Expecting beautiful fairies

>Expecting beautiful fairies
>Get these porkers instead


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extra THICC

Japan in charge of making great waifu that still won't anger SJW. What else do you need?

>denying trannies representation in vidya

Why would you do this?

Those bitches were stuck in flowers for a hundred years, they let themselves go.

...Why were you expecting beautiful faeries, though? Didn't OOT teach you how foolish that was?

Frankly, I'm disappointed that they're not utter nightmare fuel.

Look like trannies.

Pretty sure this game is just pushing some gay agenda.


You can go back earlier with the fat fairy queen in ALTTP. They've almost always been weird

>big thick milf who wants to /ss/ you like there's no tomorrow
>op doesn't want this

They've been creepy/ugly before, and most of the time "beautiful" was while they were sprites that were too small to matter. Chunky whores are about par for the course. Personally, I'm liking it.


>Expecting thicc
>Get literal pig faces

Y Is this a japanese thing?

going to the archive yahaha buh bye

>not liking the drag queen fairies

I like hot sluts as much as anybody, but in this case I like how it's a decent portrayal of "big" women. It wouldn't have killed them to make one fairy look like that and then the others all different though.

>>Expecting beautiful fairies

Why would you? Zelda games always have fairies that are fat and/or transsexual

Except TP I think

There a pretty definitive line between thicc and fat.
The great fairies hops skipped and jumped that line a few miles back.

Also they look like cross dressers.
Some real rocky horror picture show type shit.

I, for one, welcome our new drag queen fairy overlords.

Old really.
There has been few Fairy Queens that have looked anything other than fat and or tranny.

>THICC Great Fairies
>THICC Gerduo with abs
>Papaya Birth Mark on the left Butt cheek
>Lonely Arrow Woman who wants someone to notch her arrow

How did this get an E10 rating again?

The arrow girl's husband is the guy losing his shit over cucoos too
They can't keep getting away with it

They've looked like cross dressers since the OoT days.

Fuck you i'd fuck this thick semen demen so hard you can hear my balls clap on the other side of the earth and so long we would still be rigoriously copulating past the universes heat death 24/7/365 forever to infinity and then some

>i'd fuck this thick semen demen
You wouldnt even get the chance. She'd just grab your entire body with one hand and rip off your pants with her teeth. There'd be nothing you could do while she got her offering.

I never said they didn't.

they reminded me of those ugly ass fairies from the n64 games, just that they got old and fat

kind of like female version of old fat loser user, these are definately on the cat lady tier

>not getting the reference

>at least 100 years old

Holy fuck, I forgot how much they look like Marilyn Manson in OoT...

Mija > Cotera > Kaysa > opera grandma

forgot pic

>Expecting beautiful fairies
Your first Zelda game huh?

Sorry there's no trap fairies OP


Was it rape?


Don't forget

>quest to hook up a Zora loli with an old traveler
>expect it's gonna be resolved as a misunderstanding
>they actually hook up

The fuck, Nintendo?

To be fair, the N64 fairies look a lot easier on the eyes when they're not lowpoly.


>that "aaah"
is it the same in the japanese version or is it ara ara

they're fat from being stuck in their fountains for 10,000 years

It's ok when Nintendo does it

>mfw she actually looks like this 8 ingame months after unlocking lvl 4
>mfw the Great Fairies in BOTW-2 are some kind of Great Fairy/Link hybrids



>I've never played a Zelda game

if only she had a cute face


I'm not sure how to feel about the TP great fairy. It's like you know she's ugly, but in comparison to the others she's the most fuckable

Perfect avatar.

She's got the best wings with that seraph theme, but the droopy eyes totally kill it. Butter face.

I blame Disney for this

>Women with some chub is milf
>100+ year old man can be /ss/'d

Twilight princess was just the opposite side of things as you would expect of TP.
>TP great fairy is not huge, doesn't wake caked on make up, and looks bland.
>every other great fairy has been bolsterous with lots of make up, huge or oversized, and very colorful.

>Expecting beautiful fairies
In the wrong series, heck wrong company, Nintendo almost always does fairies fucking weird.

HW made the Oot/MM fairy bangable. I can't tell if TP fairy just looks like that because everyone looks fetal alcohol in TP.


>expecting the Zelda faeries to be hot
Was this your first zelda game?

Looks like one of those old aunties from a child's perspective.

She's my favorite.

delet this

This is my fetish.

Serious question, why does every female in a game need to be 'sexy'?

I think they have nice designs even though I don't want to fuck them

this a SFW board

Appealing designs are typically sexy.

I like this one the most desu.
I don't find any of them attractive, but I like this one's voice.

So it's impossible to have a well designed elderly character? Or do you want GILFs?

What are you gonna do, suck his dick if he keeps posting that content?


Is this how they extracted korok seeds back in the day?

I want to take Links place.

At least were past the n64 days with the screeching "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

gmilfs are the only way


I still hear that shit in my head


no shit dumbasses, they're the great 'fairies'. thats the joke.

>look up porn of great fairy
>all of it except for one image has the faries shrunken down
>the one where the one fucking the great fairy is normal-sized is great though


in the end its really your fault for having expectations user.
you should learn how to life your life enjoying the moment and not expecting things from anyone else.
building expectations is just a trap from your ego. you think the world should acomodate for you but its really the other way around man.

Almost as bad as a footfag

I go ara ara all the time :3

They're cute and thicc at some angles

at others they're ugly as shit

What are you getting at? It seems like you're implying that interacting with giant women was an idea from Dark Souls

>tfw both

So...these are the Breasts of the Wild.

>love excessive over the top glamorous women
>mfw great fairies

Just like most things in TP the great fairy in it just ended up looking bland and boring because
>Muh realistic and dark zelda!

I don't even have a giantess fetish but these pics are trying me

Post more

Fuck off faggot.
They're great. Instant boner whenever I'm enhancing something.

Tbh I'd fuck every fairy in the game, even the horse fairy. ESPECIALLY the horse fairy

I'm going to need a picture of this horse fairy for wholesome reasons.

So great fairies now come in all flavors, from super simple lolis, to FABULOUS over the top thicc ladies.

Nintendo knows that catering to a wider audience means more money.
I and I have now problem with the new thick drag-queen fairies. They give me boners everytime.



>marketed as realistic and dark
>most popular and well developed character is the toon style imp
>less blood and spooky moments than Ocarina

What did Nintendo mean by that?

Would she make horse noises during?

>Those voices

Damn, that's some deep rimming there.

seeing how korok seeds are described as tiny soft, strange smelling nuggets, you might not be far off

>the great fairies will never use you as a dildo

>>less blood and spooky moments than Ocarina
Hell less spooky/dark momments than fucking wind waker.