This year is starting to look good already.
Early goty predictions?
This year is starting to look good already
>south park
>goty material
Haha, no. Probably Zelda, Mario or RDR will win the GOTY title
GOTY is Hollow Knight for me so far, RDR might dethrone it
BotW is good but it's barely a Zelda game, the lack of difficulty curve is annoying
didn't dig the story in Automata and the combat is one of Platinum's weakest
Horizon is an another ubisoft-tier collecthaton
Haven't tried Yakuza 0 yet
Isn't new South Park developed by Ubisoft only? Doubt it'll be good, the first one was only okay because of Obsidian
>Shnemue III releasing in 2017
What else? Kingdom Hearts III? Half Life 3?
>no Persona
it's a 2016 game that's old news, and anyone who wanted to play it already did it long ago
I want to believe it'll be BotW for how close-to-perfect it's actual GAME DESIGN is. But I have a sinking feeling RDR2 might outstrip it once GOTY season rolls around. Especially due to BotW being so early in the year. Odyssey might knock it out of the park as well though so who knows.
>he actually thinks Super Mario Odyssey isn't getting delayed to 2018.
*open world game design
The combat and equipment game design is lacking.
>SJW Effect is not going to be GOTY
well at least the Canadians made a good job by destroying that possibility.
there's nothing wrong with Pyre
Now look some of your games there are shit but you biggest most inexcusable offense is including a Sonic "Mr. Once Was" the Heghog. There has literally never been a Sonic game better the average tier, most of them are horse shit. Anyone who likes sonic any one bit is a spastastic autismo and deserve to have all of their opinions ignored.
Goddamn it this contrarian mindset of Sup Forums has been getting on my nerves lately. yes hollow knight is the goty because you wont ever see something on FB about it. I know.
Fucking hell.
Some high quality bait there, my friend.
Uuuuh where's Yakuza 0 in that image?
wheres re7???
jesus christ this game exists. Holy fuck i totally forgot about it. Worsed 50€ i have ever spend. And 5 days later it got cracked anyway. What a shallow experience.
It looked amazing at some parts i guess.
Name 1 sonic game that is better then any other similar game released in its time.
Provide evidence to suggest Sega can produce something worthwhile out of the Sonic franchise that this point in time.
Pro tip: you can't.
I think you mean "worst"
Im far from a weeabo loving faggot by god damn the west needs to step it up. Hopefully bannerlord actually drops this year
Sonic 1, 2 & 3
Sonic advance 1, 2 & 3
Sonic rush
Sonic generations
Either way this one is being made by modders and not the usual sonic team. Probably best to do some research before you unleash your hot opinions, lad.
BOTW is GOTY, there is no way around this
It's a mediocre game filled with padding. It's a tech demo featuring Link and nothing more than that.
>tfw a game not even made in 2017 wins GOTY 2017
Yes, BotW is mediocre. On what timeline?
Persona 5 exists, looks like I found a way around
Perfect taste there friend.
a game that came out september 2016? Ok..?
>modders and not the usual sonic team
So the same rabid fan autists that actually like sonic?
Look man, in terms of raw gameplay sonic is always an uninspired and usually glitchy, in terms of environment sonic is deviant art tier unartistic crap. Sonic has never held a candle to the platforming greats nintendo put out and the proof is in the pudding, there's a reason Sega lost and it's because they are and have always been crap.
This one. People can go on and on about how 'great' it is, but I have not been given one single reason as to why it deserves GOTY, let alone a 10/10. What did it improve upon? Nothing. It's hardly even a Zelda game.
cool it dude he was just saying hollow knight was his personal game of the year
Nice, then please tell me some mediocre games like BotW. Ive played it dry and there is nothing for me to do right now in my spare time.
My personal GOTY is going to be Nier Automata, but if we're talking actual awards, it'll probably go to Zelda or Mario
>It's hardly a Zelda game
And it's the best because of that. Finally breaking free from OoT rehash 2990 is great. World design is great. Ambient sound and music is fantastic and Link is cute as fuck. All winning combinations for me.
This is the most hyped I've been for a mario game since the original NSMB. Also if Mario Maker gets ported I'm buying a Switch 100%
Wasn't OoT basically alttp in 3d? And BotW is as zelda as it gets because it's more like the First zelda game.
And calm down m8, there have been 6 3D zelda games since 1998. They aren't that many. 5 because skyward sword doesn't count.
Modders of the original games are typically people who want to continue the pre-autistic sonic series.
Improvements aren't always improvements. There's nothing groundbreaking about it. The e original and OOT were groundbreaking. I understand the hype behind those. It's warranted. BOTW does nothing new. Why 10/10? Why all the hype?
No way Mario is missing the holiday season. The game's been in development for 4 years.
Nier is the only good game on that pic.
It's not an 98/100 game and it doesnt deserve the 60 perfect scores it got i do agree. But it's still the best game ive played in a very long time.
For me, what made BotW so good were many things, but it was mainly the freedom of gameplay. What do i mean by that? After you leave the plateu, you get to do whatever you want. Go to any direction and you know what? Every direction is the right one. You set out to go to X and end up in Y and it's the best ''Self made'' adventure you've been to. It's pure magic, and you just dive into it.
Now, said magic for me peaked at the 30 hours when i finally decide to go get the master sword. The whole Lost Woods arc to get to the sword and do the 3 trials, where possibly the best moments of my gaming life, (excluding tournaments i go to for a childrens party game) But after those 30 hours, you realize that the world isn't THAT big and this sense of discovery slowly fades away, and after 30 more hours, where you decide that it's time to go to hyrule castle, INCLUDING the disappointing climax, you are left with a bit of a lackluster ending to an amazing journey. I put more than 100 hours into it and if i were to rank the game it would go like this:
>0-30 hours: 10/10
>30-60 hours: 9/10
>60-??: solid 8/10
It's a 9.2/10 game for me.
What i also liked a lot about it is the combat. Watch 10 people fight a Lynel, each one of them will be fighting it in a completely different way, each one of them is the right way to do it.
also, i can guaranteed you that at least half the puzzles, i did them they way they were not intended to.
I can't imagine myself going back to other RPG/open world games because it would feel like i am very limited in what i can do with my character.
That particular Nintendo Tokyo EPD team has never needed to delay a game. Not even when a TSUNAMI fucked them up.
No it hasn't.
I do like the freedom as well, but you have to admit one thing and one thing alone: Breath of the Wild isn't as good as Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4. Let's just get this out of the way.
you just sold me on this game.
But im getting it for the wiiu, better things to spend my money on now than a new console with one game. From what I've seen the differences between the two platforms aren't that drastic right?
Dude i played it on wii U and the performance is, not good. You will see and experience massive frame drops. Almost every village drops to 20FPS and stays there. You know how OoT run at capped 20fps? Well people have been joking that it's a throwback to that. But on a seriosu note, it drops to 20 because the whole village doesnt have loading times, meaning you can enter any house/store/building seamlessly with zero loading time. The game also literally Froze on me twice for 1-2 seconds after Bombing a Moblin in close combat, making it go into ''Ragdoll-mode''. It froze, i was expecting a blue screen. 0 FPS.
Also, the whole Desert Main Dungeon, it runs from 15 to 20 fps.
Now, did it bother me? Honestly, it didn't. The game is too good to care. Lies, it bothered me in one instance now that i think about it but i won't spoil it to you. I will just say that, it kinda ruined my moment when i saw the master sword from a far and got mild goosebumps and then boom, 15 fps.
No, the switch version runs quite a bit better.
If i were you, i would honestly wait for april 8th and play it on CEMU. If you have a decent PC that is.
isn't 2 the pinnacle of skate games?
Pro Skater 2? No, not really. It's hardcore nostalgia guys that say that. It's weird to me, because they're serious improvements over 2.
GOTY for me is nioh. I doubt RDR 2 is coming out this year. Horizon or Zelda would probably win it tho
I can't believe people are hyped for RDR2 after GTAV.
uninspired and usually glitchy? have you even played the genesis trilogy at least? unartistic crap? please, i know you are baiting but it makes me angry anyway how someone is so fucking ignorant
your moms cooking is usually uninspired and glitchy.
The idea that it won't be BotW is laughable.
I'm strongly looking forward to RDR and Mario though.