Game studio does something you personally disagree with, so you don't buy their product

>game studio does something you personally disagree with, so you don't buy their product


Other urls found in this thread:

It's fine to not buy but starting a thread about it means you are assmad.

Ummmm sweetie it's a little different when the company is making a children's game and partners with a known white supremacist misogynistic racist xenophobic nazi :)

>OP posts what is almost certainly cropped porn
>reverse image search is a futile endeavour
I'll never find the source in the ocean of Toph ;_;

>post source
>mod gets asspained and ruins video game related thread

>video game related thread
Ehhhh, only barely. All I'm asking for is artist name or a link.

Isn't helping out other anons' feminine penises what Sup Forums is all about?

>game has a gay character in it
>everyone laps onto the thread and now game is declared SJW of the highest order
>try it out for myself
>it's a throwaway line that has no effect on the game

>soccer game but everyone has to wear girl clothes and catcall passing boys
>"Why does no one want to play this game with me?"

>game studio does something I personally disagree with so I don't buy their product
>have no need or desire to make this known to the general public

Why would you go out of your way to prove his point for him?

what game is that?

If the game forces you to endure something you find obnoxious or off-putting just to play it, of course less people will bother to play it.

Forced SJW shit is no different from a terrible forced story or terrible music you can't toggle off.

It's more the people demanding refunds for money that doesn't exist anymore

You paid for a game, you didn't pay for some Arab's opinions. They owe you nothing. The refund policy for kickstarter is if they don't deliver the game they promised and they have.

What if I'm an idiot who only bought it to find Jontron's character? That's the product I was promised and why I paid.

But his entire point was about people being hyperbolic over how much prominence this shit has in any given game and then you go ahead and respond with overblown hyperbole.

>still can't find that Toph pic
being a toph fan is suffering.

then you back games for very sad reasons

Every. Fucking. Time.
>um sweetie

Jon wasn't a backer reward, so you'd have to have some incredible foresight in order to back the game for it.

>I cant use paheal for literally 1 page

This, quit being a bitch.

It's my money, I spend it where I like.

You're not wrong.

this thread getting worst and worst

Buys the game just to take a steaming shit on it before rapping it up and mailing it to the developers.

It's like you don't try.

Found it, thanks

>cant enjoy a game

It started with a shitpost, so it's par for the course.

I'm planning to do a visual novel about Toph
And try to get Anaxus's art if i can manage to convince him.

>Buys the game
the devs stopped caring here.

>tfw to intelligent too be a SJW of the right

Behold, I am economically ever so slightly conservative but socially progressive!
You have never seen the likes of me before, so I understand if I'm intellectually intimidating!

Fun fact
google results depend on your searching habits, browser you use and your location.
I shit you not, you get better results with chrome

>tfw newfags confuse mfw and tfw
It makes me feel like you should leave.

lmaoi Sup Forums BTFO yet agin, will they ever recovered?

He does commissions, quite a reasonable price too.

Got any info? I'm still on the planning part of the game and i'm broke as fuck, so i'm planning some stacking some dosh while writing the stuff
Example: proper visual novel or given some liberty like locations to visit?

You should just kill yourself then

Oh Reddit you rascals you! :3

To make a VN/STG you'd need a nude base for the character, then clothes and expressions that will stack on top of the base.

And for any CG's you'd need a nude base and then emotions/actions that can stack on top.

Get the framework down, including all writing, then contact an artist (preferably someone with talent like Anaxus) then ask them for a quote, either per completed CG (ie. 1 base, 10 expressions, 5 actions, 10 outfits) or per frame - figure out a total price and agree to it.

Now comes the payment - with finished writing and systems, it'd be easy as all fuck to shill on Patreon - and if you can say the artist need $X total to complete the project, you'd see a tonne of people dump money in.

>Other similar threads already delete, this thread still here
What's your secret?

girl on op's pic is blind, it works for mods too

Some communocucks tried to shit out their sad little thread about how we shouldn't purchase bideogames because it encourages mass consumption and they basically got futa dump'd into oblivion over 90 minutes. I don't know who they thought they were trying to fool.

Seriously, no one cares what you don't buy. you put yourself in the spot light by feeling the need to brag about it

You fool, they were clearly after our futa. Now they have all our pics of girls with dicks.

Don't feel too bad user, I didn't back it but I was planning on getting it just because Jontron was involved in it.

Thanks user, i appreciated.

For now i'll try to do a long intro as a demo for the game but this stuff will probably take a year or two as i'm completely blank on almost every regard.
I fucking HATE being an Ideaguy guy but i also lack self motivation even trought i really want to do this

If you can't make the concept, minus art, don't even try - you'll just waste everyone's time.

The shills of this game are fucking insane. They really fucked up by removing Jon. They are on full damage control.

Look elsewhere for validation you fag

>you'll just waste everyone's time.
That's why if i do this, i'll only contact when i actually get a full plan trought start to finish when every needs will be satisfased.
I still fleshing out the story, i want the game to be as close to the source a possible, character wise especially.


you are triggered though, faggot.
you don't just buy a game to support the dev but you buy the game for the game

Plus i got a writer with good skills who's willing to help me in the project as mentor/advice and i'll most likely work on the programming side of the game (I already do formatting for another couple of renpy games and i'm using those as a way to learn renpy and all that.)

what the fuck
Sup Forums is a containment board and honestly this is a containment site. why would anyone raid this?

take all my (you)s

Good work.

Keep it up and when you have ALL the writing and at the VERY LEAST all the framework of scripting, then start shilling.

If you have any questions try picking MITY's brains when he's in /stg/ on /aco/ - or just directly from patreon - he's the ONE guy that I would say has done development right.

>wanting to discuss something is now a sign of anger

You're all retards

You made a thread just so people could tell you how virtuous you are
You are a little bitch and your shit's all retarded

get madder faggot

Yeah i know him and as fan of the series and i fucking hate how Azula (and other characters) are straight plain incompenent in his 4ET. Especially Azula but that's just me being a faggot, his art is good but i'm not really fan of his writing
I'll probably not shill it trought Patreon and such, i want this project to be good but i don't want to have a burden to have other people wanting stuff.
That means if i do shill it, i'll probably do it halfaway trought when a BIG piece of chunk is done (Like when Mity did it with his entire half part of Katara's story).

>you disagree with me wow fucking retard
how many chromosomes do you have?

I must agree, the writing is a bit on the nose, and the art isn't as on model as I'd like - but I was referring to his development process - he's managing it wonderfully.

>I'll probably not shill it trought Patreon and such

I used to think this picture was bullshit but the amount of blatant SJWs crying about false racism in these threads has convinced me they're here. No rational person can be this retarded.

You're actually right

>Wow you want to discuss something? This makes me mad but so I'm going to accuse you of being mad

The replies to your post prove it

>Accidentally hit post.

>I'll probably not shill it trought Patreon and such
Artists don't work for free.

>That means if i do shill it, i'll probably do it halfaway trought when a BIG piece of chunk is done (Like when Mity did it with his entire half part of Katara's story).
Exactly what I was saying, get the framework/POC done and then move forward - people like Tropic and Trainerfan trying to reinvent the wheel whilst they're still rolling just fuck themselves over and over again.
MITY has had the advantage of being able to pay for an Artist for Katara's segment before going public, which generated a lot of support, but if your framework is solid and you have a fantastic artist attached (particularly one who likes the source material) then you should pass that hump without much issue.

I'm doing the game for me first and i always fear to have the end of TrainerFan, you should know him.

I haven't seen MITY on stg and weg for months, i think he left for good.

Thank God there is at least one sensible person here.

They'd make fools of themselves in real life if they acted the way they have



>I'm doing the game for me first and i always fear to have the end of TrainerFan, you should know him.
Where Trainerfan fucked up was trying to secure the wrong artist, before he had bankroll or a workable framework for his game.
DE wasn't motivated at all, was literally apprehensive to deliver on every single CG and frame - and was working with a game that had undefined framework.
Trainerfan got desperate and massively overpaid her, then she cut and run.

Granted, right now he has a good artist, but the art style doesn't work for me so I've stopped tracking the project.
>Tfw I was the one who suggested the water tribe microbikini.
>Tfw I can't even get it up to the artwork.

I'm just glad the game will bomb now after the betrayal.

Literally proving our points

try again retard


>You see company eating shit
>They put that shit in the game
>Is it your fault that they like to eat shit?

i did nigger

The artist is actually improving his art to make it more good to look, i think TF sneak peaked a improved picture of some of his CGs

>Artists don't work for free.
The same that they won't do art for a Patreon with 0$ on it.
I'll start working a job soon and i'll keeping a part of money for the artist, Anaxus is my choice for now but i don't think he's a big fan of Toph, which will probably put me on a disadvantage on his passion for the project.
I do want to add a sidestory about helping Aang and Katara relation but the game's story is post-Fire book and by then they are already together.

>post fire ATLA
Lost me there m80.

Nah, I'd still back you if you had a decent artist.
I'd say Anaxus would be on board, whilst he favors Katara, he still does plenty of Toph.

Just give creative freedom and it'd be an attractive project.

And with patreon, you'll find that if you promise the artist the first $x that comes in, rather than 50%, it's an attractive enough offer as it guarantees payment.

Don't remember who it was, but their contract with their artist was $x or 25%, whatever ends up being more.

>Lost me there m80.
Well i did say i wanted it to be more "coherent" in the storywise and post ending is the safest bet out here.
I plan to use the "Headband" episode as intro, then time-skip of a year after it with Toph returning for a specific reason for the actual game.
The location is perfect for me: huge character creation, locations and giving the artist a huge creative freedom.

Yeah, but for me the best stuff is always on model.

What do you mean exactly for "on model"?

Wait what?

You would buy a shitty game and play it
3 keks for stupid

What is sad panda

As in straight out of the source material, like it was made by the original creators.

Well obviously Toph is gonna be same as ever, i trought you were mention something else.
The timeskip is there for story purposes to be coherent.

>Implying that thing can work with white people.

Vidya has been full of consumers that throw massive interweb bitchfits and buy the shit anyway. Just look at how much rage the yearly sports franchises pull and you will see.

I don't understand this dysfunction.

It's a very sad panda

>Just look at how much rage the yearly sports franchises pull and you will see.
Fucking dudebros, man.

>game studio does something I don't agree with
>"it's their game"

And it's my money

I know who I'm going to fap to now

excellent taste

>"let's fuck these nazis"
>says the communist
top kek they did basically the same thing are these people actually, ACTUALLY retarded?

Voting with your wallet is literally the only action that maters in a capitalistic society. No mater what you say its money that talks.

Remember that time tumblr tried to raid Sup Forums?


Toph is pure sex

Then you're no better than a cultist.

Well she failed at the love part of things. She was a fucking horrible mother.

>American game has gay character
>Won't stop shoving it in your face and whines if you don't compliment his special snowflake sexuality
>Japanese game has gay character
>Is usually based as fuck and usually one of the biggest bros in the game


If you're going to be a triggered numale fine, but don't whine about it too.