Splatoon 2 Test Fire

In 20 minutes it'll be up.

Who's ready to be a squid again?

i want to blow thick snotty loads into squid lolis

>being a squid
>not being a kid instead

> being a kid

Get a load of this guy

I'm getting excited. Gonna go play some of the first one after this.

So tell me Sup Forums, would you rather one of the squid sisters or a squid loli?

I want two even thicker squids to surround Marie and bully her sexually.

a loli of course, this is a lolicon website and choosing anything else means you don't belong here and deserve a permaban

10 minutes to go

>they actually managed to make super jump worse
Fucking Switch's two worthwhile games are Wii U leftovers that were gimped (no dual screen map for BOTW)

I'd like to but I don't have a Switch.

Pretty excited. Will be my third one.

Already prepared with some dabs, now for some shots

how do i know if i want to be a kid or a squid? i definitely want to fuck a squid, but be a squid? im not sure.

Shit. This feels like when I first played Splatoon on the Wii U.
I think I'm going to get obsessed with the game again. I remember having over 300 hours on the Wii U version and I thought I broke the spell by not playing it anymore. It's happening all over again.

>no dual screen map for BOTW

Wii U didn't have it either.


MK8 also without second screen

Didn't get a chance to play yesterday so this will be my first time with Splat2n.

Anyone used that?

no, ignore the bait. be a squid kid.

Same bro

Should have gotten more sleep. Can't wait to play with you guys again.

>300 hours
>a lot
hahahahha my old everquest account has 26000 hours on it, over 1000 days /played time. if mmorpg's don't count, then there's also my 3700 hours in M&B warband.

300 hours is babby casual mode

It's up, just got a full match now

> first testfire, was loaded with caffeine
> today, hungover and tired

Apologies to all my teammates today for stinkin' up the joint.

This is funnier than it has any right to be.



Laggy japs and shit balance broke my interest in the original.

Gonna try to screen cap every win to keep count.

I missed out on the first Splatoon because I never bought a Wii U. Plan on getting a Switch some time after I finish building my PC so I at least don't miss out on the second one.

>cannot connect to other user's console

Fucking DNS issues goddamn servers.

it is time

>try out dualies for the first time
holy fuck did i get lucky or are they broken?

>No Switch yet because I can't buy them anywhere
>Everyone seem to be having fun with the test fire
Soon I hope

I'm squid now!

Toy's R Us got a new shipment today

Probably because they're new.
Nobody knows how to counter rolls.

Won the first match. Feels good.

I suck at aiming HELP

What are some good strategies?


No close Toy's R Us near me.

They've easily got best alt weapon.
And they're rapid fire so quick killers.
As long as youre a good at manuevering and gunjump they're great.

Cover the map in ink
Don't let the opponent cover the map in ink

Then rollers are for you.

gyro controls are such shit
I've given them a fair chance but they suck ass

>all these people with just their first names as their IDs

Then turn them off

Are the IDs unique?

Hide in the ink and try to get close to the enemy before attacking.

You are just bad.

no, the controls are
it makes zero sense to control left and right with the stick and use gyro for up and down
it's idiotic

using sticks I can decimate everyone

Sadly I still haven't found a switch to get into the second half. What's the perspective so far from everyone who played splatoon one? is there a way to play handheld with gyro comfortably? I feel like I would mainly play in handheld but playing with gyro would probably make it impossible.

don't join the loosing team

But you can use gyro for left and right too.


You use the stick to change your direction and the gyro to aim.

>have lost all 4 matches, yet had highest score in each game if you normalize with winning bonus
what the fuck


I can't make it past the start up screen, I keep getting an internet error like last time.

Fuck DNS issues. What do?

who here /stick s rank/

Isn't it based on my Switch user? Who names themselves w33t and YT for logging into a console?

streaming for fun at twitch tv/falafel_/

Gyro is impossible in handheld

Gyro is the best control for splatoon because it allows for mouse like accuracy, id recommend getting a pro controller

though ive head using a joycon in each hand for splatoon is fantastic but i havent tried it

it's based on your "user ID" that you can set online in your nintendo account

Damn, there goes the dream of playing Splatoon handheld :/.

It is as someone who is doing it that way.

I just got a triple kill.

Please congratulate me guys.

This is the only one I'll get to play in and I can't fucking connect
goddamn dns bullshit

Is there seriously no mini map?

Anyone else keep looking down at their hands because you're used to using the wii u pad to look at the map?

Nintendo games are literally for children.

And they're actually poisonous for children so they are actually meant for no one.

Fucking dumb cucks already forgot you paid full price for this dump of shit game on the Wii U when it was a discount budget title day-1 in japan.

Just fuckin jerk off or something; anything is more productive than playing Nintendo.

Oh god don't tell me you're one of those "it's just a .5!" dumbasses

>This is the only one I'll get to play in
Why? Are you some normalfag with a job that doesn't belong on this website for lolicon NEETs only?

>Gyro is impossible in handheld
Worked nicely for me last round. I'm using the pro controller now and am having a hard time adjusting.

Yeah me too user, Local Sports Team and whatnot.

On that map with the bridge, does the ground UNDER the bridge count? Because from top down you can't see it. This is why Splatoon 1 walkways were gates whenever there was inkable land above or below it.


Why is everyone AFK?


ugh I forgot how much i fucking love this game

i would rather be a squid loli


>tfw always the best in every match

Are supers tied to the weapon in the full game?

playing this makes me realize how much i want it and there's no set release date yet fuck

If it sums up un your score, it's legit

Nani? So it might be possible? Maybe I'll just need to adjust the sensitivity or something to make it work. I'll see the next time a testfire comes around / when the game releases if I have a switch by then.

Yes, but often times weapons will have re-brandings with different sub-weapons and supers.

I would love to win a game. I'm consistently top two on the team

How do I get my squid boy to stop acting so girly?

How do i post my screenshots?

>tfw utter shit at this game
How do I git gud?

Call him a faggot

Go to the album, then post it on Twitter.

why are you even here, then? what would prompt someone to come to a website that caters specifically to the complete polar opposite of what you are? there are thousands of other websites that would be more fitting for you

>tfw score over 1000 for the first time