how the only people samefagging are the ones saying Nier is amazing blahblahblah.

Really makes you think, doens't it?

I would necesarilly say western influence

But looking at BotW it's clear that the dev team looked at popular fantasy rpgs to see what they could use, like Dark Souls, Witcher, Shadow of the Collosus and even Skyrim.

>3 good japanese games will kill all western games
Nier and the 3d Metroid series are the only jap game I have enjoyed, meanwhile th west is siting on a gold mine of great games
Deux EX
Literaly every multiplayer games ever

I'll hold you to this

OP wasn't talking about journalist GOTYs you idiot.

all trash + games only playable with mods

Please don't believe Sup Forums's hype on Nier, it's honestly not great. There are some wonderful moments in it but so much is painful and irritating filler garbage too


I loved BotW, but if you've played both and Automata isn't your GotY, you don't deserve video games.

Chance of winning GOTY:

Zelda = RDR2* >>> wide gap > Persona = Zero Dawn >>> everything else

NiOh, Nier, Andromeda, For Honor and Yakuza have too much baggage to win GOTY. But out of this dump, Nier probably has the best chance.

Hi, is this deluded weeb general?

How do you deal with your post-Automata depression?

We rule this board and any other board on Sup Forums since the beggining

this 2bh

I dropped my work

Why are Nier fags so delusional that they samefag so much? You can even tell it's the same person by the way the sentences are constructed.

Think about how there are at least 2 games' worth of content left in the timeline, as well as whatever new thing Taro could pull out of his ass. Wonder when the DLC will come.

RDR2 will win, people love it the first one

What post Automata depression? The only depressing thing about Automata is realizing the characters are a giant step down from the first game, a story that completely focuses on scenarios rather than characters. I liked Automata, but nowhere near as much as I wanted to.

>Dark souls
Nigga they took inspiration from portal and minecraft

The Nioh samefag is mad?

Non-AAA Japanese games never win the GOTY awards. Nier might get something like Best Story or Best Soundtrack, but even that is unlikely. Most awards will be swept by stuff you'd expect.
Also, it saddens me that Hollow Knight won't get much recognition due to not being made by the usual indie darlings. Oh well.

Nier fags BTFO

I actually feel sad for you user

You've lost the throne a long time ago.

Samefagging forever rekt, once again proving that Nier fags are delusional.

>We already have 2 goty contenders.

It's not even a competition. BotW will fucking wipe the floor with everything.

Do negros honestly believe a better game will be released in the next 8 months? It's already over bros.


Hahahaha, nope

>all trash
yeah, sure, how can Fallout and the Witcher possibply compare to Fantasy_JRPG_With_Animu_Style#65146714 and Visual_Novel_Featuring_Illegal_Things_In_The_West#7865286248
Japanese games are distilled essence of unoriginal garbage except a few weird titles like Nier, and lets not talk about the prehistoric graphics and garbage optimisation thoose games have, just look at Nintendo, they had to wait 2017 to discover the concept of open world game while this concept has been widespread in the west for years now.

>you will never be as sad at this user

>just look at Nintendo, they had to wait 2017 to discover the concept of open world game while this concept has been widespread in the west for years now.

and they completely destroyed the west with their first openworld game.



See: Nier fags are mad that Horizon outsold Nier even in Japan so they're taking out their tiny aggression on Sup Forums.

Are those things the only enemies in the game? Every webm I've seen is her fighting Michelin men.

>i keep hearing neir sux, and that horizon is good
Are we reading the same Sup Forums? I have not seen one person unironically defending horizon

>just look at Nintendo, they had to wait 2017 to discover the concept of open world game
You mean 2015


*blocks your path*
*stuns 2B with tripcaster*
*Kills Link with an arrow to the face*

>completely destroyed
please elaborate, just because you took Skyrim, aded a weapon durability system, downgraded the graphics to the 360 era and slaped a Zelda logo on it doesn't make it any better.

>Horizon outsold Nier
proof? Im pretty sure thats not true.