>17 years later
>STILL the best Zelda game
What went so right?
>17 years later
>STILL the best Zelda game
What went so right?
Maybe best at SUCKING BALLS
Zelda games are utter shit
Take your terrible taste somewhere else
It's not better than LttP.
-Emphasizing side quests
-Seriousness; it doesn't have the cartoony, childish vibes of the newer games. The N64 blurry textures unintentionally help with this.
-3 day cycle and NPC schedules help you invest more in the characters and locations, giving the game more emotional weight
Personally for me I was super into the world & characters. The areas had nice atmosphere and interesting settings where as the characters (while reuses OOT models) had interesting lives and character that I don't feel like any other Zelda game has accomplished again.
Also I just like all the side quests it had and it gave me that Pikmin vibe with how much I can do in 1-cycle.
The map is kinda shit though. But it does not matter unless you judge every Zelda game with the same metric.
Zelda games suck massive dick and at this point it's a franchise entirely propped up by emotionally and mentally stunted 20 to 35 year olds
Zelda Gaiden the best zelda.
I really dislike timers in video games. MM never appealed to me because of that.
>the sequel to OoT, on a system that is the same as OoT's, is not a lazy OoT wannabe but is actually its own game
This is why. OoT is great and all but WW and TP are shit.
I love majoras mask.
OoT, majoras mask, Perfect dark 64, starfox 64, diddy kong racing, shadow of the empire. what a time to be alive.
MM is just a reskin of OoT. its a fucking rom hack of OoT. You can't say that about WW.
MM was my first n64 zelda but OOT is the best one.
It makes the Wii U look like shit. Even the Wii pales.
But Sup Forums is the perfect place for terrible taste
>collect three orbs
>get master sword
>save sages
>beat Ganon
>also Zelda was disguised
Koizumi on game design and story, Aonuma making some of the best dungeons of his career, Miyamoto being an amazing producer.
If you think about how crazy it was that Miyamoto did a successful handoff of the director's chair, it's hard not to be impressed. Think about how hard Kojima failed at the same thing. Miyamoto just came off heading one of the best games ever, said "okay now you do it" when Aonuma said he didn't want to make a rehash, and pulled in exactly the right people when the project was struggling.
I honestly think BoTW is better in every aspect except story.
Everyone who unironically enjoys video games has terrible tastes. Go do something productive with your lives instead of obsessing over children's toys you worthless sacks of fecal matter.
>Side Quests: The Game
Yeah, fuck your fedora taste. Ocarina of Time is still king
Even if it does a lot better in regards to basic mechanics, structure, and ridiculous obsessive attention to detail, Majora's Mask still has so many unique aspects that it stands out.
If you want a game about a Groundhog Day loop and shapeshifting, you don't look for that in BotW.
I love MM but it had shit dungeons.
>rom hack of OoT
it added the ability to transform into 3 other races
It had the best dungeons. They had great layouts and unique mechanics, and the best optional objective to make use of the space.
It's one of the only Zelda games where the dungeons have sensible shortcuts because the layout it so good and it didn't have to rely on warp pots or escape items.