Is this game good or trash?

Is this game good or trash?

generic ubitrash p2p/p2w game number 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

It hold a great potential but is currently held back by Ubisoft's general retardry.


Take a guess



servers are pretty shit and the 4v4 modes punish you for not maining one character, it has good gameplay but holy shit is the implementation terrible.

Its quite original you have to give it that

Unfortunately the game is still shit

It's like some people at Ubisoft wanted to make a good game but everyone else buried it under 12 layers of shit.
Great game, but it's buggy as fuck and every second match crashes to main menu with no survivors, it's P2W, grindy as fuck, and the balance is broken where only half of the 12 characters are useful at all, and 3 of them are so overpowered that they're virtually unbeatable of the player knows how to abuse them.

I'm still addicted though because behind all the broken shit there's a great game

Its good but its playerbase is slowly dying from people getting pissed off from the networking, warden's shoulder charge spam and Peacekeeper's entire existance

Fun with friends, but thats not saying much

>Not warlord headbutt vortex
Nigga just roll away from warden

Eating shit could be fun with friends, every time people say a game is fun with friends its a dead give away the game itself sucks


All the complaints about servers and P2P are memes. If you unironically play anything buy 4v4 you should neck yourself forthwith.
But still, it's a casualized, shitty 3d fighting game for normies that punishes aggressive play. It's not good but a lot of the people calling it bad are right for the wrong reasons.

>If you unironically play anything buy 4v4 you should neck yourself forthwith.
This was meant to be
>anything but 1v1

Basically this, a rough diamond burried in dirt.

Will it become torelable like seige
Or remain shit like division

gud gameplay or non improvable shit?

It has so many good points.

>pretty innovative and good combat similar to soul calibur, but SC is better
>pretty cool moba-like maps, but the dota's and leagues are more competitive and generally better
>pretty cool TF2-esque item acquisition, but TF2 is better in that regard

The points they actually win over other games cant carry the game by itself.

>Stunning visuals and art direction
>Pretty solid soundtrack
>Refreshing story

If it was a single player game they could but those items can't carry a gigantic multiplayer one.

>Game designed around 1v1 or 2v2 at most
>Advertise main game mode as 4v4 with minions and bullshit abilities because that's all normies like

What did they mean by this?

>All the complaints about servers and P2P are memes
yea cause games just ending with an error or your opponent teleporting around are just memes. also 1v1s at the higher level start to get boring since it usually revolves around who gets impatient first and throws out a move to get parried not to mention half the cast becoming nonviable unless you want to make your fight an extreme uphill battle.

Core gameplay is great in the 1v1 and 2v2 modes.

Everything else is hot garbage

The servers and p2p are awful, the character balance is awful (some characters like Lawbringer literally cannot block attack spam from Peacekeeper because it's too fast), the faction war does nothing (and you can play any hero on any faction so it matters even less), someone figured out it would take you upwards of $700 or 2 years playtime to unlock everything, to which Ubisoft responded "People don't need to unlock everything anyway", no communcation from Ubisoft at all, it took them 2 weeks to hotfix some very major bugs

What you said about 1v1's are why I called the game shit.
Still, 4v4 is even worse, it's just a flawed game mode that doesn't fit the core gameplay. It would suck ass even if was played on lan.

It's a ubisoft game, you tell me.

I already said this but I think the characters have to get hurt and have those wounds slow them up.

If you hit a good blow in a more fragile and lighter armored character they shouldn't be able to make a triple jump in your face again.

It would give a big advantage to who strikes first and make bigger characters more viable since they wouldn't change most of their speed since they are made to receive a lot of blows in the first place.

Some characters could even get a different moveset when their HP lowers to a certain threshold (Vikings new rage, Samurais self-harming moveset and knights charges)

>Still, 4v4 is even worse, it's just a flawed game mode that doesn't fit the core gameplay
it would work a hell of a lot better if they didn't shoehorn in gear score which was obviously put in so they could put in micro transactions and the powerups on the map that encourage running away and collecting them before fighting your opponent. i was in a match yesterday with a pretty bad orochi with a 108 gear score who was able to 2 shot most of the classes whenever he went into revenge which he was able to get after taking like 2 hits.

>Assassin classes do the most damage and have the most mobility
>Oh but it's balanced because they have slightly less health?

Yeah, that would be balanced, IF YOU COULD FUCKING HIT THEM

>Orochi side dodges and hits you with 2 lights for 50%


>roll away from warden
>he just does it again
What do?

>Literally unblockable attacks
>Barely any stamina consumption
>Grab easily whittles 1/3rd of your health
>Dodges any attack you make and gives you bleed
>Still hasn't got nerfed

He can only do it after a light attack or a dodge. Parry his top light since that's all he'll be initiating with since his side lights are slow as shit. If he dodges for no reason just stuff it with a light attack before he can do anything. Throw in some overhead feints to bait the uncancelable light parries. Congrats you win against Warden forever.

Ubisoft takes forever to push out patchs, I don't think this game can survive the wait like siege did.

What about his instant zone attack?

1v1 is alright, but it's very imbalanced compared to prominent fighting games. Don't even think about playing the other game modes, they're pure, unadulterated dogshit.
I suggest waiting for Tekken 7 or something, idk.

If you block it you get a free untechable GB on him. Keep your stance resting left when fighting Warden to catch them or discourage them.

Shitposting at it's best

>Barely any stamina consumption
lies, a 4 hit combo exhaust her entire stamina
>Grab easily whittles 1/3rd of your health
Lie no characters receive that much damage from that grab unless you keep accepting those knives on your stomach like they candy
>Dodges any attack you make and gives you bleed
Lie, those "dodges" are parries, if she fuck those up she will receive you blow directly and there are several attacks that by bass that
>Still hasn't got nerfed
Lie. She has.

Show me the "nerfs" she got then

She got BUFFED a few weeks after the game came out because they fucked up and made her 2nd and 3rd stabs do no bleed like it did in beta. As well as increasing her range

And she got nerfed after the open that's where those "buffs" come from.

Its trash but only because Ubi is just going to let it rot, it needs balance tweaks badly and it hasn't gotten any since its release a month ago, so have fun with Wardens, Peacekeepers, Orochi's zone, and the defensive meta

this. Wanted to like the game, but after getting constantly fucked by connections/server issues and shitty game-economy, it's not worth the time.

>Lie, those "dodges" are parries, if she fuck those up she will receive you blow directly and there are several attacks that by bass that
her and the other assassins are able to dodge attacks using the side dashes except while the other 2 only get 1 guaranteed hit she gets her standard hit and a second stab which does bleed.

>her and the other assassins are able to dodge attacks using the side dashes except while the other 2 only get 1 guaranteed hit she gets her standard hit and a second stab which does bleed.

And orochi can combo too from that parry with a light that deals that damage in an instantaneous form.

>which does bleed
Bleed is not better than normal damage.

>And orochi can combo too from that parry with a light that deals that damage in an instantaneous form.
again not talking about the parry, i'm talking about just dodging the attack outright and using the side dodge attacks which again orochi and berserker get 1 hit while peacekeeper gets 2.
>Bleed is not better than normal damage.
she still gets more damage than the other 2 assassins for no reason.

>Literally unblockable attacks
If you can't do something as simple as fucking dodge you don't deserve to talk about video games

you shitlords should listen, this user knows whats up

Actually her zone attack is broken atm.
>Even if you were to block it would still get through
>2 indicators show up
>indicators dont show up till you're pretty much hit.

You realize that hew side dodge attack is completely parrable right? You are a shitter if you pick that attack to complain about when she have so many openings. Try playing a bit of the character you are complaining before shitposting for gods sake.

>barely any stamina consumption

they get out of stamina after 2 zone attacks.

i play Warden and generally have no issue blocking PK in general.

classes i don't like going up against are warlords and conqueror, just because you gotta be on your toes and a mistake gets punished hard.

ubi needs to buff berserker and lawbringer, they are pretty bad atm. raider needs a bit of love too, but he's not as bad as people say

It's pretty obvious the non-1v1 modes are only in the game to appeal to a wider, more casual audience, to pad the playerbase numbers a little. If this was an exclusively 1v1 game it would be even deader than it already is and they wouldnt be able to justify charging 60 bucks for it either