Kid icarus Uprising turns 5 years old today, commemorate posting best goddess

Kid icarus Uprising turns 5 years old today, commemorate posting best goddess

Pandora isn't a Goddess.

We have differing opinions on this matter

Well okay then.
She's pretty good, I like when you fight her and you hit her and she makes sexy sounds. Amazon form of course

Viridi is perfect.

I said best goddess

And I posted her.

You're full of shit

I don't think so.

Really? Well if I don't snag a switch today I'm playing kid Icarus uprising when I get home.
[Spoiler] please god give us a sequel for switch [/spoiler]

Should I bother checking out Sin and Punishment? Has there ever been a game so buttblasted by people about its controls? Does anyone want to play online to revive some memories?

Hasn't been 25 years yet.

>Does anyone want to play online to revive some memories?
I'm itching for some, but shit's pretty barren around here

>If you chase two rabbits they'll both escape

BTFO. Fucking completely rekt

Shit that must sting, you pretentious ass fuck. Not so goddamn smart now are we?

I know I know, you're 18 and you know everything

Only 20 years left!

I'm pretty sure the game lets you 1v1.

Also, best chapter.

>over 600 hours doing multiplayer with other Sup Forumsirgins
this game was is probably my favorite on the 3ds

Not my best work, but had to commemorate somehow

This honestly one of my favorite games and it will always make me laugh how many people missed out on it because of game media and reactionaries making a big deal about the controls.

Fuck that sounds fun as shit, never tried the multiplayer myself, should try if it's not 100% dead. Could do with playing the game again in general too

>Should I bother checking out Sin and Punishment?

>You will never own a complete set of these cards because they only distributed them through a few issues of Nintendo Power