

Carrot is best girl

What's she talking about Sup Forums?

I hope she sticks around for a while.

Why aren't you playing super grand battle x?



>have the units to beat pretty much every forest
>no moby dick

*blocks your path*

*puts cockroaches all over her and insider her clothes*

Beard Forest is fucking chump shit at this point just look at a guide user

This is Dellinger say something nice about him Sup Forums

But I can do that after the clashes. I need to farm Garp anyways because i only got one copy of tesoro when he was around.

does that one shipping faggot post on Sup Forums?

Bury face in giant ghost vag

It's not real

none of it's real
it's just an anime


there's a dig site i want to excavate between robin's mountains

It's the thought that counts

Leave Robin alone

More like evacuate!