Top 25 companies by game revenues

Wow, really nigs my noggin, laddies.

Other urls found in this thread:

Sony always wins baby
I'm glad tencent is irrelevant in the west

Yet you fucking contrarian fags still refuse to allow a single League of Legends discussion on this board.
Fuck you

lol is shit

damn, Nintendo couldn't even out jew Bamco-scamco.

Holy shit Bamco is so high

Yes. The amount of money a company makes should warrant how much discussion there is of a videogame

>blaming the Jews for your small penis

b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but vee told me nintendo was the op videogame company ever!!! :(

Its not a bad game you fucking edgelord.
Shitheads like you just parrot that sentiment so you can feel like you fit in with the "le hardcore gaymer" culture. Its objectively not a bad game. Its one of the most popular games in the world and is insanely accessible.
I hate Justin Beiber's music but I'm not going to say he's a bad singer just because I'm a butthurt fag.
I dont even play League anymore but the inability to start a modest thread to discuss patch notes is fucking OBNOXIOUS.
If you don't like it then just fucking ignore it, but everybody has to jump in and go ">MOBAS" just to show that they have "good taste"

If Bamco is richer than Square Enix, why are Square's biggest titles always higher budget than Bamco's? Never seen a Tales of game with the budget of a Final Fantasy game

>Its not a bad game you fucking edgelord.
nah, it is

it's dota for babbs

>Capcom at the top still

Bamco fucking rakes in license titles sales.

Dragonball games alone could probably keep their games publishing department going.

Maybe thats just counting revenue from games?
Square enix sells all sorts of shit and also has children companies like eidos

Where's Niantic on that list?
Presumably they would have the biggest fractional increase?

Why is sony so high? Their playstation sucks


up the profit, right?

Why is Mario a plumber?

And Bamco isn't even primary about games.

They make most of their money with toys and also produce anime with Sunrise which is the biggest studio in Japan.

Sony is making bank on paid online

It's not about it being a good or bad game, it's about keeping fags like you from thinking you're welcome here.

>the normies love the new Zelda, and it made Nintendo tons of money, that means it's instantly good

>the playstation is beloved by every chad dudebro and is making sony millions
>this somehow makes them bad

Sup Forums, something doesn't add up here.

STUPID bank.

But Sup Forums told me Sony was going bankrupt?

Marketing, knowing your target audience and mass-market appeal makes far more money than making good games.



Dark souls is a pretty big cash cow

You answered your own question. Bamcos return is significantly higher in comparison to what they spent to make the game. Bamco acquiring Sunrise was the greatest tragedy the world has ever seen

Except tons of sony games get universal praise from critics and users.

Are you saying that every single one of them is wrong?

I hope every League of Lol thread you post gets buried under mountains of shitposting.
I hope you're cursed with the misfortune of never being able to properly talk about any shitty MOBA, which is all of them.
I hope your children are born without fingers so they can't properly indulge in their father's garbage tastes.
I hope all your League of Le faggot friends get ran over by buses filled entirely of obese people, dramtically reducing their chances of survival.

Some pretty good porn of the characters, though.

Why should companies be allowed to have other companies as a subsidiary?

It's no secret Sony's games are worse than Nintendo's. It's been like that since the N64.

>Zelda is good because it made Nintendo money
LITERALLY no human has ever uttered these words before you. What the fuck are you even trying to argue? Zelda is good because it's good. Profits are irrelevant when gauging how good or bad a game is.


How did anything I say imply that games that sell well are bad?
A game's target audience and its quality are completely independent factors. All I said are that its target audience and its sales figures are more closely correlated than its quality and its sales figures.

Before BOTW Nintendo's last good game they released was Splatoon, which was 2 years ago

You gotta understand my situation here. You're saying that sony games are bad and Nintendo games are good, but you're not giving me reasons why.

I can completely excuse those idiot game journalists and invalidate their opinions as paid reviews. But you can't seriously tell me that one company's games are objectively better and not have any sound reasoning for it.

Games like TLoU, Until Dawn, Uncharted, The Order 1886 have one thing in common, they're all story heavy. Nobody talks about the gameplay in these games at all. You're basically paying 60 bucks for an interactive movie.

I liked the Crash/Spyro/Ratchet and Clank years better than the Hollywood reject movies Sony is producing today. Still see no reason to get a PS4 other than to play Bloodborne.

we're on nintendogaf dude


No reasoning with you

Probably the same reason McDonald's is successful. Mainstream appeal. Really not sure how they fooled the casual gamers tbqh

it's shit because you can't play the game without some tryhard e-star of the future having an autistic fit
just like dota, just like overwatch

>Valve nowhere to be seen

But I thought PC was the most viable platform?

>only interested in one Sony exclusive title that doesn't happen to be a generic third person cover shooter with 15 minute long cutscenes

Silly user :3~

Never heard of Net Ease, guess I'll google that now

Don't you fucking pretend like you don't eat McDonald's cunt

>games like TLoU, Until Dawn, Uncharted, The Order 1886 have one thing in common, they're all story heavy.
Here's the issue: I agree with you. I hate all of these """games""" (and I don't have enough room in a single post to put in the appropriate amount of quotation marks around that term, so I won't try).

However, both game journos AND users talk about how much they love the games. And their reviews even specifically mention the gameplay and how they love it. Yes, we could easily ignore them as paid shills. I know I do. but here's the thing: why shouldn't I do that for Nintendo as well? After Federation Force, Paper Mario, their slew of garbage mobile phone games, and the travesty that was the new Zelda, how can I possibly consider them better than sony? To me they're both two sides of the same poorly made console coin.

>You're saying that sony games are bad and Nintendo games are good, but you're not giving me reasons why

It's Sony shitposting hours.

This is taking into account mobile gaming so companies without a hand in that have no chance of even being in top 10.
Practically every company on the list except for Nintendo is either raking in licenced, ftp, and mobile gaming dough.

fuck off sonybro

what are you talking about, Microsoft is right there

ching chong

>Estimated revenue

Oh look it's fucking estimated meaninglessness.

>2. sony
>10. nintendo

>Nintendo puts gameplay first
>video then proceeds to call people entitled for not liking Color Splash and Federation Force, even though they had horrible gameplay mechanics

I cannot tell a lie. I got a shamrock shake the other day. In the same vein, Bloodborne is literally the only reason I got a PS4 (console multiplats too since why not).

>travesty that was the new Zelda

It's not a perfect game, but it's also not a travesty. Maybe you've just grown accustomed to paying for stories, not games.

Valve is a privately owned company that doesn't report their earnings.

A lot of people who own the game say it's pretty decent. People only hate it because it's not a new Samus title.

Hey user, riddle me this: if i played games for stories, then why do I dislike sony as a whole? why did I actually say that I hated every story heavy game on their list? or did you just skip over that section of the post?

Im surprised Valve is not on the list due to steam.

>Sony Game

>A lot of people who own the game say it's pretty decent.
The same people who defended Metroid: Other M at launch. So their opinions are immediately discarded.

Maybe I did fag. Maybe it's 5 AM here and I stopped caring to read comprehensively.

I'm not the one who made the graph, but yes the Sony gaming division. You can look up the data yourself in the financial reports if you want.

He never says that

It's 6 AM on this end, and yet I still give the courtesy to read any post in its entirety before I respond to it.

Infact, I don't know why I'm still up. I have a catering job tomorrow.

>owns the most popular game on the planet LoL
>irrelevant in the west

The fuck is tencent?

compared to their presence in asia, yea they're pretty irrelevant

Chinese conglomerate that owns tons of devs.

Because Sony's story games suck?

The list itself is of publically traded companies, and Valve's private.

They could be anywhere on the list by comparison, but they don't have to tell anyone other than government.

Revenues means nothing in the market, you need to watch at the change %

That's where the stock values hides

>mhu Nintendo


Also, Warner Bros is sinking deeper and deeper

it's a bad game. it's literally a game that was made years ago as a custom gametype for a game that people put actual effort and vision into.

it's the most jewish thing in existence.

If anyone of you who don't know anything about video games yet for some reason still browse a video game board and are wondering why Sony is way above Nintendo here's why

In 2016 Nintendo published 6 Wii U games and up to 28 3ds games (it's a bit shaky because a lot of them are just minigames and stuff). Include the shit Wii U sales and the decent 3DS sales and multiplats for both which Nintemdo gets a cut of (which is not much

In 2016 Sony published 12 PS4 games, 8 PSVR Games, 1 PS3 game and 0 (lel) PSVita games. They also released PS4Pro and PSVR, add the great PS4 sales, shit Vita sales and dwindling PS3 sales then you have the cuts from all the multiplats which would be a FUCKTON

Probably pic related, it's Sony's new cashcow

Tencent have a stranglehold in China because it is one of the few gaming companies that was allowed to host/make/sell games there

>inb4 they already allow gaming
They exist years before the legalization and even today there are some restrictions.

delete this, pokemon go is the most popular mobile game

"Activates my almonds" was funny the first time

I just went from one thread to this, both playing in that, and it's fucking done. Just stop.

Once upon a time, I used to like FATE, too.

Now the only feeling it inspires in me is empathy towards the world's greatest mass murderers and genocide idealists.

>I hate Justin Beiber's music but I'm not going to say he's a bad singer just because I'm a butthurt fag.

But user, Justin Bieber's music does suck.

>Hating Based Biebs

It's not 2009 anymore grandpa

And yet the majority here gets a cum dripping dick over dota2. I don't play any of them but it still seems like the same aids infected shit to me.

>not liking almonds

Really moistens the macadamias.

Nice try gilfag
Your servant is a shitty jobber who got beaten by an autistic ginger
Prepare to get your ass fucked by UNRIVALLED

I was an OG caster fan, actually.

It was suffering enough before all this /Gastrointestinal Ooze bullshit started

>expanding a game on your own and going beyond the boundaries of the engine plus giving it out for free is jewish


Subsidiary of Google

I think it would be very difficult for Newzoo (the ones that made the list) to factor F/GO revenue due to its recorded revenue being diluted inside the whole of Sony's Music segment financial results:

That game is counted as Visual Media and Platform category, as its publisher Aniplex is still part of Sony Music Entertainment Japan (coincidentally, old Sony Computer Entertainment began as part and was spun-off from SMEJ too).

I know, and I didn't care back then.

But that guy was top place in 2016! Fuck, now I do hate him.

Why is MS up there if they don't release any games?

Xbox Live subscriptions and their PC Windows store.

Why isn't Valve on that list?

>Chinese substitute of Blizzard has only 35% less income than wordlwide ActiBlizz
Fucking chinks really love WoW and SC.

When was the last time Valve made games?

What the hell is this Nexon? I never heard of them or their games.

I actually am interested in Onmyouji and War Rage.