Dragon's Crown thread, Sorceress is best edition

Dragon's Crown thread, Sorceress is best edition.

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Is there an ideal way to play this?
Can I play solo or do I HAAAVE to play with people?

very underrated game.
plagued by politics bullshit.

Honestly it got a lot of hate on the art before release but after, all you heard was how great it was.
SJWs dropped this game out of the hate rotation its not even funny

Amazon is best though, especially for solo play.

Last time I played people started to steal food. Is it still the case?

Ideally you have four controllers and 3 friends.

It's still a really fantastic game to break out now and again.

I'm going to use this thread to share my insider info / leak. During the upcoming atlus event a George tamakaami game will be announced for switch. Not telling which one :)

You wish nintenbro.

Can't even spell his name right.

0/10 bait.

One of my favorite games, I'm glad I managed to get the art book. I wish my PS3 wasn't such a pos that randomly dies so I could play it with my bro again.

>Vanillaware game for Nintendo console
>after the disaster that was Muramasa

The three Goddesses should have been unlockable characters.
Huge wasted potential.

Playing as elf was great. This year I will replay it as sourceress.
I wish Vanillaware would remake Muramasa for PS4. I want it in glorious 1080p@60fps.
They did a fantastic job with overhauling Odin Sphere with Leifthrasir.

>Three Goddesses
I don't remember anything about any Goddesses, was that part of a specific story?

>Playing as elf was great.
I sure hope you weren't one of those Kicking elves user.

I wish they'd bring them to pc. I own them all on my vita/pstv, but damn would I enjoy playing DC with my some of my friends. Exclusives are such a pain in the ass when you all own different systems but you just want to fucking play together.

>I wish my PS3 wasn't such a pos that randomly dies
Open that thing up and apply new thermal paste.


The console will thank you with an additonal 3+ years of life.

The goddesses had their powers sealed by the ancient dragon, when you defeated them, their powers were restored. Left to right, Vernas, Althena, and Juna. There are statues of them that you can pray to in the church.

>I don't remember anything about any Goddesses, was that part of a specific story?
Yes, you get the the final ending of the game when you the beat the Ancient Dragon.

>waiting for news on any new Vanillaware games

that one high school loli mecha game is coming out someday in the next 10 years. so there is that.

How's the combat in this game compared to Odin Sphere? Just finished playing Odin Sphere on the PS3 and enjoyed the tweaks they've made on combat. Was looking for more stuff in that vein.

Wish it got ported to PS4. Hopefully with a fixed loot for coach multiplayer. It made no fucking sense for drops to be focused on whoever is player 1 during each play session.

Huh, I should still have some Thermal Paste around from when I built my rig, mite try, thanks user.

>no main character has tits confirmed

>PC beggers

kek pathetic

I wish we had PSN access for hacked Vita's.

I'd love to play this online.

it's not like big tit main characters were ever their thing
there are side characters with big tits

>game gets a high review on slowtaku
>james schreierbergstien never mentions it again
Made me laugh.

It's like you never played Muramasa, Odin Sphere, or Grim Grimoire.

>I own them all on my vita/pstv
Maybe next time pull your head out of your ass first.

It was the highest selling Vanillaware game of all time. Free publicity is a lot better than the 0 publicity they've always had up to this point.

Has anyone figured out the direct effect of base stats on a character yet?

>pc begger


>Tfw Kamitani will never make you a custom made image of some dwarfbros hanging out
What a lucky faggot.

Sorceress is incrdibly useless if you're playing alone
Dwarf is the winner in terms of fun, I wish I did my first playthrough with him instead of Amazon

>play game
>Half to repay the levels over and over
>Persevere and push through to finish
>"Congrats you beat the game. Now do it all over again TWICE MORE"

Hahahahaha fuck no.

I'd fuck Amazon tho.


you can solo all of the game but to post game dungeon unless you cheat engineĉ t.

Nah, it was already made before that. Some user said it was in the artbook for the game.

Still pretty based though.

git gud noob

They look too samey

>work my ass off to solo infernal
>unlock tower of mirages
>get fucking walled by that asshole demon king
>beat it after like a solid month
>mfw that was floor nine (9)
>there are over fifty thousand floors (50,000).


>half to replay

you tried

tou can coop with ps 3 people.

stop bickering boys. this is such a cozy thread. if you want platform shitflinging simply go to some other thread.

I wish they would release a remaster or sequel on PS4. I loved Dragon's Crown but it came out too soon before the PS4 launched so I didn't get to enjoy it for very long, especially since I bought it in October 2013.

What's Luck do?

it's literally impossible unless you play elf. The weapons and stats you need is insane. Also npcs are worthless except as punching bags.

>How's the combat in this game compared to Odin Sphere?
Slower but the characters are more diverse in terms of movesets and abilities
Also less menu diving

the point is to replay the game with different characters and have fun with friends. playing the game alone is kind of moot.


That Sun Wukong looks pretty good.

Dragon's Crown must have been your first Vanillaware game. All of their games reuse content over and over and over.


Why not just do it in co-op

>implying I have friends

You can play with random people online
Lots of chinese and korean players in Dragon's Crown for some reason

Who /Wizard/ here?

you are like a little baby
watch THIS

>mfw when 169 Zon
>8 fully differentiated gear sets based on monster weaknesses
>Floor 269 in ToM
>Ps3 died and no back up

Life is hell.

Where my pc version?! Only us PC gamers deserve this game!!!

My condolences, Zon is my highest too. I beat the game with each class on hard before I decided who I wanted to go all the way with. Still ended up playing a lot of Sorceress just out of necessity on ToM crawls. Bosses there just hit so hard.

How is this possible? The game has like 8 fucking levels.

This is like torture.

Tower of Mirages is a dungeon with infinite floors that gets insane at higher levels. Like you're literally running into giant scorpions with death auras that one shot you by farting on you.

Definitely more fun with actual living breathing players.

>It's been two years that 13 Sentinel Aegis was announced.
Not a single screenshot since then.

Playing with yourself gets old after a while, true, but everything is better with more like-minded people.

ur killin me dawg

hopefully they'll show it at E3 or TGS

I wish they'd re-release Dragon's Crown on PSN for the PS4.

There's build guides for Dragon's Crown? I never knew what skills I was supposed to pick and what not.

>Freezing people with ice staffs
>Turning people into frogs
>Flying across the map
>Making your own supply of food
>Personal army of skellys
I went in hyped for Elf and came out living Sorceress the most.

Only when playing with brown people.
I've played the game with tons of nips and they're usually courteous but are completely lost when trying to access secrets.
i.e. the magic/shield quest in the tower of mages or the color coded locked chest.

pick elf and max out deadly boots

I played Amazon first when she was completely broken and raped everything.
Don't regret it.
Though playing Dwarf last was my own mistake.
Too much fun.

oh u

There are 9 levels. Also, every level has a fork in the road in the beginning and each path is unique, so really there's 18 levels.

We can all agree on the best Dragon's Crown doujin, right?

>Tfw the friend I co-oped the game with was a Deadly Boot Elf

>lost my level ~160 wizard before I could finish the DLC difficulty
I cri evrery tiem

It always struck me as funny that people never realized how fucking incredible Wizard is. Between levitate and his multiple air dodges he can sit in the air lobbing massive spells from total safety for long periods of time, slow makes most bosses trivial, his insta-kill spell is 100% the best and safest way to kill late-game elite mobs, and meteor swarm+fire ward shits all over that asshole bunny.

Most people are nice about it.
Sometimes I don't notice and accidentally grab some. I'm sure most of the time it's probably just that.

dont worry about builds, its easy to respect later.
the game is super crazy endgame, where you get special equips that have insane buffs to certain skills/moves.

How is the game on ps3 compared to ps vita and/or ps tv?



The same.

weebshit pandering to pathetic virgins

grow the fuck up cucks

PS3 looks nicer and has i think better performance but the Vita version lets you use those runes faster thanks to the touchscreen.

Why is that like the only Elf doujin? Every other one she might show up for a page or two but that's it

Upgrade whatever stats you want. You eventually can get a potion that allows you to reset your stats, so it doesn't really matter what you do with them initially.

By the time you get those stat-altering potions, I think you'll know which skills are garbage, and which skills are worth your time. A general hint is to mostly focus on the character skills and ignore the common skills.

Scat is a boner killer for me, I just like to ignore those pages like most Meme50 doujins. On the brightside, you get bonus Kancolle traps at the end.

>Finished the game
>Feeling good
>Stop! you have only freed the first goddess, go back and free the other 2

Why would they do this?
I already got PTSD from Bravely Default.

Doesn't really matter, just have an idea in mind and go for that. Don't take more than one point into better food or quick pockets (if you're a Wizard/Sorc) though. The first percent boost you get is three or four times larger than every later boost so they just aren't worth the investment.

It's a Diablo-like, you're supposed to keep levelling and gaining better loot through online dungeon chains to challenge the increasing difficulties

If it doesn't feature the Amazon getting her anus destroyed than I'm not interested.

i slapped this in when i was super drunk about a month ago. i hadn't played it in about a year. i had finished the normal mode by killing the dragon but i cant remember what what im supposed to do now.

i have to get the seven jewels again, right? then kill the dragon again? and there is that endless/random dungeon thing on the level select screen.

someone tell me what to do now. sorceress a best by the way.

Literally picked the game back up recently to start a wizard. Shit's good.

Fighter and zon were my go to.

You need to increase the difficulty and gather the gems again, though you'll likely need to level up first.

One owns a ps4, another owns an xbone, and the last has a 3ds. We each have a pc though. They don't own any handhelds. The guy that had a ps3 sold his awhile back to get a ps4, he's a normie and thought newer was better.

I wasn't so sure about him until I saw that they gave him a Raistlin color set.

You basic repeat the same thing three times with different difficulty modes
Occasionally doing the extra dungeons for good loot