Prove me wrong


Aside from a couple real life friends, nobody wants to associate themselves with Mass Effect.

What's the connection for each of these?

They're video games. That came out recently.


What's the connection to the websites on the left?

Been here longer than you, at least twice the time and I really, really like Zelda.

So, fight me bitch.

They're allegedly meant to represent the target audience of the game to the right of them.

but tumblr constantly shits on M:EA

>Fighting faggots
It would be like hitting a girl

>stepping out of a fight
>I-I d-don't want to hit you


seeing how way more people are talking about mass effect andromeda here than on tumblr, I think you need to switch those around

>Neogaf - Horizon

>Sup Forums can't shut the fuck up about Andromeda and BotW and the only discussion point about Automata is 2B's fat vagina

You're all fags.

Isnt plebbit and tumbler basically the same thing?

>being an ironic weeb

put the tumblr logo next to all the games, and you'd be right

>Reddit has the best taste


>someone actually made this image

>reddit is better than Sup Forums

I see.

>Sup Forums
>weeb shit

Fuck off, Nier Weebamata is Reddit tier and you know it. Sup Forums is loyal to Nintendo and Breath of the Wild (the current goty of Sup Forums, UNDISPUTED.) will forever hold precedent on this site, have fun you stupid sonybro once Mario Odyssey comes out and Nintendo wins again like they always have.

What methodology was used to come up with these connections?

Reddit still isn't over Skyrim, Fallout 3/4 and retro Nintendo trinkets their "girlfriends" made them.

You're trying too hard.

Switch Tumblr to Nier, Reddit to Mass Effect, and Sup Forums to BOTW and it will be correct.

Tumblr seems to quite like Nier actually.

Stereotypes about the people using these sites, probably.

This needs expanding.
Put Horizon as reddit "stronk wiminz" and make Zelda facebook because it's just flat out popular.

In what way is Nier even more Tumblr oriented than ME:A

Someone has my autism figured out

Like I get that you're trying to push some LE SJW kind of thing here, but some anime action game begging for lewd fanart is more up tumblrs alley.


Where does Horizon Zero Dawn fit in at? Based on your examples I'm now to believe HZD is game of the year because it isnt connected to social shit.

let me help

>Being this desperate for recognition of his favorite game


>Prove me wrong

Sup Forums should be Horizon.

Don't even put NieR: Automata in your faggotry list, the game should definitely be enjoyed by all


yeah I'll take gameplay over cinematics any day


Tumblr considers ME:A transphobic though

tumblr bites the hand that feeds for not having gluten-free vegan food that is both halal and made of pork