What is the best total war game, and why is it shogun 2?

what is the best total war game, and why is it shogun 2?

Shogun 1: comfy game, graphics too ugly nowadays for non-hipsters
Medieval: tactically probably the best, but graphics, etc

Medieval 2: decent graphics, buggiest wonkiest gameplay. Castile and england only countries worth playing.

Empire: cool idea, but not all that much to do tactically. Basically research to line-fire --> conquer the world. Still, naval battles were great.

Shogun 2: best. Great graphics, quick battles, interesting factions, and best of all, no "conquer the world" slog. Basically you get comfortably strong then its you versus the world.

rome II: killed by awful naval battles, world conquest slog. Naval battles make playing any mediterrian

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>not Rome 1


shogun 2 has zero unit variety. zero. everything is the same. and no, "green samurai of shimazu with slightly better stats" is not variety. that killed it for me

the campaigns are absolutely merciless on very hard though. i like that

>No Total War: Warhammer

my opinion:



You skipped one my dude

No Rome 1? No Warhammer?

Did i miss something?
Sup Forums hates Warhammer now, or is this the contrarianism thats so common?

Well before we call it, if this thread picks up, its going to fill up with historical shitters or some other dlc flame war

Vanilla rankings / no mods

Attila>FOTS>Shogun 2>Warhammer>Med 1>Rome 1>Shogun 1>Rome 2>Med 2>Empire

I guess that one doesn't... count!


Wait when did that happen?
Warhammer is a ton of fun when you look past the cancerous DLC strategy.
Shogun 2 is great for running short campaigns, and FOTS is a fantastic standalone DLC, even if everyone basically gets the same units

I like Napoopan the most, something about that setting makes the game for me. Attila's Charlemagne DLC is also great.

Why is shogun 2 the best but Warhammer is shit?

Shogun 2 had some jewey DLC too.

>3 factions
>Exclusive units for existing factions
>blood effects

All locked behind a paywall. TWW is worse, but not that much worse.

>We will never ever have a good TW set in the 18th century or 19th again
>No one ever did a good mod to fix Empire or NapoopaN
>No one cares about that era anyway

It's a shit era, user.

>Shogun 2 had interesting factions

It only had one faction. Not that I didn't put a few hundred hours into it, but come on man, that's just a lie.

B-but I really like line warfare user.

It's so gentlemanne.


Medieval 1

Despite 15 years of development and 8 game releases since MTW the AI is still too dumb to cope with the open 3d strategic map introduced in RTW

MTW was the last revolutionary total war game, a strict improvement over STW in every way

Shogun 1 has great sprite art and aesthetics. God I hate children on Sup Forums.

First Medieval got it right with the improved Risk-style map from Shogun. Going to 3D just added a ton of bloat to the campaign.

M2 is the best, for its unit variety, unique gameplay mechanics, kingdoms expansion, and available mods.

Too bad it always crashes now on modern PC's. Never could fix that.

Even in spite of its shortcomings, i really liked Empire. Never touched Napoleon though, I have to admit.

Fall of the Samurai just blew me away though. I had no idea I liked that exact technological niche so much. Pity it was a) so brief in history and b) so over-looked by most settings.

You have to set the campaign map resolution to your desktop resolution.

>mfw so few people appreciate the amazing TW game that is Napoleon

God damn it's so much fun, so many people I know avoid it because they think muskets and line formations are boring.

>they think muskets and line formations are boring
This is how you recognise people with shit taste, user.

Never had a problem with it, user. Check your settings.

Yeah, I really liked Empire too except for the naval battles which were really boring and irritating.

Napoleon, I liked it but I think CA dropped the ball in the traditional conquest mode since it is very limited in vanilla.

And yes, FotS is really something else.

Even though I greatly enjoy Medieval 1, Medieval 2's mods are one of the reasons why the game keeps going, even today. Creative's decision to shut out mod communities was a terrible move, imo. It shuts down long term interest in their products.

My list
Medieval 2
Medieval 1
Shogun 1
Rome 1
all others. (haven't played Warhammer yet.)

Nah. Just the iso file I found for it would always crash on turn 120 or something like that. Never could find a different working iso.


>Find Warhammer to be really fun after playing every total war game since Med 1 (except napoleon)
>discussion devolves into people bitching about DLC whenever you try to talk about it

>mfw Rome 2 and Attila DLC nonsense

I mean, I'm glad it's more than just a blood pack or couple of units, but holy fuck does it all reek of cut content. I liked bigger packs like Wrath of Sparta, for example. This whole cultures nonsense was just a way to sell what are effectively re-skins, though.

warhammer is fun but the DLC is maximum jewery
and the mods are incredibly basic

i would agree except for EOS, just started my aksum game and its somewhat of an intressting start and Himyar was fairly unique, as well as Tanukhids being the only sandnigger-horde...

Celts/langobards/snowniggers were disgusting though...

Fuck you faggots

Warhammer is great

The whatevertheywere warrior monks with armor upgrades are variety, they are op as fuck and mow down literally everything.

Same thing with monk archers. That range and accuracy is stupidly broken.

I really regret buying the DLC I did, but the core game is actually pretty fun... With some pretty glaring flaws, like the pace of battles and the sieges.

After playing Shogun for over 200 hours, I got to Warhammer and was just all, "Wait, that's it? I've got blue balls here!"

They jewed out so hard for that game that I never played it. Didn't even bother pirating in case I caved in for the multiplayer if it ended up being good. Seriously, fuck them for all that DLC bullshit.

it's clear attila was just a testing ground for how they would handle factions in warhammer. shit, didn't the horde mechanic pretty much get copy pasted over?

It's shit. The stratetic and tactical layer were both neutered and CA thinks magic spells and shitty quests make up for it.

>Game is still miles away from being finished
>Devs already hinting to 2 sequels

I have it as part of last month's Humble monthly, so I didn't pay much for the core game.

They've been saying ever since the game was announced that the aim was to eventually have all 16 factions and that there was going to be a warhammer "trilogy", that would then combine together and look something like this

>warhammer is fun but the DLC is maximum jewery

It's based on a property centered around selling army books and miniatures. Total War Warhammer is probably the first and only Total War where people are clamoring for MORE DLC so they get their favorite leaders/armies represented. It's getting awfully crowded.

>no Skaven


I only played shogun 2 for 50 or so hours because the factions weren't really different enough for me to get interested in the game, whereas Warhammer's biggest strength is that the factions are much more unique than you would get in a typical historical game

I still don't know why they replaced idle leaders with shitty and not looping videos when choosing factions.

That's the only good thing about it

No fucking rats

because they know skaven can sell an entire expansion on their own

Attila > Warhammer > Medieval 2 > Rome 1 > Rome 2 (currently) > Napoopan > Shogun 2 > Medieval 1 > Shogun 1 >>>>> Empire >>>> Rome 2 (on release)

pirating denuvo?
the game was 12 dollars for an entire month user. you have missed out for now.
you can pirate the dlc too.

the dlcs a shitfest, BUT, it's been that way since empire total war and we have still been coming back for more like abused children.

warhammer is great user I agree,best field battles in the series.

this is true, it's speculated next time on total war expansions we get lizards, rats and prolly the other elves.

To be honest i don't find anything interesting in the dlc, so nothing of value is lost, at least for me.

The DLC is actually a pretty good model
The content is added to the game for free, you only pay if you actually care about playing that faction
For instance, I payed for Beastmen because they're the fucking best and I would never pay for Wood Elves because I fucking hate elves

>Putting Shogun 2 that low
Yeah, no. Sorry user. I know it's not easy to accept, but you're objectively wrong and everyone more or less agrees on that.

So instead of finishing the one game they're splitting it into 3 different ones that will Eventually™ combine?

Fuck that.

Shogun is fucking boring
There's basically no unit variety and some basic strategies are so OP there's basically no reason not to always use them

You're going to be paying for 16 races either way

It was never conceived of our sold as "the one game" you're talking about.

No they'll combine immediately as long as you own both games

i feel like every faction is the same in every total war game

you have your melee sword/pikemen front line, you have flanking cavalry and some archers and artillery in the back

sure some faction has some stronger cavalry or some stronger archers but thats really it isnt it?

Why is Med 2 so far down? Most people i know loved it, including me.

Warhammer is for you then

Japan sucks

I forgot it even had denuvo, as I said earlier I didn't even bother pirating it. Anyways, the point was I don't want to support such jewish tactics. I don't care how much they charge. Fuck them.

I get what you mean user. that's why I like total warhammer. Adds flying shit, flying ranged shit. monstorous shit and spells and heros to the mix.

Vampires for example don't have ranged but their units never run, instead crumbling when low morale, they also have hordes of insuperior units, the ability to summon fresh corpses(behind enemy lines, if you so choose) and revive damaged/depleted units(unique to them) and generally fuck shit up with some real neat flyers, fear and terror causing monsters/
not that guy but gotta note beastmen was recieved as a little lacklustre as far as roster goes, when wood elves got released all beasty boy players got a new legendary lord along with harpies as a bone thrown their way. pic related, its chaos spawn kin-dsfdlksfkskldjasd;sadásdjas

i have warhammer, i like it, i miss formations tho



God dammit you idiot! You never say shit about Chaos Spawn -OH GOD HFAIODNFOISDFOIDHIUABF

In terms of features, mechanics and overall quality Attila is by far the best. Just depends on if you like the setting, and are not bothered by horse fuckery.

Medieval 1 is objectively the best

Sounds like real life, user.

at least the brettonians got lance formation user, but yeah I get what you mean.

your loss user, I've played total war since rome and put ludicrous hours into the games but wamhams come out on top, over 1000 hours now and growing.
It's got bretonnians as well now(free) which in addition to having the most different tw campaign since ever, is actually completely freshed out(and the closest we gonna get to med3 for a long time.)

perhaps user you should get attila's "age of Charlemagne"xpac if you truly hate fantasy, I thought that was the next best thing.

>mfw playing oda and defeating all these honorubu samurai with my ashigaru legions

Their melee ability was downright brutal by being able to double stack a yari wall with their long pikes.

He's not missing out on anything. Warhammer is crap that gets a pass for being warhammer related. So many fantasy series with heroes and magic yet they still fuck it up.


>next historical TW is an era they've never done



World War 1.
We got flying units now.
I know it will be WW1

Either WWI or some useless shit like ancient egypt

Total War: Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Rome 1 with Europa Barbarorum

no game has let me play the ptolemees that well

>no lord of the rings total war


It's because its popular now after the humble bundle m8 get with the times

>more fantasy niggering

shogun 2 was mediocre
>all factions were basically the same
>barely any unit variety
>barely any siege units
>cities didnt even look like cities
>units could climb walls instead of needing towers/ladders or breaking them
>boring map, no seas/continents like europe has

they see that fantasy nerds are eager to cough up dough with their jewish DLC practices so it would make sense

moar like

>spend 12$ for likely shitty total war game (as usual, lately)
>play it for 10 hours
>it's shitty and shallow
>AI is still fucked
>realize those neo-Sup Forums faggots that keep buying creative assemblys bullshit have never played a good total war

More like pay 12 bucks for a partial game and enjoy what was offered because your not an idiot who buys TW games for full price.

as somone who actually plays 8th ed tabletop(still) and who also has played tw:w you are full of shit user. The main difference in balance is magic won't wipe out 1/3 of an army in a phase which is a very very good thing.
As far as unit strength/flavour/balance goes they got it pretty decently for transitioning something turn based to realtime.

>10 hours
>strategy game
>enjoy what was offered

neo-Sup Forums sure is in here

Yeah but when you can get the same shit down with truckloads of ashigaru not really worth breaking the bank unless you've sniped all the relevant gold mines and Ninja hideouts

What point are you trying to make here?

Greentext and buzzwords don't make an argument.

TWW is a perfectly fine value at $12 and I was satisfied playing through the dwarf and orc campaigns.

I honestly can't understand what on earth you are typing user, is english your second language or are you so lost in the memes that you spout them wherever you go regardless of context.

Dipshit probably grew up after the death of the middle market in gaming. Sad.

I hope to God not.

It will be shit in terms of variety; also, seriously? why do people feel the appeal of three kingdoms so much? is it because of the chinkshit games/animations?

the only acceptable opinion (fact):

Best combat: Rome 1
Best online: Rome 1
Best campaign: Medieval 2
Best mods: Medieval 2

You sound like you got fooled into paying $60 for a game that was sure to have tons of dlc. Do you even into strategy games or do you just throw your money around at the newest one that comes out without looking at it?