Is breath of the wild worth getting a switch for?

is breath of the wild worth getting a switch for?

yes. you can turn link into linkle


nah but it's the only game on the switch worth getting

For me it was but I also have cash to spend so regardless I did so knowing it may have been tripe.

It has been the most genuine, soft fun ive had in a game in many years. Do some research then make your decision. Worst case if you want to be safe get the wii u version if you got one.

>foot fetishist
>literal faggot
>likes feet on traps

I hate this place.

He looks cold; give him (him) something warm, user.

feet on traps are gross

Fuck no, but it's a game that you should play regardless at some point in life

Honestly no. Just get it on Wii U. The Switch isn't worth picking up until Super Mario Odyssey (at the earliest).

I did it and no regrets here.I don't own a Wii U tho.

>b-b-but i want my safe place

cold link is qt :3c

Admittedly I haven't gotten the console or game yet but you should probably wait for more games to come out. I'm getting my Switch around Christmas when Mario Odyssey comes out, a decent amount of games like Splatoon 2, Arms, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, some third-party things like Sonic Mania and other smaller things like some of the 65+ indie games they announced should be out by then. Also E3 should have more games announced and possibly (though I doubt it) release around Christmas as well.

Don't be a dumb, buy when its cheaper.

Pointing out blatant cringe and degeneracy is even close to the same as advocating for safe spaces. I want you to have the freedom to flaunt your degeneracy, but I also want the freedom to express my disgust at your vile ways.

Just for that one game? Probably not for most people.
But if you have any interest in Nintendo franchises I don't see the risk, unless you're interested in a potential 50 or so dollars price cut in 2 or 3 years or if you're hurting for cash atm.

*is not even close to the same

>he uses the term "degeneracy" unironically
>on Sup Forums

No its highly overrated and will most likely leave you slightly disappointed that you bought an entire console for it unless you are an absolute retard who is incapable of seeing how flawed the game is because you forked out $300 for a console with no other games on it.

It was the same situation with BB when that came out. Everyone claimed it was the greatest thing to ever exist because it was the main reason most people bought the console. The game had to be "one of the best games ever made" otherwise the console would have been a waste of money to a lot of people. BB also turned out to just be a pretty good game, like BotW.

Just wait for Cemu to be able to run it decently. Or wait a while for more games to come out for the switch and for the DLC for BotW to come out before you buy one.

t. degenerate

t. degenerate

You're a degenerate too friendo.

t. degenerate

prep the bull

You see this user OP listen to them.

You either get breath of the wild later on with a switch or get it on the WiiU if you own one.

>spends free time on fucking Sup Forums
>probably losers that are not normal
>if you refute this then you're a fucking normalfag, get out
>calls others degenerate
You fucking degenerates.

t. degenerate