i never get to ride tho


dude.... this is providing some epic lulz rn lol


I remember me and my brother going underneath my mum's covers after dad ad left for work but she was still asleep because we wanted to see what she had if you know what i mean....she woke up and then rather than get mad she showed us and basically tried to make it as unexciting a genital reveal as possible. But me and him were satisfied with out discover.

I guesss what Im saying is that I saw my mom's pussy.


I showered with my mom a couple of times

I'm gonna need some sauce please.

Yo OP, ya got anymore? What's the hold up?

cabin in the woods


Why does incest give me the most ridiculous boner? I want to fuck particular family members so badly.


I hope there's more.

I'm in the opposite boat.
Incest in porn is fucking hot, but it's repulsive to me in real life.

It would be hot in real life if I had actual attractive relatives.

this guy right here

I think if it ever could happen to me, I'd probably back out. The porn just gave me the kink I guess.

why did I read this

I ask this myself every day on Sup Forums

well you are imagining fucking someone else's mother despite seeing it through the eyes of another kid

so at the end of the day you dont see it as incest

Well post more you inkling

really makes you wonder who the real monster is

>tfw you're into Mommy/Puppy fetish
>tfw you're lumped with these fags

>super popular

I feel like I would like incest porn, but oedipal porn just seems wrong to me even though i'm a huge fan of /ss/ and my sister is an annoying loose whore, so she kind of desensitized it for me.

sounds like you need to kill yourself

N-No bully pls


You're not 'lumped in' with thes fags. You ARE these fags.
Prove me wrong. You literally can't.

>judging others while having an even weirder fetish

one of my sisters is pretty attractive but she's a hardcore feminist

You think I wanna goto a mosh or whatever the fuck those things are called? I just want a girl to tickle me and call me a good boy while playing with my cock.

See above

>actually funny
what the fuck

>finding a sibling attractive ever
>thinking feminism is bad

You need to make her your good republican bitch

>being a cuck

That edit is perfect

>implying republicans are good
You need to tackle issues on a basis by basis issue, not have some Jewish fucker make issues black and white


I bet I'm the only one who wants to fuck Meg and cum deep inside while she calls me Chris

Truly, the good guys lost ww2.

>being a cuck who projects onto others

Simplistic drawn porn like this is actually quite hot.

Chris Chandler does too.

Nah, Hitler was a fucking bozo who didn't know what he was doing, if you lose the war, your not the good guy


I don't like incest at all but I like PoV videos and so much of the good shit is incest-themed that I can't help but watch them.

Great film.

Tried finding the source of OP's comic. It's supposedly an edit.


>implying there is good and bad guys

Read mein kampf. Hitler was spot on on the jews. Who do you think are behind the sickening degeneracy like that "puppy play" shit?
I'll bet that you can find a bunch of jews pushing for that shit.
They did similar shit in Weimar, which is one of the many reasons why germans and Hitler resented them so.

Super popular in the petplay scene. Which I can't imagine how deep that hole goes.


>Entire world vs 2.5 countries, for all intensive purposes it was 1 country.
>Britain nearly lost after being bombed


what im saying is that Hitler was dumb and lost the war by making dumb fucking decisions, not that he was wrong morally

Is this Back to the Future meets Fight Club?

He was setup to make those decisions. You have to remember that morality in itself is subjective

What film or tv show? Is this that German one where hitler comes back as a comedy or something?

>be master race
>lose every war we start and now are so afraid of our own shadow we can't stop the literal Muslim invasion happening within our borders right now
>b-but at least our old uniforms looked nice

Hitler had a opportunity to take out most of the brit forces if he didn't relent, and then he chose to fight Russia
What? how the fuck was he setup if as a dictator, he had total power? why would people in his country let him make the decisions if they were that fucking dumb

so the uninformed opinion and group mentality are suddenly not a thing?

He was setup to BE dictator user. I would go in detail but it's fucking 6 AM and I haven't slept

why don't the SJWs who inhabit Sup Forumseddit ever reply this these comics defending them?

Look Who's Back!

>these are the animal fuckers you reply to who spam threads with glorified bestiality


Ah, i understand that part but i just didn't get what you typed.


I love these

He was told to do certain things and he did them. Simple as that.


Do you have the Italian one?

I don't get it.


Can't speak for the others, but I don't see these comics as worth defending

Have you yet studied into the possibility that Hitler was within a cabal of zionists and WW2 was part of their plan to get a foothold for global bankers?

Just a cursory glance in that direction has so many fucking rabbit holes it'd put a trypophobic into a coma. History shouldn't be as fucking messy and uncertain as unexplainable paranormal phenomena.


""Oy vey goyim, don't you know that speaking out against sexual degeneracy is almost as bad as the shoah!? Remember the six million, goyim!""


I've actually studied well into that, he was the scapegoat for the Jews of USSR to claim muh Holocaust and persuade Britian and the US into making Israel.
Basically what I said

Shit posters really are a diamond dozen on Sup Forums huh?

that's all
show's over
see you next time

>reverse image search
>Instant Aphrodisiac Rape Spray


That's the only one I got

How about the knights of the golden cross?


I've never really heard of them. How about alien intervention and influence during WWII? Hitler had some crazy people working with him.
Fuck off nigger

>When I do wear a hood, I love this one!
>It's soo comfy and fits snugly on my small head!

>Japanese keep drawing rape, cuck, cheating
>Country wonders why the birth rates plummet

They're all waiting to watch someone ELSE fuck their women and no one knows whose turn it is.



I can't read this in Mabel's voice so it screams like something out of character. Way to fuck up your comic

Hitler never wanted to fight the brits.
That's why he relented on pursuing the brittish forces.
He thought that it would show the Brits that he had no desire to wage war upon them.

Too bad that the Brits, being the kike puppets they are, wanted the war.


>all japs are reading ntr doujins

