Post your best vidya game axe.
My recent favorite.
Post your best vidya game axe.
My recent favorite.
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Isn't the greataxe version actually faster?
Super good.
In DaS2 I used the axe that plays like a greataxe and the greataxe that plays like an axe
Was she made before or after the Akihabara massacre (the girl with axe one)?
get some taste fags
It's basically Doom's SSG in melee form.
No, you get some taste.
>using a headsman's weapon in battle
Axes are super common in battles actually.
They were actually used even when sword was outdated because axes also serve as tools.
I never said they weren't - but they reek of barbarian.
RIP Switch Axe
Gen 3 - Gen 3
I love barbarians but knight use axes too.
Not everyone has heard of a horseman's axe
Axe bros
We are stronk
Axe bros
We fuck sloots
Axe bros
We're all secretly orcs
inb4 some memer pretends the Hunter's Axe from Bloodborne is good. The charged R2 is good if you're a casual baby who doesn't want to learn to play the game properly. The entire rest of its moveset is awful.
DaS1 BKGA is best axe forever.
>Can't get the Elite Cleric Armor
Why even tease us by leaving it in game?
Well I certainly haven't, thanks for telling me. But isn't the one you posted just a normal bearded axe?
I don't have enough fun with axes in Souls but I really love the aesthetics of great but also regular axes in general. Feels bad.
charge blade a best
Fuck that I'm just a slightly tall dorf!
There is also the pollaxe, which is an actual knightly or even kingly weapon.
inb4 halberd
Halberd is a tad bit longer.
Dark Souls has the demon greataxe, the best strength weapon, but it plays similar to a hammer than an axe.
This I knew, literally the best weapon. I think only the Guan Dao/Naginata can compare (altough it obviously lacks the anti-armor capability).
Isn't that the axe that is bugged? It suddenly won't track people and turn around if you are locked on.
Love that one in dark souls 3. Feels really great.
That's not Axe. That's Moghul Khan. Axe was cropped out of your picture.
There is nothing I hate more than oversized anime axes.
oversized anime, you say
Fuck you my axe is a boat
is that from dragonfable or adventure quest?
i remember those graphics
Yes, yes it is.
How is that game still getting updates is beyond me.
I love meme axes
jesus christ i remember playing that game yeaaars ago
almost makes me want to go try it out again
that axe looks like it has mini-jet engines, shame it doesn't work that way
>mostly want two handed bearded axes or throwing axes
>99% of games i played have dual edged axes, massive as fuck axes, tacticool tomahawk or moon shaped axes with hammer/spear addition like a halberd but not on a polearm
i'd take a woodman's axe over silly shit at this point
I like this thing because despite being the size of a person it functions like a boomerang.
>using axes
Whirlwind axe is better
Well they reduced the grind with the daily 10-14 ad view bonuses, which give an inhuman amount of gold, but the gameplay isn't that exciting really I managed to get maxed out and fully geared at 135 without spending a dime, but it just feels empty.
Also AQ invented switch axe
This became my main weapon in the game as soon as the DLC dropped. So good, so strong, so easy to get early on (you can sprint without fighting anyone right to it).
love 'em