what do you want to see in doom 5?
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open world
Better bosses and platforming.
D44M was fun but imo for a game of that length it needed some more variety.
Your ugly mom as the final boss
kill robot man
guts to rip and tear
huge ones
-Arch viles
-Unmaker and other demonic weapons
more structured gameplay encounters, the arenas fell flat, not because I have anything about arenas (I frankly don't care), but because the pacing was itself flat. Stable number of monsters of screen all the time instead of increasingly difficult combat
also a proper health and ammo economy. Arena gameplay falls completely flat if every enemy you kill refills you with full health and armor. If they don't want to be arsed with placing medkits around the level, just have the player be refilled automatically after an arena- not during
also, more enemies on screen at the same time, and an hell on earth setting
No menu surfing. As bad as everyone thinks Quake 4 was, it did weapon upgrades right. You progress through the game, and your guns get better. That's it. No pointless challenges or point purchases. Doom has secrets. Why not hide upgrades in those? Upgrades were the only thing that slowed D44M down and it wasn't a good thing.
The arena fights didn't bother me but I would prefer classic doom like you described.
Also the upgrade system didn't do it for me. I like the idea of using more of a gun getting more upgrades but it should be organic, not through tokens. Problem is you'd likely end up with guns that are straight up useless in the end just because you're not using it but I think it could be balanced by having certain areas have a bit more of a certain ammo type than others.
They can keep the glory kills since those were kinda fun and had a nice variety but not make them so OP, giving health, armor and ammo with the right runes.
Also more runes. They were fun as short little challenges, possibly connect that with weapon upgrades instead of general "slightly faster" "more ammo" type of deal.
A return to the same style as the only good game in the franchise - Doom 3.
>Doom has secrets. Why not hide upgrades in those?
They did
>but I think it could be balanced by having certain areas have a bit more of a certain ammo type than others.
Alternatively, make it so that it takes longer to get the later upgrades than the early upgrades, so that if you're lagging behind with a certain weapon, it won't take that long to bring it up to scratch
Still, I'd rather take the tokens because I like the choice. I don't want to be forced to use a certain weapon in order to get it upgraded
A cancelled project
>Weapon specific glory kills
>Port over the remaining demons
>Rebalance the weapon upgrades so they are both viable
>New demons (I want the prowler in SP)
>New weapons
>MP improved or just scrapped
>Modding tools for PC
>Snapmap 2.0 for consoles, allowing you to dynamically change objects' position/rotation during gameplay or something to that effect
>Have Hellguards become a common enemy
>Use of the Crucible
id should make hexen next
fuck imagine hexen in the doom 4 engine
More immediacy in the design: Minimize menu-surfing or get rid of it completely, find ways not to lock you in rooms for story purposes/hidden load times or at all during combat encounters.
Though I didn't hate the soundtrack and how it was implemented, less WUBS and industrial, more 80s Thrash Metal.
Don't focus on multiplayer or co-op or whatever at all, rather, give the players the tools to mod the fuck out of the game and make multiplayer into what they want. Heck, emulate Valve's model and reward great multiplayer mods with support and stand alone releases.
Continue pushing Vulkan.
I ended up enjoying the soundtrack. I think Mick could do a nice thrash with his own style for a Doom 5.
Hexxen with expanded class upgrades and multiclassing, Co-op multiplayer campaigns, and expanded hub and level design including user created campaigns. Fuck the engine, the formula for hexen has always been top notch and ripe for pushing it deeper and creating something amazing that wouldn't be limited by the tech of its time.
I'd be curious to see what this id could come up with in terms of doom-like shooter but with a new IP.
visceral combat
immersive gameplay
gentoo gnu/linux support
Moving walls, it's lame as shit that all the "secrets" are just tucked away in corners instead of having proper secret rooms. Maybe have them destructible instead of requiring the use action to show off them sweet grafix.
Pain staggers.
Persistent corpses, one of the best things about clearing a level was looking on the carnage you're leaving behind.
More than 12 ennemies in the same room would be nice
T-this pls
I doubt the modern graphics could handle all the corpses, unfortunately. I'd be fun to see all the dismemberment strewn around.
I just don't like the idea of having to hop through menus and accomplish arbitrary objectives to upgrade weapons as if chainsawing a cacodemon makes a shiny new receiver cover materialize out of thin air or nading a group of imps makes a box of explosive rounds drop from the sky. As I said, I think Quake 4 did things right. You get to a certain location, and Doomguy picks up a part for a gun. Instead of stupid gamey challenges, have the challenge in level design. Alternate paths branching out from the main level, with a weapon upgrade waiting in the end.
More enemies to fight. I didn't like the whole "kill x amount of enemies, wave finished, now progress to next part or level" mechanic. Even if there were more encounters, like random ambushes where demons start coming out of the walls and floor, that'd be sweet.
Also more gore. Like Killing Floor 2 levels of gore.
True return to the roots, not some modern console shit with RPG elements, cinematics, linear maps w/ lock down arena spam, and much, much more enemies.
The kill arenas are entirely because of consoles. It's a weird way of performance optimization. It's meant to make sure that anti-Doomers (players who run through without killing demons) won't have legions of monsters chasing them all through the level. The game locks you in place to force you to do what you're there to do, kill demons, so that the extra AI actors aren't clogging up the works. You may have noticed that D44M runs on a toaster despite looking amazing. That's part of it.
>I doubt the modern graphics could handle all the corpses
more like modern CONSOLES could not handle all the corpses. Games like Red Orchestra 2 and Serious Sam 3 with sky high max body count are amazing!
I can't understand those people. Why play Doom of all things and not try to kill everything in sight?
Fun and challenge?
Also, kiting mobs to easier to handle areas was a legit tactic in old DooMs. In nuDuum, you just auto-kite the tiny "mobs" in the arena by running around, and taking potshots at your chasers & the few more stationary ones you run across with.
see that doom mountain?
They must have inspired their testers too much to try different things, and some asshole tried to play the game wrong which ended up tanking the performance.
I don't want to see doom 5.
off yourself
better multiplayer
>you may have noticed that D44M runs on a toaster despite looking amazing
am I the only one who thinks it looks meh and fake as fuck? Everything looks plasticy and over-designed, plus environments are all static. All that fancy tech (muh Megatextures!!) is literally wasted in this game; they'd gotten better performance and near identical visual quality with much older type tech.
You're right about that. I was mostly thinking the sort of speedrun, never shoot a single bullet type of deal or those modern players of "why would I want to kill demons?"
> new ip similar to DOOM
this is what I want as well.
A sequel would be doomed because they have to deal with series baggage. You can't have Doom without all the classic demons, so enemy variety would be almost identical except with a handfu of new ones. Same with weapons, if they neglected the Super Shotty, Plasma Rifle, BFG or any of the series mainstays people would crucify them. But on the other hand you can only have so many weapons in a game, and without enough new ones people would also complain. Same with setting, Doom without Mars and he'll would be complained about, but so would revisiting those locations. You can't win when a series has so much legacy, 4 only got away with it because we hadn't had a game in a over a decade, so remaking old weapons and enemies was cool. That won't fly again.
The solution is a new ip that plays very similarly to Doom 4, but has no story connection. Personally I'd love to see some cyber-body horror, half organic half machine monsters that look painfully shoved together and go all out on the gore. More traversal options would be nice, starting with double-jump is a must and if it worked well a grappling hook for swinging is always fun, especially ejtn combat encounters are designed around utilising it to cover distance. It's almost definetly impossible, but a Metroid/Dark Souls style world of interconnected levels instead of descrete missions would be GOAT. Not open world, but seamless and all geography within walking distance of eachother. As you progress you unlock more and more shortcuts and the world gets more and more overrun with powerful enemies. Weapons and upgrades could actually be cleverly hidden and elements of non-linearity could allow you to rush certain powerful items if you knew where to go.
Less arenas. The only thing that disappointed me about nudoom was all the
>ha ha! Now you are locked in this zone kill x amount of enemies to open the doors
>Fully customizable armor in singleplayer
>official Horde mode multiplayer where you fight up to 50 waves of enemies
>give us a cool pet drone. Something similar was present in the E3 2015 presentation, but not in the full game
Couldn't agree more. Not to say that Doom 5 couldn't work, specially if they try the Doom2 Hell on Earth motif actually seem like Hell on Earth.
Cyber-body horror, fast-paced shooter, no reload, big fuck-off guns, dark souls world interconnecting in an organic way is a fucking dream game for me.
>Remove HALO armor.
>Give MC a face, again.
>Make him ripped and angry, no techno mumbojumbo explanations.
>slow hitscan zombies that only drop ammo
>no glorykills that drop HP.
>make chainsaw a melee WEAPON again.
>no upgrade trees and shit, best stats + alt.fire right off the bat.
>fire the neo-ID's art and mapdesigner guys.
more enemies on screen, fuck
>Personally I'd love to see some cyber-body horror, half organic half machine monsters that look painfully shoved together and go all out on the gore.
Sooo, Quake?
less arenas
VEGA back
Except the upgrades hidden in secrets were even more annoying than the combat challenges because it's not fun to putz around in a cleared out level looking for the stupid secrets.
Weed Man was right, secrets should have been unmarked, but not had any character-progression essential upgrades other than maybe some early weapons.
OG Dooms already had that going on. Where the fuck was all the gut-fields, weird lo-tech machinery jacked in walls of flesh, etc, Bethesda?? 2016 "Hell" was literally a rocky valley with rocky hallways with some blood on it at times.
I agree in regards to the overdesign, I was talking more in the terms of technology. Somehow this game manages to have smoothed-arbitrary-angle full scene high-resolution screen space reflections with 144fps reflection refresh rate with no impact on performance. I believe that's what we call "sorcery".
Doom3 had the same thing. Everything looks samey and boring, but having fully dynamic lighting was worth it.
>Everything looks samey and boring, but having fully dynamic lighting was worth it.
What lighting?
Icon of sin and John romero on a stake.
Come on, it isn't that dark.
>romero on a stake
I'd much rather have his head impaled on a daikatana
>screen space reflections
this shit is super simple and lightweight compared to the alternatives. Also, the resolution ain't THAT high in D44M either.
What boggles my mind is that devs are nowadays utilizing all sorts of weird hacks to get even the most basic features done. Alphamaps and transperencies are done with some 1-bit checkerboarding effects instead of 8-bit, proper transperencies with smooth gradients, even shading's doing the same now, and we haven't had a legit AA in ages.
Booted it up
Took a screenshot
Pasted it on Paint
Saved as a .jpg
This was the result
I might be mistaken, but didn't SS3 have disappearing corpses?
you have a very weird screen res dude
The magic word is arbitrary angle. Most screen space reflections are done with flat surfaces, such as the wet streets that Ubisoft downgaded from with Watch_Dogs. In D44M those reflections are rendered on arbitrary angles with smooth shading normal angle transitions, and it doesn't look like a cheat using distorted flat reflections or anything. Someone should find out how it actually works from id.
More abstract hellish scenery than plain gore and menacing looking floating rocks. Doom 3's hell was pretty alright.
if you do that they're going to have to rebalance im fireball mechanics.
>No Upgrades
>no glory kills
>keep arenas to a minimum
I think so but since this is Croteam, it's likely there's an option to disable corpses disappearing in one of the options menu.
a good game
pretty sure there's an option to adjust corpse disappearing, considering that Croteam's games always have options for seemingly everything
I wish I had that on when I played it.
>Press F to pay respect
why does everyone hate the arenas?
oh, and I forgot one other thing:
Make glory kills more interesting, not only triggered by low health (although that's fine for weakling enemies). On tougher enemies it should require you to do something special, like cripple both of an enemies legs to knock it over which then let's you glory kill them. Or doing enough explosive damage to crack open an armoured enemies shell, leading to a glory kill. They should never be nesisary (except maybe as boss finishing animations), but serve as a quick way to deal with tough enemies if you can be accurate/good positioning/clever etc...
they also shouldn't drop items from basic enemies, the cool animation is reward enough if you choose to do it. But tougher units should drop relevent items, if a enemy spews rockets at you all day, glory killing him should involve dismantling his launcher and gaining some rocket ammo, armoured enemies drop armour. Stuff like that. Maybe one or two specific enemies that drop health, but definetly not all of them. Health packs should be hidden around the map.
I also think all the RPG elements from DOOM should be removed and replaced with something like the chip system from Nier Automata (except no random drops, all hidden in preset locations). A mix between rune effects and passive buffs that you can customise, with each one using up "budget" depending on how powerful it is. Let players stack all movement speed buffs and play like sonic, or increase max health, or melee damage, or whatever else they can think up.
Weapon upgrades should work like Doom 4 (2 alt fires you can switch between), but as found items instead of bought from a skill tree. Once you've found all 3 for a weapons upgrade path you get a Challange to unlock the final one, just like Doom 4.
was meant for
More variety in enemies/weapons/environments, it got repetitive as fuck towards the end
Kill la kill yourself my man
Also more bosses and unique encounters
Takes place in hell, exploring the various "absorbed realms" implied previously and getting different environments this way beyond the typical "fire and brimstone aesthetic", as you are slowly rebuilding VEGA and and engine of pain and fear to ride all the way back to the real world and up Hayden's shiny metal ass.
Also more demon types. I like variety. Also have them use different tactics even if they are the same creature type. If you take out any of the demons "leading", you break up their coordination.
Because it forces you to stay in the same room, instead of scooting right past them. Personally I had no problems with that, but I can see the annoyance when you're playing the gamewa second time for example.
I think people just don't like the fact that the door at the end only opens after you've killed everyone, even though in the earlier Doom games they wouldn't have taken the door until they were done killing all the monsters that spawned in. They're making a mountain out of a molehill. Only a faggot runs past everything, and speedrunners of D44M don't need doors when they can get out of bounds literally everywhere and skip entire levels.
Less scripted bullshit and glory kills, more monster types that are actually distinct from one another.
Here's my take that problably won't ever happen, but I can hope
1) Remove the RPG stats. Make health and armor go up to 100 with regular pickups and 200 with Megaarmor and Soulsphere. Also make the dexterity stuff maxed out by default.
2) Balance the mods better or make it just an alt-fire mode. I found a lot of the mods to be kinda useless (Scoped Gauss, Scoped HAR, Speed-up Chaingun, Triple Burst Shotgun).
3) Less scripted animations and forced story moments.
4) Make the enemies more visually distinct and give them more unique behaviour. In DOOM4 everything just around all over the place and the only unique monsters I can think of are the Pinky and Mancubus because they move differently.
5) Co-op. Give Doomslayer one of those Templar knights as a buddy
>Less scripted bullshit and glory kills
honestly why do people give a shit about glory kills? all they did was help keep the pace of the game steady instead of having you running around looking for ammo during a fight like a beta bitch
>why does everyone hate the lazy level design?
Does anyone have the DOOM 5 cover with the pentagram ?
plastic Mondo juice bottles
yeah doom could have easily thrown in a halo-style co op mode where the second player is just ignored by the plot.
>A full on metal soundtrack instead of the slightly techno one we got
>More hell-themed guns
>Bodies don't disappear (might be a technical necessity, tho. So I'm not that bothered)
>Double-jump from the beginning
>More than three bosses
>Upgrading weapon trees changes the appearance of the weapon.
>Glory kills still there but less frequent
>Missions set in space so you can play around with gravity
>Id should either concentrate entirely on singleplayer or do multiplayer themselves. Just don't outsource that shit.
>Chainsaw isn't just an animation
>More key hunting
>A reference to Doomguy's bunny rabbit
I fucking loved nuDoom. I don't see any problem with the cinematics because there are so few, and I like that they tried to include some lore.
More Doom, less Serious Sam, no glory kills.
Mind if i shill a mod i like?
I wish people would get over the open world meme already.
I loved the bigger arenas. The ending foundry one with the giant fans, the one where the Mancubus is introduced, most of the Hell ones, and several others were great. The problem is the game was almost nothing but arenas. It needs more traditional enemy encounters as well for variety. Make the enemy placement natural throughout the levels for 60-70% of the time and have a few well designed arenas for the rest.
I wouldn't mind seeing some of the Argent D'Nur Sentinels fucking up demons with 40k-esque epic melee weapons. And Doomguy getting pissed when they're stealing his frags.
A better ending
More weapon
faster walking
no homo
An actual follow up to the story set up in 4.
>less WUBS and industrial, more 80s Thrash Metal.
Jesus christ. The 90's are over grampa, its time to let go.
Hell on Earth again
I believe he means the Artifact from Resurrection of Evil.
ok i thought he was trying to say the game lacked heart or something stupid like that
Make the chainsaw like the Doom 3 one. Most of the suggestions in this thread are dogshit or retarded.