Which map would be more fun to explore as a video game world?
Which map would be more fun to explore as a video game world?
Other urls found in this thread:
top is the Wind Waker, bottom is BotW
The archipelago, assuming that global warming made the whole place tropical.
t. guy who loved AC4 Black Flag.
What's the capital of Clinton islands and the Trump Empire?
Please refrain from associating BoW with Trump
Characters in top world
>Im a hybrid trans black rape survivor, fetch me my 20$ of birth control I have a human right to and cant afford without the government! Ill reward you with poetry.
Characters in bottom
>Dem drones are flyin all over me property, huck. Shootem! Dont hit my wife/sister. Ill reward you with these camo overalls.
Why? both are:
>Have beautiful women
>Love freedom and exploration
>High Energy!
>Let you kill angry little gremlins (mexicans and niggers irl)
what's the problem?
the one that would trigger Sup Forums
>just a boring stretch of SEE THAT MOUNTAIN
>Clinton Archipelago
>actual cohesive set of play areas reminiscent of the original Final Fantasy where you get a boat/airship to traverse the islands
Bottom would be great for a bethesda game: Giant open world and already populated with bethesda quality NPCs.
more like both are overhyped shit that only sold because they're the only garbage better than literally nothing and the smell of swamp ass
I fucking hate americans who need to bring up their garbage circus tier politics all over the please since 2016 and I fucking hate nintentards who pretend Zelda is not a garbage series because that's literally all the have that isn't wagglan
that can't be accurate because wind waker is good and BOTW sucks
>bethesda quality NPCs.
gave me a giggle
More like
>land is locked in turmoil
>horrible monster has taken over
>women destined to save the people fails to perform in time
>police robots shoot on sight
>hero is wounded in battle, will recover and eventually return to defeat the evil (bernie sanders)
>assuming that global warming made the whole place tropical.
Ironically, the archipelago would be the one underwater if that happen in reality
this sure is VIDEO GAMES
why is weekend Sup Forums so shit
why does trumpland have holes where educated people live?
It's the only time of the week Americans don't work 16 hours a day. So they instead spend it shitposting on the internet.
You mean where uneducated inner-city garbage lives.
Came here to say this.
Wind Waker
>Todd Island
I see you
I will never understand why people come here of all places to post politics when Sup Forums is a thing. Is it just for the reactions and (You)s?
Manhattan and Dallas
it's because neo-Sup Forums is fucking obsessed with seeing politics and e-celeb shit everywhere
>entire thread is about video games
>triggered babies making it non-vidya because they get brain aneurysm when they see the word "Trump"
based big POTUS working the smarks, living rent-free in their heads
Yes, Trumpland is missing all those bright scientists who live in DETROIT.
easiest way to get replies
You must be a brown person
I like anything set in rural America so I go with that. White America is one of the greatest places in the world.
>(bernie sanders)
why is there a correlation between living close to large bodies of water and less votes for Trump? Is the lack of proper climate getting to people's brains?
It depends on the boat or swimming mechanics.
If they suck the archipelago will be tedious as fuck.
Coastal cities are more urban, thus they're more "cool" for pasty scrawny rich hipsters to live in, and all the colored indentured servants live there as well.
This. Also, better access to higher education in the cities.
>(alt-right jontron fans)
Clinton Archipelago: Netflix and crossfit, yaaas!
TrumpLand: Jayzus and tractor pulls
Just nuke the whole fucking thing.
>Refunds for a political campaign
less hillbillies
You forgot to put higher education in parentheses
The big coastal cities are more liberal for a lot of reasons.
>there are still bernie bros
Trump Land. Goal is to scour hillbilly backyards for as many Obama-era buried guns as possible.
There's a fright meter that's triggered by seeing non whites and immigrants that can only be quelled by moonshine.
Serious question: are the southern states good as travel destinations? Are the people nice? Never been to the USA and the south seems more "american" than the northern states. I am white btw
Aren't Sup Forumss Nintenbros the most trump leaning? They spread fake news, call other people niggers and hate women in general.
With the end game quest being finding a job that isn't 29hrs a week at minimum wage?
God awful place to live but I've never heard a single person who said they didn't enjoy visiting the south. Not personally for me though.
He was referring to the black and latino community obviously
The archipelago. They would have healthcare that work and would be trying to move science forward.
Yes, absolutely, if you're white and avoid most black people outside of major populated areas.
Everything is cheap, the weather is warm from March to November, almost everybody is polite and friendly.
Would still suck to live there though especially if you're not making a lot of money. If you make like 80k though you can live like a noble.
if by more american you mean fatter and dumber then you are correct
(((higher))) education
Nice place to visit if you are white, peoplebwill be nice to you. But don't live there, those places are falling apart.
Ah. So you where referring "le jewish boogeyman", I think its called.
Thanks for the (you)'s though.
Butthurt darkie detected.
top has more people
bottom is empty open world
>wind waker
The term "Southern hospitality" exists for a reason, if you're white and don't venture too far into the backwoods you'll be fine but be prepared for extreme heat and humidity if you go far enough south
Islands are top comfy
I wish we had more than WW, Black Flag and that shitty Risen 3 game and maybe something else I'm forgetting right now.
Nah, it's:
>higher (((education)))
If you want to be proper Sup Forums
People still think rural america looks like a 1950s Americana. No motherfucker, you want know how rural America looks like now, go watch Out Of The Furnace, a lot of rural America is now white ghettos full drugs and people who still think coal is gonna come back. The sad part is Trump is gonna fuck them even harder.
just let it go brother
if we couldn't save the past we don't even have a chance with the future
With a giant wall that keeps you from going too far
Start thread with polbait get polfag results.
>opinions that don't line up with mine
>butthurt about it
Have you ever been so cucked that your presidential candidate gets cucked, and then you still support him? Even if you are a Dem, if you're a Sanders supporter I have no idea how any one of you guys could ever support Hillary after what she did to you guys in the primaries. Seriously fucked man.
The top one would be better since it would have a greater and diverse cast of people to interact with and the empty spaces could just be like pirate/bandit territory and shit for one to deal with as one gets from place to place.
while the bottom one would be boring as fuck with very few people and just empty land to go threw. unless the game is a hunting game then i guess the bottom would be better.
Also fuck misleading and shitty maps like these which essentially are population maps. Like look at the last Russian election map and look at the blue which represents putins party. Fuckers got 53 percent of the vote even with a shit ton of election fraud and look how blue the dumb fucking thing is. Electoral maps that essentially become population center maps are dumb as all fuck since it gives stupid the idea of something being bigger than it actually is.
If you came in here expecting anything besides polfaggotry, you have only yourself to blame
Just watch out for Florida. It's kind of different than the rest of the south.
>(((diverse))) cast
you mean you'd meet a bunch of metro faggots who spent half their time in starbucks writing a homosexual teenage coming of age novel and the other half in their gender studies degree course? wow so diverse! what interesting stories they would have to share with the player!
>i never been on a city, let me spout my unfounded stereotypes
Heres a (you)
The northeast is a great place to visit. People are definitely less hospitable but still comfy as fuck.
There are people out there who voted for Trump almost exclusively to spite the Democratic party for cheating Bernie out of the nomination. Dems ruined it for themselves.
i live in a city you fucking retard
all the people are the same pretentious leftist zombie shit or closet right wingers
>big cities vs empty space
gee, i dunno opie
Yeah I am aware of that, florida seems fucking crazy
This is true especially once you venture from the suburbs into the actual heartland, my area could be considered "suburban" and hasn't been affected much but the surrounding rural areas are currently seeing a huge spike in heroin use
>mfw every time I read politics anywhere, the only complaint against liberals is their personality / stereotype whereas the complaints about republicans are policy.
really gets the ol joggin' noggin'
explain to me how a game where you have to use your fucking pen or some shit every 5 seconds when you want to move directions is a good game
I was really hoping this nigger slang wouldn't stick a few years ago but looks like it's ingrained into the culture now.
interesting things to see vs desolate and poor wasteland.
hol up
>tfw you will never be aked to join by a underground antifa coalition with the objective of eliminating trump and his supporters by any means necessary
Why live?
That's the point. People come out with maps like these to try to justify tyranny of the minority because 'look how small this place is, they shouldn't decide everything for us even though they have over 50% of the population and 70% of the economic output'.
>a small but busy amount of space vs "see those mountains?" with fuckall to do
Top wins.
My nigger
Don't forget that "towns" are just a few buildings, half of them empty.
>two wolves and a sheep decide what to serve for lunch
Because you're a pussy faggot with delusions of grandeur
Trump isn't based you fucking autist.
Stfu nigger
It's just different. There are a lot of Florida Man news articles, but that's not what makes it different. Florida is just a bit more humid than everywhere else, and a hell of a lot flatter. It's still populated with a lot of rednecks, but there are also a good bit of people who live there full time who didn't grow up in the south, so it's got this mix of poor southern trailer trash and wealthy suburbanite beach lovers, along with everyone just vacationing there. St. Augustine is especially representative of this.