After a certain point, when you just can't ignore or deny it any longer. Wheb you want the ride to be over but it just keeps going. Eventually, everyone learns the fucking truth:

Sup Forums is always right

Other urls found in this thread:



Step away from the keyboard for a bit

Daily reminder that joy is an illusion. Everything disappointing eventually

Sup Forums is neither always right nor always wrong. I've lurked that shithole since its inception, and it's just as much a combination of shitposting and genuine autism as the other popular boards on this site.

I mean I honestly pulled this pic from the front page of Google


April fools is too far away for this to be funny

Because you're playing the game wrong

Find God and don't trust the Semitic quest giver when he promises you heaven or virgins as the reward

Finding God is the reward itself and you will know it when you are on the right path

I loved the game. I dare say it's probably my favorite game now

Is mass effect Andromeda, dare I say it, /OurGame/?

Fuck off christfag
If there's a god that's real there's no way I'm worshiping that asshole, he's never done shit for me

You colonial wad.

You don't even believe in him why would he?

Has it been cracked yet?

Fuck off.


Of course. Everything dies. I just let the pain be a reminder of the joy I once had. Sometimes the sadness feels more real than the happiness though.

Western gaming is now in a full decline. There is no saving it. Stop buying sjw bullshit. Let it die.

First of all I don't believe there is a god so this is academic I guess
A parent who abandons their kids or a pet owner who treats their dog like shit are considered disgraceful, why is it different with god. Also god sounds like a vindictive douche, if he did exist why should I worship him just for existing. At best I think i'd passive-aggressively complain

So why does pol care about a video game?

This place is beyond dumb sometimes.

Not a religious person but we dont know all the facts so it seems presumptuous of us to decide what kind of character he might have, but if he did create us I suppose thats a reason to be worshiping him. You can probably argue the counter point that you never asked for this and if you have a bad life you can consider it torture and cruel so I dont know.

Sup Forums is a cancer thats trying to spread itself across the boards
fuck off back to your underground cave you retarded virgins





Whats Sup Forums got to do with this game?

>AAA studio sabotages an IP by allowing their very under-qualified subsidiary studio to handle the large project
>Retards on the internet point fingers at everything else

Anyone got sale stat on this game ?

>Just ignore the SJWs, jesus
>stop spamming that e-celeb -statement by game developer of incoming game- crap here!
>fuck off with your Sup Forums garbage, frogposter
later that month
You deserve everything you get, Sup Forums

Bioware didn't completely suck before they went sjw. ME2 was the last one before they went full retard.

Not really.
They give too much imaginary power to the SJW, and think jews are the only ones playing the jew game.
The whole power of the SJW is to use their daddies money to force themselves into places they would not normally be and ruin things.
They have no power over the general populace and never will.

I want to know what the fuck the people in charger were thinking in the first place. Yeah, the names on the box are going to move a lot of copies, but after the shitstorm the last game created, why in the absolute fuck did they think handing off Mass Effect to a bunch of amateurs was an acceptable idea?

"So, you guys told me that if i hired this diverse cast and let you do what you wanted with the story, you would get a lot of diversity sales and surpass mass effect 3, right?
Well, where are my sales?"

>Sup Forums is always right
Not even close. Have you read any of their threads about this game? They're the most gullible little shits, they'll believe ANYTHING you tell them as long as it fits their agenda.

Shit, just a couple days ago a few of them were going on about how they'd heard from "reliable" sources that in Mass Effect lore the white race had become an inbred, all but extinct group and of all things that Kelly Chambers was the last "pure white" human.

is making autistic characters a new thing in vidya? i know most of swj are autistic faggots and today people are already kinda tolerant towards trans and gays
captcha tell public, they try their best to be hear by the largest number of people as possible

>I lie to people on Sup Forums
>therefore Mass Effect Andromeda was good and Sup Forums was wrong

God offers the sunrise even to nonbelievers, user.

> We SHOULD worship god because he maybe COULD'VE created life and he COULD exist for all we know.

Doesn't sound reasonable enough to go to the local church every week.