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>that saturation


>Fairy tales
>There aren't any fairies

Literally the game that saved vidya.

Stay ass mad bio-fags.

>each of the Witcher 3 expansions averaged over 90 on metacritic

I can see why fromsoft, bioware, and bethesda drones are sad, all of their expansions are utter garbagio

You ever been to the french country side?
You'll literally be blinded by the colors

>an extremely good and popular game gets shat on by /r/Sup Forums-tier controversial memester
wow, anons.. nice.....

It was the game that made me quit vidya. It was so good I just don't even need to really play anything else.

>whole game is based on slav folklore
>lel is unorigenal xDD
Nigga please.

How do I become such a hipster that I hate on anything critically acclaimed/popular?

I am glad they got to improve the draw distance for that expansion, it looks really fucking great. But Velen is still plagued by fog.

It was done on purpose to create a distinct sense of magic and fairy tales. CDPR are amazing at setting moods.

Did Heart of Stone even add any new areas?
It wasn't really an expansion, was it

what game is this??

>ugh why is there colour why isn't it all brown and dark green

Get the fog mod
It's not perfect, but replaying the game got like 2 times better when I can actually look at the distant vistas, with bad lod or not

I'm pretty sure it expanded the map.

It adds some smaller areas to the main map, north east of Novigrad.

>It wasn't really an expansion, was it

Kill yourself, its one of the best told stories in vidya

the right/top-right part of the map was "the edge of the world" before you installed the expansion

Yes, it added a whole swath of new parts to the map and mansions and villages in North of Velen.

Horizon zero dawn, thank me later.

So what if it was one of the best stories told?
That doesn't mean it's an expansion, just a DLC mission

no you wont

Did you even play Hearts of Stone?

It literally adds to the areas you can go and thus expands the map

vibrant colors are nice to look at, what's your issue?

Legend of Zelda: Link Between Worlds

Doesn't change the argument.

This more your speed, sunshine?

But you are saying the same thing.

There are some new mechanics, new landscapes and new side quests in addition to ten hour campaign. Some expansion packs to old CRPGs had even less of that

BaW was pretty shit compared to Heart of Stone

It adds content, weapons, multiple side quests, main NPC characters, and updates to current gear. It was about 10+ hours of content if you didn't speedrun the main quest.

Why do people comment that haven't played, and are too young to remember what proper expansions are? (aka what CDPR is doing).

There are separate free DLC singular quests.

BaW was the quantity expansion.
HoS the quality.

BaW still had better a better map, music and side quests than most AAA titles.

Hell, they even did the whole "player house" schtick better.

The only thing there that looks unrealistic in colour is the sky. You must live in a shithole

Yeah, it blows your argument out of the fucking water. It expanded the map, added a new gameplay mechanic and a significant portion of story and quests. It's an expansion.

It's like saying GTAIV's DLCs weren't expansions just because it didn't expand the map.

>The story was good, so it's an expansion, not a DLC

Story was longer than some fucking $60 AAA games

And what great story it was

If anyone can use term 'expansion' for games today, it's CDPR

>ignores everything else about added content and expanded map



How is that relevant?

user made an argument that a good story makes the difference between DLC and expansion, I said it's not true and now you want me to acknowledge all the other things that aren't relevant?

>did it expand the map? If not it's not really an expansion
>it did expand the map


You have to be 18+ to post on Sup Forums kid.

can you climb that mountain?

It doesn't matter what the other user says, I'm adding relevant points to argue against your claim that it's not an expansion.

You said it wasn't an expansion because it didn't add a new area and know after you have been proven wrong you still wont shut the fuck up.

No one cares about your retarded definition of expansion.

The Witcher 3 has such shitty graphics

>Like a fucking fairy tale

I'm not saying it's not an expansion, I'm saying that good story doesn't make a difference between an expansion and DLC


>Did Heart of Stone even add any new areas?
>It wasn't really an expansion, was it

Maybe this wasn't your post, but everyone is adding points to argue against this.

But on the off chance that it was your post, nice backpedalling. Should've deleted that post first.

The difference between an expansion and dlc is arbitrary. All that matters is if it is good/worth the money, which Heart of Stone is.

More like a fucking shithole.

Sup Forums doesn't know what is saturation.
No wonder graphic threads are 100% shitposting.

Right has hideous foliage.



there literally are fairies.

This screen was from time when foliage was bugged after some patch

I can look out my window and see green like that. The road is a light dirt, all the wooden things are brown and the buildings are painted. Nothing there is over saturated.

t. someone who either lives where the sun doesn't shine or just doesn't leave their house.

The foliage is still meh especially because they removed the translucency on grass (which is a standard on this gen)

How does that humongous city support it's population without any farmland?

That river isn't going to bring in enough fish, and even if they do have fishing fleets that go further out I see no substantial docking facilities along the coast.

Someone please explain what those barrels are containing, and where that produce came from.

> dude fairy tales lol.


most of the surrounding countryside is farmland

Niiiice. If it were up to me every game would look as saturated as Witcher 3 and Trine.

Oh come on. Vineyards, fruit, vegatables, farms and fisherman everywhere. Play the thing before you talk about it.

Look at the amount of water.

Not enough of it, judging by the maps i'm looking at.

No way their crop yield is big enough to support that city for any substantial length of time.

We know what saturation is. The point is the colors in that screenshot are not oversaturated compared to real life if you go in the south of France or Italy.
Only the sky is not really a natural blue.

>judging by the maps
maybe judge by the game

I take it as the player character you must be absolutely unconcerned with the necessity of providing food for one's self compared to these poor peasants who have to spend their entire day doing so.

Maybe eat my shit for being a braindead shill.

well yeah it's not a subsistence-farming simulator

Go to "x"-war threads, find an user who is attacking something you like, then arbitrarily attack something they like just to spite them, soon you will develop the mentality to not let anyone enjoy anything.

>as the player character you must be absolutely unconcerned with the necessity of providing food for one's self

You are given a vineyard as incentive for completing your job. How is that even a problem for you?

>compared to these poor peasants who have to spend their entire day doing so
Normal life for the lower class in the Witcher universe. Again, how is that a problem?

>Old Hunters garbage

Neck yourself cuck

Dude, don't do this. This is a Sony-friendly board, you can't post that kinda thing here.

For you. My bad.

>killing monsters
>not growing potatoes and handing them out to the poor instead
this is whats wrong with modern society and "gamers", absolutely disgusting.

>make a very well designed RPG world with tons to do and see
>make the RPG mechanics have a good amount of depth and substance
>make the writing fairly interesting and engaging
>make an alright story plot, and tons of enjoyable subquests and missions
>ruin it all by having shit gameplay and combat

what the fuck were they thinking?

relative to HoS or BaW it is utter garbage

Here you go. I've adjusted the color balance to be more in line with the modern open world masterpiece: The Legend of Zelda™ Breath of the Wild.

The combat was serviceable. It wasn't shit, but it wasn't great either.

Found the babby who couldn't get past Ludwig

They've only released 3 proper games ever. Witcher 1, 2 ,and 3. They literally just don't know how to do combat yet.

Where is the best place to get armor/clothing?

caves because that's where the Witcher school gear diagrams usually are

I still don't understand why they did it. Is this the new bloom?

Released 2015 multiplatform vs Released 2017 PS4 exclusive.


Witcher 3

I agree

Use the anti piss filter mod so you get ACTUALLY good colors

That looks top notch. What mod?

slav folklore is literally shit tier. source, I'm a slav

Beauclaire was supposed to be garishly colorful as a direct contrast to the mud of Velen (northern Europe) and Skellige (better-done Skyrim)


How is that a bad thing?

I get it's popular to shit on TW3 now, but it's gameplay is not shit. Can it get boring and not particularly smooth? Yes, but it's not so shitty that it drags down everything and makes it an awful game.
