Mighty Number 9 Part 2. Rare really is dead.
What did they mean by this?
the fact it was made in unity made me believe it would be shit. looks so slow and lifeless
I don't like metokur desu
Is there any reason to think the game is shit other than Sup Forumsbabies getting triggered? Plenty of contrarian faggots have started running around screaming that "rare always sucked" now too.
I don't give a fuck about Jontron.
They dont want politics to come to mind every time you hear jon in the game. Youre here (playing the game) for vidya, not for shitshows.
UE is free, why the fuck does anyone ever use unity?
Here's the thing: what we do here is the truth vs. the sheltered outside world who are afraid to confront things as they really are, despite knowing it deep down.
Calling Islam a religion of hate that breeds sociopaths and anti-Western resentment just gets people mad even though they're aware of it themselves and refuse to accept it.
At least here you can be honest without risking your career or reputation because the spineless sissy libtard Redditor Tumblrina cuckfag SJW shitlord sheeple out there will lie to themselves to maintain a sense that equality is deserved by all people and not something that must be earned.
It's looked boring and empty with very little actual platforming for months before this shit happened
>Finish 3 worlds, having fun
>See Jontron NPC walk in
>Walks away
Well it would have been nice to know that back in 2015 when I funded it.
>Yooka Laylee confirmed shit because they got rid of a racist e-celeb
>Not because the gameplay is poor or the level design is bad
Post yfw you didn't waste money on this dumpster fire.
>faggot voice
not watching. get a big boy voice next time.
Is it?
>e-celeb bullshit
just look the tons of gameplay you posted to prove your point
why even bother posting your link if people are going to recognize you as the guy who bitched out during gg?
>fat unfunny e-celeb whose comedy is "LE EPICK SCREAMING AND FACE CLOSEUP"
>primary demographic's cutoff age is 14
>he is removed from an anticipated vidya
>this is a problem for Sup Forums
where did we go so wrong
I'm not going to say I have no sympathy for you as someone who backed planetary annihilation, but that's just the risk you take with kickstarter. Not every game can be Shovel Knight or FTL or Kentucky Route Zero
Alright, I'll address the elephant in the room.
Why is Sup Forums sucking up to playtonic so hard? You guys also defended Inafune to and I just want to know why Sup Forums loves corporate dick so much suddenly. Is it to be ironic? Contrarian? I just don't understand.
Games made for children are more whimsical and fun than ones for adults.
When reddit overtook Sup Forums
>But imagine being someone who JonTron lambasted and you see and hear him in a game you've invested time, money and passion into, how would you feel? Relaxed? Happy?
Has this actually ever stopped someone from playing a game before? Seeing or hearing a VA that they just didn't like very much and just turning the game off because they simply existed in that world?
It's all neogaf
Mostly because everything from the proposal has been embodied by the game, ultimately. Mighty No. 9 really hit a snag when their early proposal involved visuals that far underwhelmed anything in the final product.
The Toybox gave an accurate depiction of the game engine and how it would play. They haven't disappointed.
Literally everyone on Sup Forums shat on Mirrors edge 2 because Anita sarkeesian kinda sorta worked on it.
Sup Forums didn't defend Inafune, their favorite person told them he was just a business man right away and after that it was constant MN9 bashing at every single bump along the road
>mister metokur
No thanks, still buying it anyway ;^)
ok, sweetie, that's enough Sup Forums for today
I didn't buy Sonic racing transformed because of the yogscast dlc
No, there's no other reason
The game looks like it's going to be a ton of fun
That game was actually disappointing, though.
Anita isn't a VA though.
A real example would be people literally shaking over Adam Baldwin and Will Wheaten being in that 3DS game nobody played.
I guess that makes sense but these people should at least have a refund. I understand they aren't required to by law but it really isn't earning them any favors by shit talking their backers.
My problem is Sup Forums sort of sees this as a good thing for some reason.
Why don't we like Wil Wheaton?
i got that shit in a bundle. think i got two copies. didn't even know there was dlc. didn't even affect me either way.
Terrible copypasta from the other thread
They shit on it because it was a shitty game.
The Yogscast are literal criminals. Jon just has stupid opinions.
He's anti-GG
>they dont want politics to come to mind every time you hear jon in the game
Kek, they're the ones responsible for that. If they would have just let the whole thing alone, nobody would have cared. Surely they must have expected the backlash, and now it's the fans fault for “bringing politics in“? Holy lord, developers are all trash these days.
No wonder every new game release is accompanied by some dumb political controversy.
I didn't get to use it because they deleted the thread by the time I finalized the wording.
It's all true, though. If you disagree then you too are spineless sissy libtard Redditor Tumblrina cuckfag SJW shitlord sheeple.
I've seen no evidence of that
I REALLY doubt it would be as poorly received on Sup Forums. You know, since literally everyone else liked it.
More of Sup Forums grew up with BK than MM
But the signs are all the same, YL does look like a piece of uninspired shit
Isnt this the same guy who was balls deep defending GamerGate years ago? Is the same voice. He had a different name back then I think.
>Complete lack of self-awareness
It wasn't when development started
How do you go from this...
Sup Forums is arbitrarily contrarian.
He never even knew what it was about, he doesn't have a real connection to video games. He's just a moron that with no context saw the Sup Forumslacks hijacking the conversation to make it about their women's rights horseshit, and never even bothered to look at the journalistic corruption that triggered the whole thing.
He's only anti-GG because he's too ignorant/stupid to know what it actually is. I don't feel any hatred toward him for that, just disappointment.
>YL does look like a piece of uninspired shit
But it's trying to go back to a time when games weren't fucking garbage. How can you deny them that?
...to THIS?!
Sup Forums is full of Sup Forums since gamergate
There may have been some shitting on MN9, but the general consensus was that Inafune did nothing wrong and the backers are retarded for actually expecting a good product.
STEADFASTLY contrarian. They don't choose when to be and when not to be, they're fucking dedicated to it.
It's neofag, they got jontron removed
>Imagine being someone who JonTron lambasted
Who did he lambast?
Yup. Internet aristocrat is probably the biggest embarrassment to come out of Sup Forums next to sargon and Jon.
Because they still insist on miring it in the modern culture of gaming.
>Calling Islam a religion of hate that breeds sociopaths and anti-Western resentment
Most "islamic" countries are very peaceful, notice how all the countries that are in conflict today has vast oil reserves that amerifat neocons wants or are close to Israel or Saudi Arabia, ISIS/Daesh are western backed goons.
There is a reason Murrica is not attacking Malaysia, Indonesia or any other muslim country that isn't oil rich or isn't close to their greatest ally Israel.
Also notice that the US of A is okay being friends with the more extremists Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia as long as they sell their oil but they are not okay with secular social-democrat controlled muslim countries like Syria that have some national sovereignty left.
Rare stopped being able to make good 3D platformer after Tooie
But Viva Pinata and Nuts & Bolts are some of Rare's best games.
UE4 wasn't available when development started.
Did you not see the Casino level?
So we're back to criticizing the game for something non-gameplay related.
Then go play Sonic Mania you fucking cunt.
>"I don't think there will be a sequel to Yooka-Laylee, at least not any time soon. When we first started this project, we tried to make sure that the game came first and that our personal beliefs were kept out of the game, focusing entirely on the fun elements of the game. Gaming culture has changed a lot, though, and by the end people were less interested in our game and more in our political stances. We chose to remove JonTron out of our game because we did not agree with many of the things he has said and we did not want that associated with our product, but apparently that was considered bad by the gaming community. We have had plenty of people stand by us and support our decision, which we are grateful for, but as long as the gaming community holds such utterly toxic contempt for creators doing what they consider best for their games, we cannot continue to provide quality entertainment."
You know the weirdest part? Sup Forums would in one breath insist this is liberal propaganda, but in the next say that it's a very good thing that this is the reality, thus implying it is not propaganda but fact.
These people are shills
Shitposting and autism aside. Do you honestly not think what they did was wrong? I'd just like to hear your actual opinion on this
reminder that Jon is literally racist and discriminating against minorities.
The only thing people care about is Jon Tron getting his voice removed
they don't have an actual argument against the game play or anything related to the design of the game
Rare never made a good 3D platformer. They made boring, overrated, ugly collectathons with shit gameplay and terrible """"humour""""
typical lefty tactic of "But think of the little guy!" If you want to win think of the exception to the rule and try to make everyone empathize with the hypothetical puppet. No notion or proposal will ever count for anything as long a single example of someone getting screwed by it exists, except when it's in your favor instead.
>Malaysia, Indonesia or any other muslim country
>Malaysia, Indonesia
Sure baring the genocide of hindus.
>So we're back to criticizing the game for something non-gameplay related.
We're not, actually. When the culture of development changes, the game changes in subtle ways too. I'm waiting for release to see for myself, but this is an indelible fact. The creation reflects the creator, and when the creator has changed to something unrecognizable to its former self its work will show that.
>Jon said uncontrolled immigration and large populations that attempt to make their new country the same as their old rather than integrating into the new one are probably not good things.
>Apparently this very reasonable viewpoint is racist despite not targeting any race.
I'm so tired of this fucking binary morality bullshit america is in love with right now.
Sup Forums confirmed for little babbies that watch jontron and pewdiepie
just report him.
Fuck off, N&B and Grabbed by the ghoulies were great!
Isn't this guy that says the government is secretly mind controlling us through our electronic devices? Why should anyone take his opinion seriously?
If the devs don't want JonTron in their game then that's their decision.
>this is Sup Forums after the gator fiasco
Also nice pizzagate thread you have there
ironic shilling 100%
They care about the developers shitting on their own customers.
By banning or muting anybody who does not agree with them or has a different opinion, not to mention they down right refuse to refund anybody.
So yeah
>Most "islamic" countries are very peaceful
*rapes 8 year old*
>notice how all the countries that are in conflict today
*rapes goat*
>has vast oil reserves
*stones rape victim to death*
>that amerifat neocons wants
*drives truck through crowd of french people*
>or are close to Israel or Saudi Arabia
*Drives 5 more trucks through crowd of infidels killing even 5 year old children*
>Sup Forums
He's a redditor you fucking newfag.
I don't remember anyone defending Inafune.
A NeoGAF "raid" would explain the Playtonic ass-kissing, tough.
>implying you can tell which Echs and gurgles are Jon without looking it up on google to get expert opinions from voice analyzers.
Banjo-Kazooie is many times better than Mario 64.
>implying anybody played Mirror's Edge 2 after the shitty marketing they had for it
I can't imagine anybody is really that precious.
>"We don't want our political views to get in the way of us making games, but I mean shit man he said all that stuff and we got all offended and shiet so fuck you, Jontron, get out of our game."
How is it reasonable. Are we pretending white people are native to america.
Fuck this thread
Fuck Yoka whatever
Fuck e-celebs
Fuck Sup Forums
Fuck Neogaf
And fuck OP
Now fucking roll you faggots
UE is not free if you sell the game you developed on it
This is the most laughable opinion I've ever seen on Sup Forums.