Tfw you donated to Mighty Number 9's Kickstarter

>tfw you donated to Mighty Number 9's Kickstarter.
>tfw you donated to Yooka-Laylee's Kickstarter.

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw never donated to any kickstarter
Feels good.

>don't donate to anything
>because everyone else does it for you

The only money I've ever put in advance in any project was the book by Ashens.

And I got exactly what I paid for.

Stop falling for the crowdfunding meme.

If you donate to kikestarter, you deserve everything you get.

You have no one to blame but yourself.
They made millions on hype alone without delivering a quality product or giving a shit about their target audience.

It does.

Now please donate in my steam id and let me buy battleground

>tfw you donated to elysian shadows kickstarter

>tfw bought the collector's edition of Aliens Colonial Marines

>tfw you donated to Mordhau's kickstarter



>Mighty NO9
Ouch, Mistakes were made
>Yooka Laylee
You should be proud, it looks good
It's been a while any one outside of a Nintendo Console a good Platformer

>tfw bought gothic 4 arcania
>tfw bought Two World 2
havent played both over an hours if not less

Have you missed the Cuck memes lad?

I don't let politics get in my Vidya, If the game looks good it looks good.

But the games fun, what's the problem?

Okay for all you retards out there.

Jontron linked to a statistic that said rich black people are more likely to be incarcerated than poor whites. He then said that rich blacks commit more crimes than white. His claim isn't backed up by HIS statistic he linked.

His claim can be proven by other statistics sure, but he didn't link other statistics. He fucked up, it doesn't matter if his claims are factually true if he uses a statistic that doesn't back it up.

He's a racist, and he needs to own it.

No I don't agree with Playtonic removing him, and I agree with people refunding/chargebacking the game for doing so. Vote with your wallet, but stop defending Jon.

But thats what they did
They disagree politicaly with the guest voiceactor aka JohnTron and they removed his lines

>tfw you ran a successful Kickstarter

Feels great.

How shit is gothic 4? I recently bought the bundle on steam when it was on sale although I already have 1-3, just because steam is lazyer.

Hello Neogaf!

Yes and? It's their game, they can do whatever they want with it. If Jontron spouted leftist views and he was removed from the game as a consequence you guys would be calling Playtonic based. Don't act like you wouldn't.

Will the game be about pushing a Political agenda?

Two Worlds was far better than the first one. Both were shit tho.

>His claim can be proven by other statistics

But Shovel Knight, Shantae, and Hyper Light Drifter were okay so...
it really is like a barber shop.

When you get older you need to learn that you actually have to be prepared when getting into a debate. If you get your facts wrong, then that's completely on you and you look like a fucking moron as a result.

Don't pretend you care when you don't even know how to spell his fucking name.


And then the leftist that complained would be called snowflakes.

>You pre-ordered MGSV

>tfw you donated to Yooka-Laylee's Kickstarter.
what is wrong with this?
because your favorite e celeb Sup Forums fag is not anymore?

>another thinly veiled pol thread where i can destroy leftists by picking apart their shit arguments

thanks OP, i need (yous) before I head in to work.

It just feels empty, the combat isnt really bad but its repetive as fuck

What were the Jontron lines then?

Jontron is PoC therefore no power nor privilege so not racist. He could literally start a race war based on his shear hatred of niggers alone and he still wouldn't be racist, sorry :/

I can't find anything that supports that.

This is all I can find and it doesn't support that claim.

They are also not giving out refunds and locking threads on their steam and forum just because of the situation.

Anyone know about that Trials of Ascention scam? Is it still getting crowdfunded?

ech ech ech ech ech

>Yooka-Laylee's Kickstarter

what happened?

Yeah that part is scummy I'll admit. Removing something from your game because you don't want to be associated with that person is not.

>believing he destroys anyone

Ahhhhh Kojima!!!!!

Kickstarter thread?
Kickstarter thread

I kickstarted this mini head to help with my portraits

Steam gives refunds though. For Kickstarter, why should they refund? They already used the money and gave what they promised, a video game.

Then the game isn't Political, and I look forward to playing it.
It's been a while since I've enjoyed a decent platformer.
Jontron said some Xenophobic stuff about Muslims and Hispanics and was removed from the game
Ironically he's half Iranian, so he's like Uncle Ruckus

Really shit thing to Kickstart.

What you should have done is go get some clay and make your own. Would have taught you a lot more and you could make endless variations.

Hm guess I'll give it an hour or so to see what it's like. I only really read a short summary of the plot a few years back and that alone gave me cancer.

>mfw I backed Yooka-Laylee
>mfw I'm on the right side of history

>Genuinely being upset and not buying a video game b.c some dumbass acted just like a dumbass when voicing his politic opinions.

It's just video games, yo

They are locking obvious troll threads and asshole threads, There is a ongoing rebate thread on both steam and their forums.

>tfw I donated $500 to Bloodstained
I'm starting to get worried.
Castlevania is the only series I've ever truly loved and I just wanted it to continue but it's not looking good....
Monthly updates delayed, graphics are bland, new MC is a step backwards, UE4, and none of the pre-release stuff is out yet.

The game was supposed to be out this month and it doesn't look even close to being done, I doubt they're gonna make the new date of next year either

Wait what exactly did you kickstart?

It's not apparent from your post, and I don't know what you're holding.

It's still uncalled for. They used my money for something they falsely advertised.
What if I don't want my white supremacist money associated with their game? Surely they would refund my money because they don't support that view, right?


I am very excited for bloodstained, but what?

Sup Forums pretends to be a bastion of free speech until any opinion conflicts their beliefs.

the only person who gets it.

>you donated to TFYC

user, here's some advice.
So far, the games that failed had some interaction with an SJW helping them.
If you see it go down that path, back the fuck out.


suppose to ship in the summer

>falsely advertised.
No where advertised jontron is part of the game. Removing him is not false advertisement.

>everyone i disagree with is le troll
Get fucked, neofags.

How much did you pay for that?

$300 for a special collector's edition and then I bought a few more editions off their slacker backer thing.
the big collector's thing is gonna be sealed then I have a Vita version, a Switch version, and another PC version.

>tfw you only ever donated to three Kickstarters and they all turned out great

Pillars of Eternity - $25
Little Witch Academia2 - $110
Yooka-Laylee - $15~

What i don't fucking get is they left on good terms he even tweeted about hoping they have a good launch. it's the autistic fans/political people who get triggered the most.

>only backed Thimbleweed Park
hope it comes out good

>They used my money for something they falsely advertised.

No they didn't. They advertised the game and you are getting it.

>What if I don't want my white supremacist money associated with their game?

Stop buying video games. Where the fuck do you think they are made? Even the Japs who make video games are relatively liberal.

i paid for 2 heads. so about 100 USD

There is an open refund thread, opening your own refund thread is just you trying to stir shit up.

Backed A Hat in Time and Bloodstained and don't regret either. Hat in Time still gets regular updates, while Bloodstained feels just right to play, and has the man who made the genre at the helm.

Besides that, a game that takes longer than expected to come out is still a game. BotW came out 2 years later than intended and is, according to most people, an ouright masterpiece.

I donated to a kick starter. It was to get an awesomely designed deck of playing cards. They had the design already printed on test cards. Got it within their designated time.

Donating to a kick starter for video games or anything not already developed is retarded unless it's something small like playing cards. Even then, it's best to be wary.

It's far more financially smart to purchase a game that has been developed and mass marketed for $30 more than a game that has only been on kick starter and in development. In one case you know you're getting a product. In the other, it's all in limbo.


There's a good reason these people can't get real funding


Please tell me you actually believe it will make you into a better artist.

I am actually surprised they are refunding anything at all? Got a link to that thread?

When has anyone ever been blacklisted for being too leftist in the last decade?

My clay reply was not a joke, by the way. Making your own sculptures even as a 2d artist will help you much more than buying these overpriced things.

They did though.
On their twitter.
Jon was like, hey, this game is cool!
They were like, you're cool! Wanna voice?
He was like, yeah!
And it was all hunky dory.
Until this.
People then gave more money because of that.

They refund legit request.

Example refunding the WiiU version since they canned it.

Them changing voice actors when said actor was not advertised or even displayed as a part of the game is not valid.

Even the Japs who make video games are relatively liberal.
lmfao no they are not at all
I just have to cite that fucking ninja game with the anime waifus to prove you wrong.

>claim to want politics out of video games
>video game voice actor is fired for not keeping his political views to himself, thus putting politics into video games
>this is bad somehow

That's not an advertisement...

>I just have to cite that fucking ninja game with the anime waifus to prove you wrong.
I'm not quite sure you know what the term "liberal" means

>Them changing voice actors when said actor was not advertised or even displayed as a part of the game is not valid.

Sure it is. If you have to beg people for money they have the right to take it away

Yea you should get these they cost half the price of what you paid and you can even change the parts on them

You think I give a shit about that fat eceleb faggot?


>>video game voice actor is fired for not keeping his political views to himself, thus putting politics into video games

So in other words thought crime?

>tripshit is also a cuckold
What a shocker

>tfw you never kickstart or crowdfund anything and just pay for the projects that actually succeed.

That's not really a bust though.

The guy probably struggles with faces, he needs an anatomy book and some clay.


Oh I didnt know the government stepped in and put jamtram in jail.

Either way, by UK law, they still have to provide those refunds, and I don't know if that money spent on Kickstarter is under US or UK.

>have nothing to counter
>fuck you sjw cuck etc
its like , i am really on Sup Forums

>A goddamn mess, scrip was a first draft, gamebreaking bugs all around and even the devs are constantly shitting on almost every decision they made
Wew lad
You can't be serious, it was a fucking disaster
>Yooka Laylee
Given your track record, I'm now worried it will be trash as well.

Well kickstarters are pretty much a gamble but the majority of them have been pretty bad hopefully this one doesn't follow that pattern up, regardless of how childish the publishers are being on social media.

Cite law.