What went wrong

what went wrong

Other urls found in this thread:


He's a furry

he plays league of cancer

We found out he isn't a based weeanigga but just some greasy white slob that sounds black

It's not an act, he actually is that retarded, which makes it sad/stupid and not funny. It's like sitting on park bench across the special needs home and laughing at the retards.

What do you mean found out? His face has been known for at least 6 years

Give an example of his retardation.

Nuqueler turrent.

I like Dunkey, what'd I miss?

>6 years

Who the fuck would watch anything he did before he quit playing moba garbage

He's the only youtuber worth keeping up with.

Literally one of the only good YouTubers

when was he ever supposed to be black?

he plays video games

He's clearly not and you can tell just by watching his videos.

kill yourself

Never. If you actually watched his videos you would know that he is of Puerto Rican descent.

It's one of his channel ""memes"" where people say they unsub and dislike because he is/isn't black. Like the pro genji thing, an unfunny meme that only worked the first time.

literally nothing.
What went right is that he stopped making league of legends videos.

he got fat

I literally thought he was a basketball american because he talks like and acts like a weeaboo nigger

Nothing; he's better than he's ever been

Nothing went wrong. He still makes good videos and now he doesn't make League videos so the channel is even better.

>anything of the nigger race
Sup Forums has changed.

Nothing. Him and Leaha are one of the most amusing couples I can think of, plus his content has only gotten better after he got out of the league box.

Started watching him more after he stopped the league shit.

>scream and make high pitched noises
why do everyone like this retard

I really enjoy watching him play a game that doesn't allow modding because he actually makes an effort to do something funny (MGSV was one of his best). I really hate watching him play moddable games like Fallout 4 because HAHAHA I SPAWNED SO MANY NPC'S AND THEY ALL LAGGED HAHA SO FUNNY ^))^)^^)

What are you going to do about the fact that I'm half black hmm? :^)

The Pro Genji thing is only mentioned in 1 or 2 vids of his
The Overwatch Community just took it and spout it in every post, comment, and video they make

the humor comes from observational jokes and doing wacky stuff with games, like in his zelda video, a good 70% of the stuff in that video is shit I never even thought of in game.

Go back to /r/Sup Forums little baby nigger

Smart editing

Dunkey is still great

Nothing, niggers don't bother me at all.

Here you go, 3 hours of retardation. He's either the perfect method actor and extremely commited to his persona or just an idiot. youtube.com/watch?v=x3YrOgbJzrE


Lots of his jokes are just "le random funny meme xd" or him laughing at something. The videos of him playing modded games and multiplayer with his friends are low tier shit.

Nothing, his retarded jokes for stupid fuckers still the same like they were
Some faggots think he changed somehow


Great comedic timing and editing

Otherwise its all just jokes that anyone else could make up

Go shitpost on /po/ you cuck.

yeah i like when he does that stuff but le random humor is usually much more prevalent

I know. I wasn't saying it was a joke he used a lot, it's one his fans spout out in the comment section a lot that isn't that funny at all.

how do you even watch it

Please leave /po/ alone we're sick of all the other board rejects coming and checking dubs.

Nothing. He's the only good gaming-rated YouTube channel. His gf is annoying tho.

>his persona is a donkey
>hurr guys he's dumb
Is this the intelligence of your average redditor?

Stop making this thread every day. The replies are always the same, even this one

>forgetting where the based meme came from

I never knew anything about dunkey and always thought he was black for some reason

So because he "plays" the idiot in his videos he can't stop being an idiot on a 3 hour show?



>play a lot of league
>toxic cancer but funny so whatever
>liquid toxicity catches up when league bans him
>"I've done so much and now this!"
>rage quit league
>realise main source of income is loss
>"jk I'm back!"

>Sup Forums lambasts dunkey for doing the same joke multiple times
>Sup Forums's primary- and arguably only- form of comedy is repeatedly posting falseflag crying console wojaks

Yes, it's how he has fun, you're autistic.

>that pic
si;vermania's gaben interview is the best video i've ever seen on youtube

>Sup Forums is one person who entertains for money on youtube

Unfunny pcuk

Actually he is of Puerto Rican Descentâ„¢

not an argument


He's an idort and he's friends with JonTron.

I think I remember it was this video


that really made him blow up and become crazy popular. It was some time around that time period anyways. After he got popular his humor became a lot more loud and obnoxious and randumb. Before dunkey was a lot more subdued and dry, it was comfy

Dunkey then:

Dunkey now:

I actually had to google that and it seems it's related to the "buff and sweaty dudes playing grab-ass" show.

Yeah no, if he can't drop his persona for something more serious and give an honest answer on a podcast then that's an even better reason to stop caring about his content in the first place.

Even fucking Kaceytron or whatever the fuck her name is gave an honest out-of-character interview and she basically lives the stupid camwhore persona 24/7.

Dunkey is black.

He finally got good content

Is this marketing thread?

>niggers think they're welcome on here
Sup Forums has changed.

>Yeah no, if he can't drop his persona for something more serious and give an honest answer on a podcast
Why should he? It's a podcast, not a courtroom

It's a podcast you autistic shit, nobody has to act seriously when you want them to

After him being posted over and over here, I ended up watching a few of his videos, and what's the fucking fuzz about? He's not entertaining, insightful or have any redeeming quality on his videos.
I mean, it's your time, waste however you want, but after all the noise, I expected this to be I dunno, a less dull channel than it actually is.