Game first announced

>Game first announced
>"Holy shit! Looks fun"

>More gameplay videos shown
>"definitely gonna buy it at launch!"

>Some dumbass e-celeb is removed from game
>"wtf I hate Yooka-Laylee now"

Why is Sup Forums such cancer?

But we all agreed that the gameplay looked slow and empty

>a fucking double jump

>content gets cut out of the game because of SJW shit
>they're not censoring anyone guys!

But everyone agreed the casino level looks shit.

Doesn't pretty much every collectathon play like this? The only one can think of that's fast and not empty is Spyro.

I don't think you know what that word means. Jontron is allowed to say whatever dumb racist shit his little heart desires. His tweets didn't get deleted. He wasn't thrown in jail. He exercised his right to free speech. But you say racist shit and people have just as much of a right to not want to associate with you. Jon said shit that people are not okay with and lost his job. It's that fucking simple.

what other game FAILED TO DELIVER, and BTFO/KEKED so hard?

>and lost his job
you wish

>People ask about the refund process because they change the product
>"Lol, get banned fag"
Great business practice.

>yooka laylee devs don't want to associate themselves with controversy so they exercise their right to remove content

>this is somehow censorship

>we all agreed

I wish I could see your face right now. It's probably the shining example of GOLDFACE in corporeal form.

>Why is Sup Forums such cancer?
This. They're retarded, they're going to deny themselves playing a good game just because of their political beliefs.


Holy fuck, stop killing gaming and swallow some stuff from under the sink promptly. You are LITERALLY the kind of person who is ruining my hobby.

>its a Neogaf member makes a cuckold thread on Sup Forums episode

Not worth my time

I don't follow ecelebs, and I sure as shit don't care if they removed one from a game (this is a plus actually), but this game just looks very generic and half assed, and this is coming from someone that loves all of Rare's N64 games. I may get it for $5 during a sale, but there's just way too much good shit out right now to waste my time with this.

you tell me

Someone convince me to cancel my preorder of this game with a reasonable argument and without sounding like a massive fucking retard.

You can't

Do you really not get it? Or are we pretending we don't know what the real cancer is?

Missed the point.

Some eceleb getting kicked off isn't the issue. The issue is faggot sjw bullshit being pushed for no reason, and how these faggots handle the PR side of the fallout, IE: banning people who voice their opinion or even asking for refunds.

I was going to buy it at launch, because the first few levels they showed off looked nice and tightly designed. Then everything after that looks large and empty.
That's what put me off, not Jafari.

shit genre
name (ONE) good 3D platformer

Do whatever you want, its your money. If you have a good reason to support them then go for it, but pre-orders are retarded in general.


What was Jon doing in he game? voice acting?

I haven't paid attention to Jontron since old Game grumps and now suddenly he's everywhere

That's my point, who cares?? Just play the game if it's fun.

>You are LITERALLY the kind of person who is ruining my hobby.
By supporting the 3D platformer resurgence? One of the best genres?

Is not Sup Forums
This is what the redpill does to you , Jontron now know it

Super Mario 64

Is our boy Chibi still doing a voice in the game?


I had no idea underage weebs were this easily offended.


Super Mario Sunshine

>Banning people who ask for refunds

I know right? Look at that blue haired cuck faggot. He's a living anime avatar

They cut someone from their game who has more viewers than this game will have purchases. Bad decision, no one was really paying attention to this game now its gonna get more attention than it ever wanted because it wanted to be progressive.

Convince me why you're reposting this with a reasonable argument and without sounding like a massive fucking retard.

You can't.


I didn't like that the devs remind me life fucking sucks.

Not wanting to associate with someone because they said blatantly racist shit isn't "SJW shit."

Team 17's PR is fucking retarded though, they're handling the situation horribly.

Removing content from a work because you don't agree with the person that made that content. Yeah, it's pretty much censorship

>they said blatantly racist shit

Sorry Stalin, people can say what they want. Going and removing people for their opinions isn't what you do. Why do you think this retarded game is getting this kind of backlash?

>w-why i-is Sup Forums such c-cancer?

It's not the games that are cancer? It's Sup Forums?

Nice fucking logic there, buddy.


Fucking this.

Freedom = saying racist shit without being hurt/imprisoned.

Freedom also = choosing not to have the voice of a dumbass in your game.

>getting triggered that your favorite eceleb was canned because his own stupidity
>not cancer/autism

STOP IT!, Now look, no one is to stone anyone until I blow this whistle, do you understand?

EVEN! and I want to make this absolutely clear! even if they do say kickstarter.

Freedom = choosing to not buy your shitty game after you act shitty to your consumer base

See, that would be fine if their explanation wasn't about "protecting" their fragile audience from the boogieman. This is very much sjw shit since the only people who pressured these pussies into even making it an issue were NeoGaf SJWs who didn't like when jontron said that illegal/mass immigration was bad on a stream with a pedophile.

>Game first announced
>"Holy shit! Looks fun"

>More gameplay videos shown
>"definitely gonna buy it at launch!"

>Some dumbass e-celeb is added to the game

>Some dumbass e-celeb is removed from game
>"wtf I love Yooka-Laylee now"

>racist shit

Facts can't be racist. Statistics can't be racist. Discussion can't be racist.

People have no right to a refund over this, though. Playtonic never promised JonTron's voice. No one paid any money for that.

You think this dev team is so brave for standing up for what their version of the truth is. Which you seem to think is that JonTron is some racist or has racist views.

Well guess what that freedom means when no one buys this fucking game because JonTron is bigger than the game and his fans understand what he was saying. These cuck devs just follow the SJW-train like Polygon/Kotaku.

I think it's the dude himself that people were calling racist though.

that would hold up if he hadnt given them thousands of dollars and even more in free advertising dumbass

>People can't refute hits arguments

>Call him a racist instead

Gee its like normal people fucking hate liberal/progressive/SJWs for some reason. I wonder why.

>its not OK to suck the games dick for dropping an e-celeb
>having an autistic shitfit for dropping that same eceleb is a-ok

If jontrons addition or subtraction from the game, voicing a mwahmwahmwah babble character, changed your opinion on the game, you are a child.

Lad... It's been so long I've forgotten all about that shit. Thanks for reminding me.

>someone actually listened to NeoGaf

That is the most fucked up part of this whole ordeal

>3 years later
>people give a shit about gg
>people think gg accomplished anything

Why is everyone so delusional? Games journalism is always going to be shit

>People can say racist shit
Correct. People can say racist shit and not get killed/imprisoned. That's freedom.

People can also choose not to have some racist dumbass voice a character in their game. That's freedom.

What's the matter user? Do you want to control what businesses do? Why are you anti freedom? Are you a COMMIE?

>Some dumbass e-celeb is removed from game
>"wtf I hate Yooka-Laylee now"

Some of us have principles, like being pro free speech. It has nothing to do with who JonTron is or what his opinions are. It's because they axed him simply for stating his opinions, opinions which are BY THE WAY backed up with FBI crime statistics going back decades.

But why the fuck would you fire someone from a job just because they have different political opinions than you that have no relevance to the project

>censor game
>expect me to buy it
It's why the Wii U failed user

People have difficulty reconciling the fact that words can have multiple meanings. This makes it very difficult to have conversations or arguments. In this case, people are arguing over the meaning of censorship. Governments can censor, but individuals can also censor. Playtonic is censoring their game because they are afraid of offending people. Please try to recognize that this is censorship. It's not government censorship but it is still censorship.

>I'm not racist! There's literally nothing racist about speaking negatively about entire other races, for no reason, all the time!

Gee it's like someone might not want to have someone like that associated to their fun-time product that they want to release to the general public.

People can say what they want. People can also tell people to go fuck themselves too. Playtonic isn't the fucking US government, retard, that's all that "free speech" covers.

Hello NeoGAF

>because you removed him, or because he was on it in the first place
This fucker was literally ready to defend steam forum anime avatar shitflingers if they were flinging shit at The Bad Guy. He's literally asking 'are these the bad guys we are angry at, or are these our people acting the exact same way but haven't heard we aren't mad at you any more'. This is the hypocrisy.

Playtonic didn't act shitty to their customer base. No one has any right to a refund for this since Playtonic never promised Jon's voice would be in.

But yeah people can choose to buy it or not, if they haven't spent the money already.

>cucklords mad some tuber got booted out for being an ass
>demanding refunds

I can get it for Mighty No. 9 because that was super early in the dev process, but the game is out in two weeks. Way too late to cry for your money back now.

Should just sell them shits for added false kickstarter rarity profit

I'm still going to buy the game, but I'm just going to buy it used so they don't get a sale.

>Game first announced
>"Holy shit! Looks fun"
kek no. it was
>Game first announced
>"Has potential. Hope they don't fuck it up but we all know they will!"

There is literally nothing wrong with social justice :^)

>Do you want to control what businesses do?

I'm not buying their fucking game and so are a lot of people that support JonTron, who without his support this game might not have gotten off the fucking ground. They could have easily said "We don't agree with his statements but stand by him being in our game and supporting us" Instead they cast him out for his opinions and act like he played no part in their game.

Also nice way of thinking a business is a person. Thanks for outing yourself you fucking socialist.

This is the perfect excuse for me to pirate it now.

I never said any of those things.

>thousands of dollars in free advertising
That was his choice. Maybe he should have asked for money then lol.

Hello NeoGAF.

Nobody cares about "censorship". People care because they're being cunts about refunds. People who disagree with them because they wanted to remove Jontron to make a political statement aren't able to refund their product because they disagree with the political statement being made. They want to speak with their wallets, but they're essentially being silenced.

JonTron didn't say JACKSHIT that was wrong or "racist". It was pure facts, and he was hurt FINANCIALLY by hordes of rabid SJWs.

It's soft-censorship, you fucking idiot. You can't say anything politically correct or the unwashed masses will come after your livelihood.

Society is crumbling and you fucking idiots can't see it.

Go fucking kill yourself, cuck.

>Tfw you dont need excuse to pirate games

Reminder that not buying Yooka-Laylee because it removed JonTron is the same as not watching JonTron because of his opinions.

That's only the second most fucked up thing, the first is that out of this Jon Tron is the one who is acting the most mature about this.

No, they are banning people screeching at them for removing an e celeb


>>More gameplay videos shown
>>"definitely gonna buy it at launch!"
this never happened


>He said rich black people commit more crimes than poor whites.
That is false.

>He also said that black people are bigger due to selective breeding during slavery.
That is false. Selective breeding during slavery was actually quite rare. What did happen was that slave women who had lots of kids were favoured by owners/buyers.

Also the burden of proof is not on us. It's on him to prove those claims. Which he didn't (you can't because they are simply untrue).

>someone calls him a racist on twitter and tells him to back up his claims
.Jon links them to the statistics he was quoting
>their response is that the statistics are racists too

It's a Kickstarter

>Game first announced
>Astroturf Sup Forums trying to get money
>Get laughed out because no one wants to play a shitty collectathon

>Release gameplay videos
>Everyone sees that its a shitty dead lifeless world running in a boring Unity sandbox

>Everyone can see the game is absolute shit
>Try to get liberals to buy your game by virtue signaling

Playtonic are some serious shysters.

You can't reason with these nu-socialist types. They willingly will sell themselves and whoever they know for corporate interests. They seem them as living breathing gods whose decisions are divine and cannot be questioned.

True, customers have no grounds for a refund based on consumer practices, but just saying that is a denial of consumer agency. That's blatantly anti-consumer thinking. People have a right to refund that game for any reason they choose fitting. If they don't agree with the actions of the developer, they do not have to support them.

More on that second from the bottom right qt?

>say things people in your audience dont like
>those people in your audience stop viewing your content
>this is censorship
If 'rabid SJWs' were coming in and stopping other people from viewing his videos and hurting him financially, then sure that's soft censorship. But losing money because you offended part of your audience, and that audience chooses to no longer view your content is just business.

3D platformers died for a reason.

>jazz man

that's all the diversity you need

look at this bitter, uninformed, contrarian that does not want good gameplay

Hahaha has holy shit you are a literal child

When you grow up you will realize that actions have consequences

People are allowed to not associate with racists

Free speech is illegal in Canada though.

>tfw this game is going to come out and people will say banjo was always bad
>tfw the truth is that it has the same problems as banjo tooie

jontron is the one that made the political statement, user. they are not making a political statement by removing him, they are in fact making sure their game is apolitical