Are there any more games where you play as a gaijin in Japan and you kick everyone's ass and steal their women?
Nioh is nice.
Are there any more games where you play as a gaijin in Japan and you kick everyone's ass and steal their women?
Nioh is nice.
>wanting local men to hate you and kill you
Binary Domain?
As long as there are bros like Hanzo and Nekomata around ;_; I can live with a few faggots to fuck up.
Pure white + nippon girl.
I cant figure a best scenario honestly.
A bit of a hate is the price to pay.
real life
Lol, I didn't know Nioh devs were cucks.
Tbh I'm into Hispanic chicks and seek to dilute the white gene pool. My ex was hispanic and so is my current gf.
Wait what?
Buying Nioh now.
Are asian chicks in Asia that easy if you're at least a normal looking white?
Why the fuck is NTR so popular in Japan?
Hispanic women are the best thing to come from Spanish colonialism.
Sengoku Rance
depends what part of asia you mean
in civilized countries like japan, s korea and in hong kong you'll be seen as more of a person and less of a walking piggybank
in countries like taiwan, thailand and the other sex tourist-y parts in asia, however...
only in poor asian countries
>have a shit job, but atleast i have a waifu
>waifu gets stolen by magic chad
>go to glorious japan to win her back, make friends with naruto and a cat that has an eye patch and the deepest voice
This game is amazing.
>tfw am hazel and brown hair
>tfw I'd probably get a lot of girls to notice me in Kyoto next week if I was blonde and blue eyed.
Going to see them cherry blossoms mang.
>implying okatsu isnt the waifu and the guardian spirit isnt basically his permanent nekomata.
Reminder that Asian women hate you just as much as your own women do. Picking up one of those gaijin fetishists is the equivalent of getting a washed up former high school cheerleader captain.
>implying anjin isn't only into 2D spirit waifus
>implying he wasnt going to tongue rape Okatsu in the OP pic before getting cockblocked by sewer smell.
Also, isnt he like late 20s and she's 18? I'm surprised the devs got away with that even if that age gap is nothing especially in those times.
He is not yet 30, so he struggles as a fledgling omiyo mage to resist 3D charm. Give him time and the 2D spirit waifu will be enough.
Historically (despite Okatsu being some fucked up amalgam of two different people) she's like 30-40 years old by Sekigahara, whilst Anjin is 36.
Historicall, Kelly died before the game
But magic i guess
Wait, you've telling me I've been playing an alt-right nazi game all the time?
So does the original Kelley in-game, user-san.
who do I believe
Haven't gotten to hundred eyes yet because i can't get past the kelley clones any ideas?
Tokugawa Ieyasu is literally trump
Don't get hit and hit them 'til they're dead.
Make use of the amrita they drop through living weapon.
Cheese the fight by shooting the first test tube Kelley, killing him 1v1, then rush the second Kelley as he spawns so you can deal with the last 1v1 as well.
That's bullshit, user. One of those is a racist, war-mongering, self-serving piece of shit who unfairly stole power through lies and cheating, and the other's just a funny politician with shit hair.
>Also, isnt he like late 20s and she's 18?
Just be glad she's legal. You know someone on the dev team was pushing to make her like 12
>Getting upset because I insulted Trump's hair