Why is Sup Forums obsessed with censorship?

Why is Sup Forums obsessed with censorship?
Does your life really depend on a few pixels?
Get real

meh, I usually just pirate the game if it has censorship.
pic related

They aren't. They just use it as an excuse to be a console warrior autist


censorship is something being TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU; it's a BETRAYAL because suddenly you're not the centre of the universe any more which is WRONG

me me me mine mine mine all mine give me stuff me me me me me me mine reeeeeee, etc. mental illness, if you like

I care more about whether the game is good or not to begin with.

From a scientific stand point, every human is the center of the observable universe.

I don't support companies who censor my lolis. You censor my lolis? I pirate your game.

Fuck off commie

>Eh, send a picture of your feet to sweeten the deal.

>Two can play that game
'Not censoring things I don't like is SOMETHING BEING FORCED ON YOU; it's a BETRAYAL because suddenly you aren't the center of the universe any more which if WRONG.

All of existence if meant to be my safe space because I'm the only person in it that matters at all'

Because everybody wants to feel like they're standing up for something and making some kind of a difference, and this is the choice that involves something Sup Forums cares about (fapping) and also requires the least amount of effort since you can just sit in front of your computer and complain.

If it makes something more inclusive it's not censorship. Imagine being a girl or a normal guy and playing a game like this, it would make you feel left out. This kind of behaviour is what keeps games from being art.

Why are localization teams so obsessed with censorship?
Do theyvreally think a few pixels would have negative effects on the livrs of their audience?
Get real

can't tell if satire

>Censorship is bad
>which is why I will play the game anyway!

if you pirate you can uncensor silly

You're so fucking dumb you should be banned

>Productions intended for a niche audience aren't art
Ok, user, whatever you say

The last time one could legitimately use a word like "obsessed" with censorship was back in the 90s when NoA removed religious references, adjusted language to not include certain words, changed red blood into green goo, etc. And that was back in the "good old days" when gaming was "pure" or whatever bullshit.

What we have today is still lightweight in comparison and the idea that there's some zealous censorship inquisition changing everything is pure headcanon.

Games today still censor red blood though.

>it would make you feel left out
>This kind of behaviour is what keeps games from being art
You did this on purpose, didn't you?

>some fuck thinks the original content of an artist should be changed/removed for EVERYONE ELSE at his pleasure
>the people who don't appreciate his personal changes and often very liberal localizations being forced on are selfish

I did the same thing with XCX as well. If they are going to censor it, I'm going to pirate it.

>Translator doesn't think the kid's sound youthful enough
>Puts in 'haha!' and 'awesome' everywhere

It was never ment to be inclusive, either you get a piece of art or you dont. If you sacrifice your art by censoring to include more people and pander to the masses you're literally selling your soul to the devil for money and fame

>Does your life really depend on a few pixels?

No, but my enjoyment does. Just knowing we're getting cucked makes my enjoyment go way down. If they want me to open my wallet, they better stop with that censorship.

Not exactly the same, but does anyone else have major issues with jacking off to mosiac censorship? My autism won't let me, I can only do the bars.

>Why are localization teams so obsessed with censorship?

Half of them are just doing it to feel empowered. They feel they are righting the wrongs of this world. Basically social justice bullshit.

And those that pull this shit don't even actually know japanese. They just wing it and give you a rewrite shitshow. They get their jobs from hook ups from other social justice retards. Treehouse's translation of Fire Emblem Fates is a great example of this. And nintenyeardrones still eat that shit up while asking for more.

I am not gonna fap to the dick anyway, so I don't mind

Visually vags are pretty disgusting too, seeing them doesn't turn me on

Censorship in vidya generally means deviating from the original devs vision due to moronic changes in localization seeking to avoid controversies or shilling with SJW journos.

However in the case of DT2 the changes were specifically done to avoid getting an AO rating which would have meant the game wound end up being essentially banned. Atlus got the blame but really its Sony's fault.

>defending Atlus for ruining the game
Fuck off, censorship apologist.

why are bars even a thing. Its like they they said "uh fine, whatever, you can jerk to whatever you want but heres a small fuck you just to annoy you"

Nobody has ever used a "good old days" argument against video game censorship. Aall the mandatory guidelines and censorship of the "good old days" brought rise to the ESRB specifically to combat censorship in video games. Yet even though we have a content rating system more informative than the movie and music industry has, we're still getting things like FE. I don't think it's that hard to see why some people might be upset over that.

This desu
At least mosaic is making it a bit harder to watch it, but bars are just there.

best part is you can undo the changes

>Why are localization teams so obsessed with censorship?
It's simple power play. Social Justice and Feminism are parts of this, and all of it is just power politics. SocJus and Feminism aren't about helping people or making a difference, it's about controlling others and the media they consume.

name ONE non-anime game that has been censored

But all games are animated.

>advocates stealing content because of a capitalist business decision
>calls another person a commie

When I buy a game, a book, a movie, a piece of fucking art - I want what the creator envisioned. With flaws. With nudity. With gore. With sex. With life. With death. All of it, just as creative minds saw fit.

You don't tamper with that shit.

I don't want what a corporate entity or a board room full of executives and business men or worse, a room full of progressive thinking SJW diversity thumping assholes think is the norm.

Censorship is not OK. Saying OK to any kind of tampering just invites more.

OP you're an apologist piece of trash.

I get a hearty chuckle every time these threads pop up. All the idiots thinking it's SJWs causing this. Nooooooooope, it's conservative prudes who hate sexuality that complain about it. That's who the companies have always been afraid of.

Games are digital goods that can be duplicated for no costs. Please elaborate how duplicating something without affecting the original is stealing which by the very definition affects the original by removing it and therefore making it inaccessible for the owner

>shitty all over the original artist because your feelings are hurt is a good thing
art > your feelings
I dont like when you dont respect someones hard work, be it writing or Artwork

>retaining muh original developers vision is paramount
>doesn't know Japanese
Explain yourself

>in most "censored" content the artist is ok with the change for another culture

Yeah, 20 years ago maybe.

because the censorship laws when it comes to porn has actually lighten up a tad. But ironically enough that given how long censorship has been in nip porn, when they took it away many complained that it just wasn't the same. So hence the black bars that do not much. That way they can have mildly censored porn for the people used to it while still being less censored than before. Though others have just kept the mosaic shit since why bother taking any risks.

It's more the sentiment that left wing normies might get their way at our expense reeeeee

i could say the same thing to you
why do you care so much that you want the games to be censored
why do those few pixels offend you so much

in most censored content the artist isnt even fucking asked because its the company making the descision you fucking twat

Is anyone even argueing for censorship here? All i see is baitposting that doesnt even bother to reply

I think you're wrong and I disagree with your opinion, I'd love for you to produce some kind of document or report to back that up, or else you can go fuck yourself.

>company pays artist to draw for their game
>company has no power to request their employee to make changes for other regions for more profit.

My god you fucking communist.

I'm arguing that in a capitalist system a company can make any changes to their product.

There's nothing to fucking argue over.

Should companies be allowed to make whatever changes they see fit to their product for another region or not? That's basically what this whole shit boils down to. That and "muh feelings".

Then they have a product but not art. A product only produced to make money and not to fullfill the vision of the creator.

I don't want or need censorship.
I can decide for myself what content i like or don't.
Free market will also verify the value of the product.

>You need a written document to notice SJWs and feminists constantly trying to co-opt various media to push their own agenda or notice how the rhetoric of these people almost always falls back to power politics on some level.
This shit can be openly observed nigga.

And consumers have the right to completely reject their product for any reason. It's best to just create the product and distribute it as is rather than alienate the target demographic in order to appease people outside of it.

Free market is exactly why things are changed.


But when they change their product which has already been released in a different form before, doesnt that make it a different product? Why am i not allowed to enjoy the original? Why does my experience have to be altered to conform to stereotypical norms of the region i life in?

They make changes to sell more. 4chans spergfest doesn't decrease the the sales more than they gain they have for having a game rated t or m compaired to ao

It's pretty simple
>game is changed because the state thinks his citiziens can't or shouldn't handle the thing
>game is changed because the company thinks it'll make more bucks this way

Then order it from that region.

>that fag believing Japanese eroge are art


>Censorship doesn't matter so long as its something inconsequential

If its only "a few pixels" why did it need to be censored?

Millennials are fucked up

I'm sorry, but I can't say that I've noticed it to the extent as you seem to. Therefore I'd love for you to produce something to back up your statement since, from my point of view, it seems rather hollow and based on myths and urban legends rather than being grounded in reality.

Region locks and effort makes it an unnecesary burden for people who agree with the artist in the way he created his art. How do you justify changing art to target broader audiences for more profit? This is the very definition of greed in my opinion

if japanese eroge can't be art, then neither are gone home or chelsea's upcoming chuck tingle VN made in ren'py

Nigga not a single videogame is art

>Other people are responsible for how i feel

I really love this logic, as if your personal truth is some grand objective measure of reality that everyone should cowtow to or it somehow "harmful". Hey user do you know what film ratings end at r18+ its because you're assumed to be an adult; maybe you should grow up.

this better be bait

>How do you justify changing art to target broader audiences for more profit? This is the very definition of capitalism


>pay the same price as the japs
>don't get the same content
Pirating censored games is perfectly acceptable.

That's like, your opinion man

Holy fuck, why do some people get so fucking triggered when others don't like censorship? Why are you so defensive?

And that's a bad thing, because? I like to think of myself as being rather pro consumer rights, but one has to keep in the mind the stark reality of today's financial system and economy and remember that it's in the company's best interest to maximize their profit. Whether or not you agree with that business practice is up to you and you, as the consumer, can provide feedback and similar to said company. You can even choose to not purchase their product.

But you have to keep in mind that it's their full right to do what they please with said product to begin with, even when it comes to localization you feel is inadequate.

Renaming it doesnt change the value of the argument. Thats just justifying it by looking for holes in your local laws. Do you personally think its right to alter whatever you produce in a way you dont like just to make more money?

what has op anything to do with... eh nevermind, (You)

ITT: Neogaf defends censorship

Commie! Commie! We've got a commie here!

So its just a business interest and not the interest of the artist. Do we really need more mass produced assassins creed and call of duty like games that only maximize profit? Thats exactly the same thing that caused the videogame crash in the 80s , companys attempted to lower the bar of efford to maximize profit up to the point where everyone lost it.

>Should companies be allowed to make whatever changes they see fit to their product for another region or not?
Sure, but we have a right to voice our opinion that the changes are stupid and unneccesary.
Also we have the option of voting with our wallets. XCX, #FE, and Fatal Frame V were all flops.

>Why is Sup Forums obsessed with censorship?
>Does your life really depend on a few pixels?
>Get real
>Does your life really depend on a few pixels?
>Does yours?

>Buzzworld implying that i want everyone to die of starvation

I dont mind if you want to sell physical products that take some efford to create but dont sell me on needing to fund people so they can create more stuff for the sake of creating. Independant developers create good games in their freetime or while funding themselfs and they still make good games, by your definition of communism that would be impossible

No offense now, but plenty of artists and similar have gone bankrupt pursuing their dreams. And if the company hires a studio to do a game for them then really, the company has ever the more right over that project and what happens to it than the people working on it.

If you go by asscreed and call of duty i agree. If you look at stuff like original doom , diablo or mario i disagree and see those as art

People go bankrupt all the time, its part of the system and the system has subsystems to take care of those cases properly (at least here in europe). My uncle had to declare private bankruptcy but he is living a fine good life now.

If you create art not from within your own vision but instead let someone dictate how the art should be you not only ruin the art but you also slowly lose your ability to create art which is horrible for an artist, speaking from own experiences.

No you are just deluded by the fact that gaming is now mainstream

It's still stuff made to entertain kids

I want the original game.

That's up to the artist to decide. Again, if an artist works for a company and said company wants to do certain changes to a project they own, the IP, then the artist can always voice their concerns to management. But ultimately it's not up to the artist.

There really doesn't need anymore justification than this. Whats wrong with wanting to play the game how it was supposed to be played?

>NeoGaf aggressively defends censorship.

Is there anything about those people that's not completely revolting?

look at me, censorship is A GOOD THING




god I love sharing my wife around

>It's still stuff made to entertain kids

Is just the same as

>changing art to pander to more masses for more profit

Why do you deny the medium of videogames that they can be art purely based on the fact that games exist that dont even try?

Its funny how gaffers love every foreign culture EXCEPT japanese culture.

VN porn is shit anyway who gives a fuck

>I want the original game.
Better rev up those kanjis man

You know translations are basically censorship, right?

>That's up to the artist to decide.
>But ultimately it's not up to the artist.

Is it or is it not?

What are optional subtitled and how do they just optionally translate stuff without altering the original?

You are right though, translations do lose a lot of content which is censorship and one of the reasons why i try to experience most movies games and books in their original form

It's up to the artist to decide whether or not they'll work for a company or go independent, pursuing their artistic vision on their own or try and get a company backing them.

But if a company owns said IP the arist, programmer, whatever is working on then final say ultimately lays with said company, not the artist or programmer.