ITT vidya characters who are almost definitely virgins

ITT vidya characters who are almost definitely virgins.

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Though he probably won't be after the game's events.



protags are nearly devoid of romance in the damn game
except for the witty screencaps of wright and edgeworth

c'mon son




Nigga he fuck at least 5 females on each game.

Is Kazuma an autist/sperg?


>implying he didn't have sexual relations with Maya at one point



dude, he's like, 7

I wasn't just referring to him in Smash, I meant more the villager in AC. Also since when did 7 year olds live on their own?

He's got Isabelle plus he's the mayor

>tfw can't recommend it to your friends


kiryu is probably drowning in pussy

Mah boi must get all kinds of puse


In what universe?

>tfw your younger brother loses their virginity before you do

Why continue living.

And by extension Lana, there is no fucking way she would settle for anything less then (a) Link.

Of course they might get into Selfcest Masturbation out of pure frustration following Legends, but does that even count?

Then hes probably a virgin stupid head

Pure goddess

>tfw your younger brother is an even bigger autist than you
It's something. . .


i lost my virginity long before my older brother, but that just motivated him to go get laid himself.

He fucked Iris and Maya at least.


Your mii

Iris only stepped on his balls and jerked him off with her toes

Maya and him were purely platonic






You claim Mr Wright has lost his virginity
But such a claim is worthless without evidence

>You will never get to fuck older Maya or Pearl

it's the funniest fucking thing

Eve did invite him to play.
They mentioned genitals in the same conversation too.

I am 100% sure nothing happened with Meryl

I know that feel bro. I almost once did, to a student friend who talked about prisma ilya with me. But I chikened out.

>student friend

game?? (please)

>the biggest slut in arabia



Kiryu has been raped by trannies atleast twice, you faggot.

what about Otacon


Naomi happened

>"with the ability to reproduce conveniently engineered out!"

By that extension the other snakes haven't seen much action either.

It's Bernd and the Mystery of Unteralterbach. Enjoy

Not an excuse

>eats pizza
>doesn't take anything seriously
>acts autistic around women
>wants to fuck (a demon that looks like) his mom

Dante is /ourguy/

Ma boi

That means sterility, it's not like they're junkless.

>hangs out with Phoenix all the time while Maya is forever alone in the village
>starts dressing more like Maya, has some of her animations now too
>Mia prefers Pearl's body too
>channels Mia, who blows Phoenix regularly
>subconsciously gets addicted to his cum
>always feels good around him
>mfw Phoenix made Pearl into the perfect cocksock by using Mia's spirit

No bitch wants a limp dick nigga.

>Bernd and the Mystery of Unteralterbach
oh no

Pretty much every Link.

Delete this.

Plus autistic.

That's impotence.

the dream is death

you're still a sick fuck

Go back

>doesn't get it

I think you're the tourist here

Anal doesn't count so he's still technically a virgin