"Old men killing the youngs and the poors to get back some past that barely existed."

"Old men killing the youngs and the poors to get back some past that barely existed."
-Bae, Night in the Woods

Pretty on the nose, don't you think? I mean, the devs are pretty hip'n'cool, so no wonder they hate Trump voters. But is voting Trump really equal to murder, like they suggest?

Other urls found in this thread:


Just as bad as young people who think any change is good change.

>le old people are bad and racist
>le capitalism is bad
holy fuck they actually made a meme game for underage liberals that's worse than undertale

that quote refers to the illuminati not trump voters.
all voters are cucks of the illuminati



back to tumblr you go



Don't you think Tumblr would think positively about the game and its message? And I clearly question it and call it on the nose. That doesn't add up to me being Tumblr.

Next time think before you post.

Undertale was made with good sense and there wasn't such preachy obnoxiousness.

This one is Gone Home-tier of being progressive for the sake of being progressive.

noone on Sup Forums gives a shit about this "game" so take it somewhere else

Yeah, I'm shilling it by making a thread about how it is on-the-nose leftist crap. I'm very proud of myself for coming up with this shill tactic.


I really liked it, just hundred percented die anywhere else on my second play through.

Gregg Rulz Ok

I pirated the game but bought the OST off bandcamp because it's excellent.


mfw the ost costs the same as the game on steam

$14 total for both volumes. I didn't care for Demontower so I didn't buy it.

mfw I have to do a second demontower playthrough because i killed the green bird




Yeah fuck old men, their ideals are old and busted while ours will stay around forever.

So what the fuck is this shit about? Trailer does not tell anything.

I sincerely hope that interior crocodile alligator is not the voice of reason.

You walk around and talk to other animals. Everyone is depressed and quirky.

Sounds like shit. Is it the dialog at least any good?


If you're depressed and quirky yourself. Wanting white males to kill themselves probably helps in enjoying the game too. But that's just an undercurrent for most of it.

What are you on about?

> Capitalism is bad
> Sells game

No. Why would it be.

Is it at least a video game?

I like politics in video games
>I prove my point through this imaginary setting

I need more game that enlight me that way, I don't care if it's left or right.

>i support capitalism
>rich have right to get everything
>i might be dirt poor but i'll support rich people
>rich people should run presidency, take all positions in senate
>lobbying is ok
>it's ok to buy politicians
what is wrong with you americans?

I'm not American.

yes user, wall street and jews should fuck usa in the ass, tear asshole of whole economy, get rich and should face no consequences because of their powerful friends.
now repeat after me:

I have watched part of the game for now and it's not bashing on capitalism YET, Gregg is an idiot, some people have no job, MC is a failure, her parents made bad decisions and lizard mother died, when it will get into "capitalism is bad"?

>some people have no job

Who do you think caused this?

obviously not enough people were fed to the eldergod in the mineshaft

Casey deserved it

their lack of education? It was just one guy "I can't find a job for longer than 6 month in construction work" it never said that someone is responsible for it, since none is obligated to give job to him

No, old men.

>No, old men.
why, how can old men be responsible for them?

Old men running the world?

I kept waiting for this game to become spooky or something similato to dreaming Mary and this is literally nothing happening the game.

I just don't understand.

I thought so until she started raving antifa things.
None of the 4 main characters are likable.

>this is literally nothing happening the game
Art imitates life. What did you expect?

What's wrong with bashing the fash by destroying some local businesses?


and their FLEXability

Wall Street is perpetuated by the govevrnment, which is funded through the theft of millions of people's capital. Taxing people more heavily and allowing more government would make the problem worse like it always has.

Old people ARE majoritarily stupid, racist and likely to vote for a fucking muppet if that muppet claims it's going to do something about immigration

That's a fact that we have ample statistical data on.

>Furry shit made by a socialist for personal profit that involves hip aimless 20 something characters who are lol so quirky with various sexual orientations standing against a shadowy conservative cult

>t.never got drafted into a war and born into a time when he has more rights and opportunities than ever before


>furfag who has to do nothing but sit on his ass all day making walking simulators to live a happy life and flogging this garbage for $15 complains about capitalism
???? give up all your possessions and use your money to tibet then ???? give it all to charity?

>majority by 3%

Within 6 months

>Taxing people more heavily and allowing more government would make the problem worse like it always has.
what are you talking about? where did taxes go? government gave handouts to corporations like free candy. wall street regulations put away one by one by government, nobody went to jail, they keep the money the flush out of companies.
this is happened because of there was no "more government" on wall street.

And those young democrats are most likely non-white. Majority of of young whites probably vote republican especially males.

His excuse was
>I hate capitalism but I still have to live in capitalism

the amount of shitposting and politics in this thread is exquisite. god bless you op

Trump is a terrorist
Putin is the devil
Neofascism is destroying western civilization
Nationalism is a mental illness

That's just how the game is. Blame the devs for punching you in the eye with that stuff.

>government gave handouts
You literally named the issue. The federal government needs to be demolished. Taxation is theft.

Liberals should be publicly impaled for treason

bea < angus < gregg < mae < capitalism

No he doesn't though
He could fuck off and be a monk
That's bullshit, he loves his capitalist life because now he's rich, the hypocritical faggot

when you see bea's shirt at urevolution, i fucking lost it

i want to fuck gregg

why do you have to give up whole life because of some bullshit system? it's artifical. not natural.

>not natural
>every society on earth developed it
>giving up your whole life in this context is giving up a capitalist life and you don't want to do it
>hate capitalism but not willing to give up capitalism, please specially cater literally everything about how large amounts of humans are organised around me specifically because I can't be bothered to do anything

I want to be his special friend and cuddle and knife fight

he is too pure for this world

A game that have an opinion.
A partisan game.

>A game with a political opinion.

We can't have that on Sup Forums right ?

Played it for about 30 mins then uninstalled it. Kinda boring

I prove my point through an imaginary setting, therefore I must be right

I don't think people are saying you shouldn't be allowed to post it, just disagreeing with the faginess of it, and voicing that opinion on a forum for video game opinions

he's too pure to not fuck

you must hate philosophers

Philosophers aren't out to prove facts, that's why they aren't politicians who deal with reality.

>A game that doesn't confirm my liberal opinions

We can't have that in western society, right?

A game as good as Deus Ex doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same thread as some furry walking sim which tries to throw political opinion and morality into the same bag.

Deus Ex actually did political philosophy right, and games have been failing to do the same thing ever since.

it's artificial because it's human made. societies are made of human, so basically it's still not natural you dense motherfucker.
and it's stupid, our needs are artificial.
ipads? youtube? "gaming"?
we need only food, medical support and sheltering and education to transfer these to new generations.
by grandma lives skirts of a mountain, near forests. she has own fields to grew vegetable, she has chickens, she trades extra vegetables and eggs for milk and yogurt. she doesn't need any government or capitalism. her village put money together and bought a water filter and distrbution system to use spring in upper mountains. after 20 years government tried to sell that water to villagers.
who the hell has rights to sell god's water?

tfw you wanna go shitpost in the general on trash but you dont want all the lewds to change feels you get when you remember the game

feels badmington

Here's the mega for anyone wanting to try it out. I refuse to let people pay for this shitty excuse for a game when I can help it.

People who buy shit games like night in the woods are the cancer killing video games

>by grandma lives skirts of a mountain, near forests. she has own fields to grew vegetable, she has chickens, she trades extra vegetables and eggs for milk and yogurt. she doesn't need any government or capitalism. her village put money together and bought a water filter and distrbution system to use spring in upper mountains
That's artificial. Farming is a man made construct and therefore bad (by your own definition). Natural in the purest sense would be a tribal band, and well what do you know... they all had a chief and people relegated to certain roles in a hierachy! I guess that's unnatural though, right?

Don't worry, the dev is a socialist so he would be happy his product is being distributed free of charge :)

fucking kek

mankind divided had such good gameplay but such shit story

how did they let this happen

Because you're a racist who can't stand to be reminded that black lives matter.

Of course they do, who else is going to pick that cotton?

why do i want to play it if it's shit?
do you eat your own shit because it's free?

user i just wanted malik in the game i worked so fucking hard to save her on my no kill playthrough

Ain't nobody saying you have to.
But there are people that want to try it for themselves, and I'm trying to keep them from spending the cash

wow, thanks mr. jesus. you're such a good person, like i can't find a torrent on piratebay.

has anyone in this thread even played the game?

christ, you fuckers will believe anything

I support capitalist
Rich do have a right to what they have, period. Because either they earned it, or their parents earned it etc. They have just as much right to pass on the fruits of their labor as you do to your own children.
Anyone should run presidency, the position should be open to anyone.
Lobbying is debatable, but technically it's not entirely bad.
If you buy a politician, theoretically if they work against their constituents they'll be voted out anyway.

But seriously, capitalism is not perfect but by demonstration it's a far far better system than socialism, and ESPECIALLY communism.


Yeah, Bea is a socialist who's sad she can't afford college

That doesn't mean the game is a socialist soapbox, faggot
