Why aren't side scrolling beat em ups popular at all?

Why aren't side scrolling beat em ups popular at all?

They get old and repetitive fast.

I used to love them as a kid.

But i literally get bored after more than 1 hour of plying them nowadays.

Only fun thing about them is figuring out how to beat one using only 1 credit on MAME.

they're old man games

>No instant gratification handed on the plate
>No online
>Not fun to watch someone stream it
>Boring youtube epic videos
>Not fun alone
Just a shift in generation and how most people play games nowadays, if you like them, buy the good ones and invite some friends/siblings to play. I still love them to this day.

Because good things are rarely ever popular as it should be.

That being said, MRB just sucked.

>not fun alone
you couldn't possibly be a bigger faggot.

Because they're almost always button mashers.

So they get old quickly.

As you get older, doing things lonesome for too long will starts to kill you. Also, kids nowadays haven´t honestly played these games. As evident by this underage You won´t get far by mashing your buttons. Is not even hard if you used your brain a little.

they are fun but that particular one is dog shit. You hit enemies off the screen and you can't see them. They should of made it like every other good fucking beat em up where their a invisible wall keep the enemy going off screen and drop kicking or shooting at you out of nowhere.

Why is The Peacekeepers/Rushing Beat never mentioned? I liked how the game had branching paths and unlockable characters later during the story.

They aren't popular because the genre as exists now is complete nostalgia wank

Every single fucking one of them released in the last 15 years has been some indie developer prodding an increasingly smaller base of Streets of Rage fans into paying $15 for a carbon copy of a game you've played a dozen times before

They are amongst my favorite games for couch coop, kinda boring if you are playing alone IMO

1. People born after SNES and Gensis were already out had no good beat-em-ups for the PS1 and onward. Once PS2 dropped, Devil May Cry and God Of War essentially stole the beat-em-up formula, and all similar games released after were forever to be labeled "just another God Of War clone".

2. Brick-n-mortar Arcade foot-traffic began to decline quite rapidly once online multiplayer games began to become the norm.

3. The old arcade and 16bit beat-em-ups had a pleasant aesthetic charm to them that most modern games can't match, as far as I'm concerned.

4. Konami and Capcom were the kings of beat-em-ups back in the day, but they are shadows of their former selves these days.

5. Despite certain success with games mentioned above, the beat-em-up didn't transfer too well from 2D to 3D. The most recent success here that I can think of from any current company is Sega with Anarchy Reigns, Bayonetta, and Mad World. And perhaps Ubisoft with No More Heroes, but I haven't played it, so I don't know for sure.

6. Over the top fun games are seen as a sin around these parts. No one here likes fun for some reason.

Beat em up with random system like Binding of Isaac would be awesome.
One run you fight as a guy with the ability to teleport and on the other mutate into some lizard person striking everyone down with your claws and tail

So you could call the game something like... Mutation Nation?

Sword'em'ups sounds like the best genre I ever heard


Please no. That genre is dogshit.

Are there any beat em ups like Splatterhouse 1/2? I love the artstyle too and the boss fights are great. The items are fun to use and splatting enemies to walls or shooting the shotgun is satisfying as fuck. I like how the enemies die in a couple of hits but it's still a challenging game. I dislike how in most beat em ups you can't progress until you kill everyone and sometimes you can get it down to one enemy and you're literally knocking him down over and over for 2 minutes before you can move on.

Because 3D action games do the same thing as brawlers only better.

take a suck

Bad Dudes and 2 Crude Dudes are similar 2-d plane beat-em ups.