Why is no one talking about the game that's going to revive 3d platformers that's coming out IN THREE DAYS?

Why is no one talking about the game that's going to revive 3d platformers that's coming out IN THREE DAYS?


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looks great desu, gonna get it on the Switch.

Looked and sounded like shovelware to me.

Looks like fun, to be honest

Moderately hype. Vidya needs more snake protagonists.

did you even watch the video? this thread is about Snake Pass, not Yooka Laylee

you don't know what shovelware is. Stuff like m&ms kart racing is. Poor production values, glitches,etc.

Same. It's perfect for the big tv or playing it before sleepin'.

Red touch black, safe for Jack. Red touches yellow, kills a fellow.

i looks okay.

Kinda slow paced/

Because it's made for kids, you fucking idiot.

Looks pretty cool.

Looks unique as fuck senpai.

Are you retarded?

>this and Thimbleweed Park next week
these aare the first games I'm really looking forward to this year

Gameplay looks kinda boring and frustrating.

But his face animations are so damn charming that I wanna buy it anyway.

David Wise music too.

Yooka Laylee looks better

God this looks boring.

Red touch yellow, snake is mellow. Red touch black, better stand back.

>David Wise

I didn't know this and I was already gonna pick up. Now it's definitely a purchase

I can't wait for Switch comparisons
This ought to be the first game that makes it clear how shitty the system is

Cool concept but doesn't look very fun.

I've planned to get it for Switch but I don't think it's at all hype. Just looks like a neat little game.

You're assuming its not going to be a shitty tedious time trying to awkwardly control the snake.

Even if its not, its still going to be a

The slow pace makes it seem very boring to me but really if you're gonna make a slower paced platformer it just makes sense thematically I suppose, just clicks together for me.

But I can't get over the slowness personally. I'm fucking ruined by Mario 64.

The fact that they were able to port the PS4 version to the Switch under a week (to a portable console) shows the opposite.

I'm going to wait for reviews

OP chose a bad video to show off this game. That guy doesn't know how to play and it's an offscreen capture.


Call me back in 3 days when it releases.
Too many platformers coming out in the next few weeks.

Thanks for posting the game OP I didn't know about it. Looks fun if a bit slow. That shouldn't be a problem when I can relax with David Wise music though.

>A bunch of one-second clips edited together makes it look more fast paced

No shit.

To be fair, it's polygon playing the game in the OP video. They're probably doing something wrong.

Snake is cute

Didn't know about this, thanks.

Irrelevant if OP is shilling or not, kitty-face snakes make it worth it. Great thread.

Here's the devs giving a detailed explanation of how the controls work

That snake would eat the bird in real life.

This isn't a Yooka-Laylee thread dude, watch the video.

Still seems a bit slow from the OP video. I'll probably just give it a pirate.

Thank you

Pretty interesting concept.

Thats a blue tongue skink

You passed the test. Have a real snake.

Seen this on the psn store lately, looks interesting. Gameplay seems pretty specific though, more like a puzzle game than an actual platformer.

They show in that video you can control the face the snake makes.

OK that seems charming as fuck.

Looks pretty unique.

And even if it sucks we at least got some David Wise tunes.

Should've been stealth game.

>snake has better facial expressions than any character in Andromeda

funny how nobody cared about this until it was announced for switch


I'm not feeling it but I'm willing to pirate it to give it a test period of an hour.

So this is the true banjo kazooie spiritual successor...

That's adorable.

It's understandable. Switch has fewer games. If a good game is coming out for Switch, people notice. If a good game is coming out for PC, it's hard to notice among the 1,000,000 other PC games coming out every year (even if 90% of them are shit).

>tfw it looks like shit but i have to buy it anyway to prove that the switch does have games

>for a fully fleshed out game
ssssssssstop it



>tfw two fun looking 3D platformers come out this year
Are there any more coming out?

I wishlished this when I saw it. Looks really fun. What's the price going to be?

Switch has no freaking games, so every new release announcement has fans hyped up. Especially if it's a game that is also on the real consoles.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Looks better than yooka.

Switch has no games so anything that does get on it will stand out.

I'm looking at the Switch Eshop store and it's listed at $19.99.

They also mentioned how they managed to port it to switch in less than 24 hours, which is pretty impressive.

$20 American all platforms.

That no games meme has to die. There's no console that actually had games at launch. That's why you wait like 2 years to buy it.

This looks like a complete chore to play. Hard pass.

getting it on pc though

Is it on Gog?

Day 1 pirate

>Polygon video
Fuck you, kill yourself.

Snakes are scary!
Spoiler coz jump scare

The only snake i wanna play with is my dick

I like it. It's kind of like Ocotdad meets Crash Bandicoot. Definitely looks better than Yooka-Laylee from a gameplay standpoint. Graphics are pretty lackluster though.


>PC too

Sweet. Gonna be so nice in 144fps

They are too busy with political agendas.

This game is the true Banjo Kazooie. David Wise is also the composer.

looks kinda neat


You sound like moroseness who only plays shitty multiplayer f2p games and AAA shooters

Reminds me of 3D Frogger from the ps1 and pc

I got one more cute snake pic.

>Only $20 for a Snek Simulator with Wise composing the soundtrack

I'm sold.

looks pretty good

This is such an obvious shill thread: look at the filename of the promotional art and all will become clear. I've seen a few threads of this mediocre looking project and I hope it makes the developers feel bad that they have to resort to underhanded tactics in order to build interest in the game.

>Banjo-Kazooie spiritual successor
>With new experimental gameplay
>No political agenda bullshit
>On PC as well
Looks neat so far, definitely gonna give it a try once it comes out.

damn. with those skills you should work for an Internet detective agency

Looks really fun, can't wait to pirate it

The only reason you'd encourage developers attempting to create a false buzz is if you benefited from it in some way. Here's a hint: if a game is worth talking about the community -as a collective- will come to that conclusion on their own. Forcing it may cause some fleeting discussion but the likelihood is that this game will get average reviews and be forgotten a month after release.

>Google Image search "Snake Pass"
>First result that actually related to the game
>Filename if saved is the same as OP

OP googled it?

That's typically what someone would do if they don't have a picture related to what they want to discuss saved.

looks boring as fuck

But that would imply they aren't a shill

Do snakes feel love and/or affection? Can they be treated as domestic animals?

Is she a poisonous snake?

Yellow on black, you best attack.
Black on yellow, cool and mellow.


No they are reptiles nigga.