What's the verdict?

What's the verdict?

bad design for an increasingly irrelevant game with repetitive gameplay



Robot with no backstory, Blizz just made it a girl and put it in the game.




>diverse bot rolling into action! Diverse quota established!

>What's the verdict?

Definitely fills the quotas

That's the best thing I have to say about it

the design is fucking horrendous thats my verdict


Looks like a generic Vanquish enemy

Shitty design
Very bland gameplay, but still useful. Literally just a generic tank character.
Backstory is boring
Overall falls flat in all aspects but is still useful enough gameplay wise that she'll see some play.

Literally boring in every way

Mercy's new toy.

Useful kit but a bit on the squishy side.

Jack-of-all trades, master of none

All the other classes do the things she does better

Should have been a male with a heavy kongo accent.

Seems better tuned for offense but the shield does not survive long when focused.

Dumb design, but the OR15 skin helps compensate it a little.
Very boring to play as
Probably will end up being viable though, which personally sucks for me because I already don't like playing tanks and Orisa is the least fun I've ever had as one.

Discount pic related

I want to fuck that robot
Does it have a frontal pussy or a horse pussy?

>all those people who actually wanted this skin instead of the dyke shit Blizz originally gave\
>blonde white master race wins again

sjw btfo

what a retarded head design, shit looks stupid as fuck

So buy the protector skin and stop whining, fag

Nice try you Paladins playing nigger

>he plays normiewatch

She's made of a mishmash of abilities from other characters, making her pretty boring.
>DVa's gun style of "Heavy gun that slows you down when fired"
>Deployable Reinhardt shield
>Ultimate is Mercy's damage boost but applied to multiple teammates
If I want to use those abilities I'll play that character.

Ugly and pretty boring.
When she get live in comp it will be a nightmare.

my feelings exactly

feels like they had to make a new hero because they needed a new hero, not because they had a great idea for either mechanics or character design

Unlike Dva Orisa's gun can actually do damage.

Don't forget the mini Zarya's ult

>be op
>buy overwatch
>start off by chimping around in comp
>get BTFO
>complain on Mongolian finger painting site