Has a game ever made you feel like a complete idiot?

Has a game ever made you feel like a complete idiot?


The Witness.

Bioshock Infinite

The first Skyrim claw door.

Thief, return to the cathedral level

Delicious! Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire


>tfw to dumb to get passed this

Wait a minute...

most games do
I have bad attention to detail and always miss stuff

As a kid i felt extremely retarded for not figuring out you could go up in this room in kingdom hearts 1

The Talos Principle.

Valkyria Chronicles



>milking a blood donation machine as keeper on a great run
>accidentally walk past the dropped penny and die

There's something about puzzle games that make me feel like a dunce.
Games like Mighty Switch Force or Pushmo make me feel like committing Sudoku.
I can kick ass at picross but something about puzzle video games make me feel like a maroon and gets me extremely angry.

spent literal hours on oblivion before discovering fast travel...

I love puzzle games but I got stuck on that one claw puzzle in fucking Skyrim of all games because I didn't know you could rotate objects.

I felt like an asshole and a half for the next hour and I still feel shame about it to this very day.

The Lego games. I don't know how kids games can be that confusing.

A Dance with Rogues made me feel pretty fucking dumb sometimes.

Yeah plenty of games. I'm not a smart guy.

but it does feel good when you pull of a good assault with minimal casualties

Civilization V. Civilization III Gold is one of my favorite games of all time, but Civ V forces so many minor details on the player that you are constantly battling micro-management along with CPU players (turns take forever).

adults are overreliant on their crystallized intelligence and expect every new experience to fit into a preexisting mould. if something doesn't go according to their expectations, their little pea brains shut down. everything is new and confusing to children so they're better at adapting to new situations and learning. compare the time and effort children have to put into learning a second language with the time and effort you'd have to put to get the same results.

Any Zachtronics

>sleepover at a mate's place with some other friends
>Fallout 3 just came out
>I play it while they watch
>Am pretty new to the "fallout" gameplay
>Out in the fucking wasteland with that pea shooter
>get my shit fucking rekt, have no idea where to go, what to do, get fucked by low level mobs
>friends are bantering like madmen
>I start getting fucking pissed off and just try to enjoy the game
>they can't stop laughing and bantering
I was fucking pissed at that time, but what great times man

Any game with moe girls semi-naked.

I don't play weeb trash anyway. But playing new Shantae games is uncomfortable besides they are good.

I'm usually overthinking stuff then feel like an idiot when the solution is the easiest one

Isn't that the game where a scout can single handedly beat each level?

the witness

Fortune Summoners made me feel like both an idiot AND a casual (I probably am).
>jump off a tower and move back in mid fall
>jump off a tower and land on a random chunk of land out of sight
>had to look up both

>also died 200 times on hard

>stare at a wall for 5 hours trying to make sense of a puzzle
>you need to use sound to find the way


I've been told 20 years later that you can press f to ski faster.

Any of the Silent Hill/Resi games before 4.

On my first playthrough of DaS1 I couldn't find out how to get through Sen's Fortress so I ended up dropping it for months. I still don't know how I didn't manage to find the way when ti was so obvious.

I had to give up on this game. Those fucking kangaroo things were so annoying. Made me rage like never before. It wasn't good for my health.

In real life I can remember fucking everything that everyone says or has said, but in video games I can never remember shit and constantly fail to put together plot points.

I will finish a game, go to a Sup Forums thread and just think "wait, that's what the fuck happened?". I think I enjoy games so much that I just end up going through them too quickly to process anything that happened.

This fucking game...

>welp, this is hard..
>maybe if I do this..?
>fuck now this won't fit...
>THERE! Fucking finally! A perfect solution!

Finish level
>94% of all players found a better solution

There was a puzzle in Phantom Hourglass that made me feel like a damn moron


Same. But to be fair I was playing on an old ass TV and couldn't even make out what was on the back of the claw

I just tried all the combinations

>Any game that does not explictly spell out the lore in clear letter for me
>Any game involving puzzles
>Any game that requires you to pay attention to small details

>6 years old
>pokemon blue
>couldn't figure out how to leave house

this shit right here

Grim Fandango t bh

Wtf is that? I always just jumped into the pit and ended up okay.

Quern undying thoughts
fucking bullshit

Same, doormats go outside so that made no sense.

Myst. I felt like a total retard.

I always got stuck at the stupidest things
>You put off Twilight Princess for years because you forgot how fishing worked

Tales of Vesperia.

>What's the password?
>Hint: Sky, Bright, Sphere

Xcom is extremely challenging you really have to get some experience playing the game before you can take on the higher difficulty levels.

From the depth
But I think its from the lack of imagination.


>hurr durr just Towers of Hanoi

Yeah I realise that now. Even back then I knew what Towers of Hanoi were. I was a fuckin' master at Towers of Hanoi.

But they had to go frame it with some retarded "unstable electrical systems lel" that realyl threw me off.

Fucking this.

I'm well aware that I'll never understand Dwarf Fortress. Oh well.

Minecraft makes me feel uncreative, seeing all these autists make wonderful and cool stuff/designs, while I make russian block buildings.
every. single. time.

Factorio made me feel like an idiot at the start when I didn't understand basic shit.

>>get hyped about a game and then buy it
>>get stuck early on
tfw You have to stop playing temporarily because You don't have enough personal confidence to contiue trying


Hollow Knight

Most recently RE7. I spent a good hour not realising the storage box was unlimited, I'd convinced myself you only had as many slots as were displayed.

VLR. I liked 999 better because it made me feel smart.

The RC missions in San Andreas

>not realising the storage box was unlimited
I had the same problem, I dropped like 2 or 3 antique coins because I thought the storage box was full and I did not have room in my inventory for them.

>spend all day looking forward to all the cool shit you can do in Minecraft
>brain collapses once you start the game and end up doing the same menial shit

playing any paradox game for the first time
>let's make a game with loads of fundamental game mechanics that are really important but only explain 1/10 of them and do a really poor job of explaining those few that we did

Don't even get me started on redstone

Life is Strange: The door puzzle at the school. Fuck I'm brain dead sometimes.

>build a simple house with simple furniture
>make a farm
>explore a mine
>try to think of what to do next
>stop playing
>repeat every 6 months or so

I've gotten lost for an hour here. Don't ask me how I did it, every corridor looked the same.

>sleepovers at fallout 3 release

how underage are all of you?

In skyrim I didn't realize I needed to look at the dragon claw to solve the door puzzles until I made a thread about it years after the game was released.

Half Life 2: Episode 2 cavern doesn't seem so stupid now, does it?


RTS multiplayer, all the time.

>Double penetrated by orc and undead.

Zelda and Portal always make me feel retarded when I can't figure out a puzzle, then once I do I see how simple it is it hits me that I'm an idiot.

I mostly play single player.

For 10 years in Super Mario 64 I didn't know you could jump into the wall into the painting room to get to the other snowy level.


I meant mirror room fuck


Anything by Zachtronics (SpaceChem, TIS-100, Shenzhen I/O etc.)
Grand strategy and RTS
First 100 hours of getting into fighting games
Invisible Inc (tactical gameplay + roguelike-styled randomized maps = brain overload)

That'll last only for so long. I recently played through 3 and tft during christmas break.

Now that I could understand the basics of micro, unit counters (, and save-scumming) I was able to finally take on the single player on hard mode.

I used to think that Wc3 was the best PC game. Now I legit think that it's the best game, period. No game comes close to blending genres so seamlessly.

I feel you brother. I'm just not a creative person.

Is this Trace Memory? I played it when it came out and I was stuck on basically everything, I didn't know it used weird gimmicks.

and you still persist on playing games

Fighting games. Nothing will make you feel dumber than falling for mixups over and over. Then you watch the replay and it looks like your opponent was facing a mentally disabled 8 year old.

>then once I do I see how simple it is it hits me that I'm an idiot
oh im not the only one

When I play games my brain goes dead it feels like, it takes me a while to figure it out or I give up and look up what to do. If I'm watching my roommate play something I can usually figure it out within seconds though

i know this feel user

>Play that one Zelda on ds
>Get magic mcguffin map
>Hint is to press one side of the map to the other
>Try a good number of clever solutions
>None work
>Begin to rage
>Try a couple more
>Take a break and close the DS shut
>It makes the puzzle solving sound
Fuck you too nintendo!



I had to cheat multiple times on Ace Attorney

This game isn't fun like Dorf Fort, it's just autistic

Age of Empires II
A couple of the puzzles in BotW
Most fighting games
From The Depths because I can't compute drag.

Wait what?!

Best puzzle ever. I'm sad that no other Zelda game since then has had puzzles like that.