This is Zelda´s mexican voice actress, say something nice about her

This is Zelda´s mexican voice actress, say something nice about her.

I hear that your masonry skills are outstanding.

La reina de tetas

Looks like a disgusting and fat beaner.

Kek what a fag

she unironically looks like pepe

You did a good job with Zelda.

So Spanish?

You act like that is a bad thing

Hola B O N I T A

Fuck you.

Playing Zelda feels like watching a saturday afternoon canal 5 movie, rather play in english.

dont make me say it

milk duds
that's it

BotW has actual voice acting, not just generic grunts and screams?

Honestly, I would let her have sex with me.

Would drink her spicy milk desu

I want her to give me a frog.

she would look way better without that stupid red hair desu

and this
she has some nice tittas

why is he so smug whilst everyone else panics?

>This is Zelda´s mexican voice actress, say something nice about her.
she doesn't look very mexican

Kek. If anything, she would have to let you have sex with her.

He was purposefully conducting classified business about North Korea's missile tests in public to make himself look important and busy, but everyone else is actually doing the work.

thanks for nothing

She has to go back

she looks like your classic mexican trash using a filter to look whiter.

Link doesn't say anything. A lot of other characters do, though. And Link's silence is actually explained and commented on by other characters.

post more pictures fag, this is a tricky angle

I wanna yank down that bra.

this is america


would hug

She looks pretty and nice, and I wish her the best in life :D

you have to go back

This is Zelda's Turkish voice actress, say something nice


That's a big 5head.

thats one ugly albanian boy

I can't believe they pay a girl to voice act for the green elf guy!


"Sexy at all sizes"

Does Sup Forums like latinas?

Who doesn't like latinas? They are the best women on this planet. They are

>big tits
>big asses
>always optimistic
>speak spanish while fucking


Oh sorry wrong pic


You can't fool me.


nice try, burger

I like YOU

All Turks deserve to die.

fap to your waifu now

what is the point? those people don't even have electricity


Burrito in taco.

prove that you should always be nice to chubby girls they might end up looking like this one day and then you'd wish you could pay 1000 dollars for a night with them

Yeah but they don't wear tons of makeup and have nice hair everyday. Also


looks better without.


for 3DPD anzu is really cute

fuck off back to facebook, negroid

>dyed hair


oh look she's obscuring her face using camera angles and her finger to hide her granny face

you mean ottoman


that photo is overexposed as hell.
no photography skills 0/10 would not bang