Xbox Scorpio


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>how to generate massive losses: the post

> what is PS3, Xbox 360

Still wouldn't matter if they don't announce games.

I believe it will be between $400

>Lets sell a console at a loss after shitting the bed last generation
good idea pajeet

Phil went to Japan, I think Xbox is getting some titles

PS3 send all the PS2 money down the drain and even after all those years didn't made proper profit.

And Xbox brand never made money to microsoft.

>it's okay when Sony does it *sniffs left hand*

Ironically xb1 made ms profit

I hope but I fucking doubt it $450 probably.

>4k console

Nigga pls

Niiga I got a Dolby vision set coming in 2 days just for this

4K is taking off

Expect PS4 Pro msrp


Yes, because those 60 million consoles sold at a loss will easily recup the cost with hardware sales. Are you retarded?

And then expect the price of the PS4 Pro to drop in competition.

And then the PS5 to come out a year and shit on it with better hardware and actual games.

>Believing the photo realistic meme

Sony knows what to say to you

Who are you quoting?

Why the fuck would I even buy an Xbone at all?

I have zero interest in shooters, and even less interest in almost any game that takes place in the real world in modern times.

What games are on the system that I can't play on my PC.

Like I can think of reasons to own a switch, PS4, or even a WiiU, but why the fuck would I or anyone else get an Xbone.

What is accessories and software to make up the loss

You're not too bright


How else did you hear about the PS5

>Helping to prove my point

>How else did you hear about the PS5
well user as a smart poster with a verified IQ of almost a perfect score of 100 I can logically deduce that after 4 successful consoles that Sony MIGHT just make a fifth one. Crazy that, huh

Ignoring your bullshit

MS will do it to take back market share

Here you go retard


Platinum is dishonest


Why are there so much scorpio posts lately? Did I miss something and announcment is coming or this is just random shitposting?

So Crackdown 3 and Sea of Thieves are all they have, then.

And a bunch of remasters that didn't get E3 spotlight.

>'real(tm)' 4k
>cheaper than the pro
nah $599

>or this is just random shitposting?
Why do you assume it's shitposting?

Pajeet needs the money.

It's for people that want the strongest multiplat machine but don't want to deal with the headache of a PC. In b4 mustardmen sperg out trying to defend their two thousand dollar matrixboxes, normies don't want to touch a screwdriver ever, they just want to plug and play.

That said it will probably be sold at a steep loss and not make money. Admirable effort though, I was a big fan of the Xbox hueg and this seems like the same sort of idea: make as powerful a console as is possible and see what happens. Daily reminder the hueg could play games natively at 540p in the days of the fucking PS2. It was a monster.

M$ will never get its console market share back. Every game that comes out for it will be on PC, thus no exclusives, which is really by a wide gulf the entire reason consoles are purchased.

If you really want to play on a console, the PS4 has already beaten the shit out of this generation, and if you want better graphics than the Pro, you can just build a PC that's more capable than the Scorbone for less than it will inevitably sell for.

Nobody gives a shit about UHDBR players if they have decent internet speeds, and all of those third-world shitters already bought a Bone-s.

M$ is done. Their investors have wanted to shut down the Xbox division for years, and this is just their last gasp so they can say "Well, we went out with the most powerful console ever made" as some stupid point of pride.

by trying to take some from valve

>you can just build a PC that's more capable than the Scorbone for less than it will inevitably sell for.
End this meme. You PC evangelist shitheads never account for optimization, Project Cars will straight up not play on a 350 dollar PC at any settings.

Because a post that starts with


will obviously produce only great nuanced discussions regarding the next generation of consoles.

scorpio will just be the new steammachine meme, for retards too stupid to make their own pc but nearly the cost of one and will get left over slop from multiplats with like 1 1st party game a year

since they lost the mainstream they're making the niche expensive thing - just like their $150 controller

What's the point of a new xbox if all you can play on it is western shootan trash?

xb wants 'best on xbox' with multipats*
*on console
technically what this generation/last generation was won on

So why did'nt the normies buy steam machines?

It conveys the price OP will think it will be sold at.

You will only consider it shitposting, if you have a dog in the fight.

still too expensive - why buy a steammachine when you can buy a ps4 also shitty pc ports
mass market price, the scorpio will be for the same market as the ps4 pro but without exclusives and/or xbox fanboys

Unironically because they had the stink of PC on them. The controller was also kind of weird and intimidating. Nintendo gets a pass on that kind of thing because their whole gimmick is to be as unintimidating as possible, but on something so heavily associated with PC it gives people flight simulator kind of feels and they're just not up for it.