Guys, where are the third party games on the Nintendo Switch? I thought people were saying that this wouldn't be another Wii U where they lost third party support quickly.
Guys, where are the third party games on the Nintendo Switch...
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I don't see how this logic applies.
If they don't sell these specific games sold on every other platform then those games not sold on every other platform will need to be sold on every other platform?
Ummmm excuse me but Skyrim and Rayman Legends are coming!
>If they dont start to sell 7 trash games and 1 good game, were gonna steal their most popular games
>take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it.
No one buys a Nintendo console for the same stuff they can get on another platforms and Nintendo is never going to allow mainline series games on other platforms. Mobile is their only outlet and it's purely to sell people on barebone versions of games to get them to hooked and to buy their platforms and games.
Nintenbro mindset everyone
There's like 100 games in development that we don't know about yet as the console has been out 3 weeks. The first party list is looking 10/10 so far, E3 should bring us some more too.
>actually bumping this thread
posting just to tell you your retarded
Right now, third parties are desperately scrambling to find a new excuse to not support Nintendo hardware.
They can't say that third party titles don't sell on Nintendo, because all these indie titles are doing really well. They can't say it's underpowered and can't run their games, because games like Zelda are bigger than pretty much anything they put out. They can't claim that hardware sales are preventing them for doing well on the console, because it's shaping up to be a success.
I cannot stress this enough. The real reason third parties refuse to support Nintendo hardware is due to Sony and Microsoft paying them to support their hardware instead. Third parties are trying to bully Nintendo into giving them money, but they are quickly losing all of their power and influence and have been for years.
There will be many more Mass Effect Andromeda's in the near future, I assure you.
Look at this nintenbro.
I have Xbone and PC for third party shit. As long as ninty keeps working its magic with First Party titles, I'm fine
I'll suck the dick of literally everyone on Sup Forums if this happens.
>Guys, where is the Nintendo Switch?
FUCKING GAMESTOP said they didn't have any at all because they sold them early yesterday
Where the hell can I buy one of these that isn't from a scalper?
Because it came out less than a fucking month ago
>not owning a PC for third party titles
Look at this fucking cuck.
Screencapped. And anxiously awaiting my bj.
The switch does have better 3rd party support. Just not the kind you want. Ubisoft is looking into the switch now though so maybe you'll get your shitty ubisoft games that you want so much
>Ubisoft is looking into the switch now
Why? Because people loved BOTW so mutch?
>he is trying again
Except Nintendo has always targeted a different audience than Sony and Microsoft.
No one who actually bought a Switch expects Doom or Injustice on the Switch.
Yeah, Nintendo needs third party support but the demographic is completely different.
I dunno, maybe something to do with switch sales success. I don't exactly work at ubisoft
None of the Wii, the DS or the 3DS had western AAA releases. Nintendo will be fine as long as they continue to release at least 3 major games a year and they get some Japanese third party games which is very likely.
Anyone who plays DOOM on anything other than a pc should be shot dead
That picture is retarded.
I don't want that kind of shit, I want the kind of smaller 3rd party/niche games that were prevalent on the 3DS and Vita to make their home on the Switch. Smaller budget titles that take more risks, don't focus on being CINEMATIC EXPERIENCES WITH THE BEST GRAFIX, and span a much more diverse pool of genres. The stuff typically relegated to portable platforms, and made them a success, but now enjoyable on a device that isn't complete shit and outputs to the TV when it's time to get into comfey mode. They should treat it's library like they do that of their portables, and try to bring in the middle of the road developers and smaller games from publishers like SE/Capcom/Atlus/etc. Treat the Switch like what it is: The best portable ever made, to date.
Only faggots would buy a Switch wanting to play the same AAA garbage they can already play on the PS4/Xbox.
>Only one worthwhile title on switch
I think you should be more concerned with the lack of First Party titles before asking for third party.
more like
>"In your fucking dreams this will happen in 2017"
Get realistic you fucking moron.
>10 seconds in
>that voice
You better get ready to start sucking then. It's already been confirmed that that game is nearly complete. They're just waiting until the holiday to release it.
on Wii U
a "game" that you would consider to be shovelware if it was released on any other console
>Mario kart
on Wii U
tech demo
on Wii U
>implying it will come out this year
>fire emblem
not a weeb
nice console
>Nintendo going for third party support
Worked out great with the Wii U.
Sure. Just like BOTW would come out for Wii U like 4 years ago.
I tried my best cody voice
>I don't want the Switch to succeed, I want it to be dead like the 3DS and Vita
>this is what the nintendo fanbase wants after what happened to the wiiu
>There's like 100 games in development that we don't know about yet as the console has been out 3 weeks
Yeah, like that mobile rhythm game and binding of isaac. Finally I can play indie trash in lower resolution!
>tech demo
Arms is obviously a superior wii boxing. Not going to be a hit but will be solid multiplayer fun.
The tech demo is obviously 1-2 switch. Get your fucking shit talk right if you wannah try to fit in.
I guess I'm buying Puyo Switch on it, but only because those niggers didn't release it on 3DS stateside way back when.
A new challenger
Get your bag of dicks and crows ready
>a superior Wii boxing
>Wii boxing was a tech demo
good one you fucking idiot
that's like saying Wii Party U wasn't a tech demo
>The real reason third parties refuse to support Nintendo hardware is due to Sony and Microsoft paying them to support their hardware instead.
No. It's because their hardware is always a generation behind. Porting a game that barely runs on current gen to last gen hardware is not going to go well.
>binding of isaac
There's your problem. You don't sound like an anime girl. Try recording it again but with a cute high pitched voice
The 3DS isn't dead though homo, it has the largest install base of any currently relevant console. What Nintendo needs to do is capture that magic again, and with a mainline Pokemon game to bring in the normies that shouldn't be too hard.
The Wii U's problem was the lack of 3rd party support in general, not the lack of multiplats specifically. If the system starts to move serious units, developers WILL make games for it.
Based-op is based
Nevertheles, 3rd parties will surely show their support towards Switch at E3. Otherwise, wiiU2 is here
Who the hell buys nintendo products for 3rd party games, especially ones that can be bought on PC or more powerful consoles?
Sadly, Nintendo retards buy the consoles specifically for the pieces of shit that Nintendo makes. As long as the current generation remains brainwashed to eat up any garbage nintendo puts out, that will never change
Arms is just a gimmick game for the joycons just like Punchout was for the Wii remote+nunchuck
Yea they should treat it as a portable as in just let it have all the portable exclusives. Besides that you're completely wrong, no one wants a fucking "3rd party/niche games" library on par with the fucking vita library. That'd be a considered a fucking FAILURE.
>They should do small budget indie games
>They shouldnt try to do good graphix and cinematics
Hey guys I have a great idea on how to make this new console a success. Let's not push the hardware to its limits, lets pretend its a fucking 3DS and get lots of cute quirky indie titles such as NU-MAN BEARD PUNCH: Earthbound EVOLVED
Nah, I'm not the guy you were replying to but I have faith Arms will be a decent fighter. The different abilities and gloves each character can use mean the game is more complex than people first thought. Only problem is nintendo needs to start marketing the game now because it releases this season and hasn't been marketed nearly enough
Afterbirth+ is definitely trash
nintendo literally don't need to sell 50 million consoles because they will rake in better sales with their first party shit than other AAA games on a console with only 10 mil sales anyway
they probably still don't less their consoles at a loss either, as much as people talk about them being a failure they are most likely doing pretty well off
they ain't going anywhere
Is that why Wii U got all those seventh gen ports?
Oh... wait...
The 'hardware' excuse is just that. An excuse. There is nothing stopping third parties from taking into consideration the needs of ALL platforms during development.
This is a great post. People vastly underestimate the sheer scope of Nintendo's library of titles and just how dominant they are in this industry.
They can take something like Fire Emblem and turn it into a huge success. Games like Codename S.T.E.A.M and The Wonderful 101 are put out there regularly. They are the only company trying new things with the hardware.
It is obviously going to be another Wii U (or Wii if it succeeds) as far as third party titles. It will not get the "big boy" multiplats simply because people who buy Nintendo consoles don't want those games anyway. They might actually like Skyrim or FF15 but that's about it.
>Simple gameplay
>Psyching friends out with curb punches
>Mismatching special gloves
It's not going to be 10/10 but its going to be fun multiplayer if they splitscreen doesn't suck dick. If it weren't for the joycon prices I'd totally pick it up. However the controllers aren't worth it until more games come out.
Also joycons are alot better at this kind of thing than a wii mote and a nunchuck and you know that.
Fire Emblem only became a huge success after they started pandering to waifu fags and the MOBAGE audience.
Before that the series was on the verge of being cancelled forever.
>No. It's because their hardware is always a generation behind. Porting a game that barely runs on current gen to last gen hardware is not going to go well.
Explain all the Vita ports of PS4 games then? That come out on the same day. Because the Vita is a tiny bit weaker than the PS4.
why do people just spread lies like this? it's not only just completely baseless it makes zero fucking sense
You are aware that there's a market for, as I said, "middle of the road" games right?
Not everything needs to be either AAA or an indie game, you mongoloid.
With the current hardware provided, Nintendo will NEVER EVER be able to compete with Microsoft and Sony. If they went around with sacks of cash trying to convince major publishers to shit out shitty, weaker ports of existing multiplats, they'd be right back in the same place they were with the Wii U. Retards like you might think otherwise, but nobody will buy that watered down shit. Their best bet is to differentiate themselves by bringing in unique 3rd party exclusives, even if they arn't as flashy as the big AAA multiplats. Market it as a powerful portable with a big diverse library of exclusive games, as well as heavy hitters like Mario and Pokemon and not as a weak console.
>Is that why Wii U got all those seventh gen ports?
It didn't get them because the seventh gen was over. Everyone was already developing for the ps4/xbone that would release the next year.
And it did get a bunch of shitty backports like Ass Creed 3 and Batman Arkham City. They sold like garbage because everyone already played htem.
While the bottom will never happen, the top needs to happen
This is why I pirate new Nintendo games for PC, so they will be encouraged to make better hardware for my fellow nintenbros in the future :)
But the switch is stronger than the vita.
Even if it only gets the vita and 3ds titles on it, it should be enough to justify it.
the bottom would actually be more beneficial for video games as a whole. Nintendo doesn't compete with sony / microsoft at all and their recent hardware is always shit. There is no benefits for playing a nintendo game on a nintendo platform at all, there's just no other way to do so.
I didn't say at any point they need to port existing game to the console, so don't put words in my mouth.
Can you give me a list of games you're wanted on the switch that are "middle of the road"?
Also, you know Sony picked up and supported and promoted a "Middle of the Road" game. It was from a lesser known indie developer with big ambitions. Sony put them on mainstage E3 and showed them to the world explaining they could experience their fantastic game on PS4. You know what game that was?
No Man's Sky
>the 3DS isn't dead, it's just not supported anymore
>implying third parties would create content exclusively for the switch when they have a much higher profit margin on the ps4/xbone/pc market
>implying the lack of third party multiplats won't be the death of the switch like it was the wiiu, gamecube, and n64
Nintendo is able to make so many amazing games because of the money they make from selling hardware like the Wii and the 3DS. If they went third party, they would end up like Sega, making awful bastardizations of their IPs. You wouldn't get BotW and Odyssey if Nintendo went third party. You would get trash.
botw is trash and odyssey will be trash
I wonder how far up their own ass someone has to be to think like this.
You do realize that creating hardware itself costs money and the only reason that nintendo is making money from selling hardware is by shitting out underpowered hardware that is also overpriced? Hell, they even regularly cheap out on shit like not including charging cables despite their consoles being cheaper to produce than what they charge for anyways.
What you just said has literally nothing to do with what I just said. You just hijacked my post so you could shit on Nintendo's hardware.
He saying to you they would have more money by just making and publishing they're own games on other consoles. But they make more money from making consoles with outdated hardware for a price that it isn't worth.
Phoenix Wright, Professor Laytone Dragon Quest, Monster Hunter, SMT, Etrian, 999/VLR/ZTD, Danganronpa, etc.
There's a shitload more, but off the top of my head. The smaller games, mainly japanese, that made their home on portables for the last two generations. Since both the 3DS and the Vita are out the door and there's going to a be a vacuum, it makes sense that those games will all move make the move to the Switch assuming that it keeps selling the way it does. It's apparently the cheapest console to develop for at the moment, especially since it's lower power means graphics won't be as much of an expensive priority. Those kinds of 3rd party games, plus the huge Nintendo first party IPs, the indie games, AND occasional random normie blockbuster like Skyrim/Dark Souls, would be enough to make the Switch's library worthwhile to a large amount of consumers.
Again, as someone who owns it, the Switch is mediocre when you approach it like a console. As a handheld though, it's GOAT. If Nintendo is smart, they'll recognize it and taylor the games they try to curate accordingly to make it's collection feel more like the DS/3DS than the Wii U.
>the 3DS isn't dead, it's just not supported anymore
Fuck you faggot, you know what I meant. As of year before the Switch's launch, the 3DS was still going strong in terms of sales and exclusive 3rd party content.
>implying third parties would create content exclusively for the switch when they have a much higher profit margin on the ps4/xbone/pc market
I agree. That's why Nintendo needs to drive up the install base enough to entice developers to make games for it. That, or hand devs stack of cash to make games for it until they reach that point. Otherwise it will go the way of the Wii U.
>Who the hell buys nintendo products for 3rd party games, especially ones that can be bought on PC
the rest is redundant seeing how the Playstation division is trying to compete with PCs directly
100 games and eighty of those are Mario
it has been confirmed though
>There will be many more Mass Effect Andromeda's in the near future, I assure you.
what did he mean by this?
>third party support
>too weak to get multiplats running
Pick one.
sounds good
i want to pat that confused anime girl's head
talking about the switch or PS4?
PS4 pro had to be made to run the thirdparty the PS4 couldn't handle.
>PS4 pro had to be made to run the thirdparty the PS4 couldn't handle.
More like made for people who want prettier graphics but can't be assed to build a pc.
Mario run was designed so i buy a switch. Then why does it suck?
[citation needed]
>3rd party support
>thinks the only item in that category are multiplats
I wish I could go back when I was a blissfully unaware idiot like you. Those were such simpler times.
They tried that with the Wii U. It didn't help.
Binding of Isaac
Blaster Master
Xenoverse 2
Fast RMX
I Am Setsuna
Lego City Undercover
No More Heroes
Bayonetta 3
Shovel Knight
>want to buy a switch
Nintendo is like a 16 year old rapper that is surrounded by nothing but yes man. Retarded decision after retarded decision and they'll never know because nintendo fan base is objectively the worst one.
Thats 10/10 to you? Lol
Did this thing have any Wii U specific features?
Didnt the wii u have way more 3rd party support and less ports out the gate?
Seems worse, much much worse.
Moreso when it has one Mario game coming out and that's it
One good mario game as opposed to all the casual shit shovelware mario on last gen
Mario Maker is the only good mario game released in years
You want good games and 3rd party support, you go with Sony
because they always win\
returning the original and keeping a copy is not stealing
13 multplats that can be played on everything but PS4. Cute.
Will give you gundam and yakuza though
>shit no one has ever heard of
>good exclusive
>major multiplat
>shit no one has ever heard of
>shit souls
>shit no one has ever heard of
>can't even read title
>shit no one has ever heard of
>old game
>indie game that's on literally everything
Why is it a bad thing if a few years from now we see Zelda, Splatoon, and Mario on other platforms?