How does one make a throw-away neogaf account? I don't want to shitpost too hard there I even plan on refraining from cursing, but I think neogaf needs some of that v insight. They just ignore anyone who disagrees with them and mods ban them. I want to see how long it takes to get banned when trying my best to be civil while disagreeing with them.
How does one make a throw-away neogaf account...
You got to pay up, goym.
You are actually asking how to make a throw away account lmao. Dude you fucking retard reddit tier faggot, make a fake gmail and sign up. Idiot
Does neogaf have some highly secure verification system or something? Can't you just make a new email and sign up with that?
You can't use free e-mails
>How does one make a throw-away neogaf account?
You don't. Just don't go there it's not worth it.
at this current moment neogaffers are complaining about how youtubers aren't going out of their way to hate on jontron. Like wtf lololol this is hilarious tho
Do it faggot. We're being invaded by leftist NeoCucks ourselves.
It'll take all of one post depending on what and who you respond to.
I've seen enough screencaps of people banned for entirely harmless comments to know that its a website with absolute no value whatsoever.
Why aren't they? You think they would to get some of those SJW points. I know some faggot named Destiny did.
What the fuck? What do they want you to use then?
Use your uni email and wait a few months until you get accepted.
Maybe someone on neofag can hook you up with an account.
>Having to pay to use message boards
Holy shit didn't know this was real. Really shows the type of people that are dedicated enough to use that fucking website are the ones who pay for their email.
It prevents asses like you from making throwaway accounts
Your job/school e-mail, no joke.
This isn't anything new SA had this for years.
>Holy shit didn't know that was real.
Actual newfag. How have you not heard of Something Awful?
how the hell can they identify if you paid for your fucking mail or not
It keeps their safe space safe.
Eh, I guess you've never been to somethingawful forums either
That's really fucking retarded
>pay to use an email
>can finally browse ''the GAF''
>gets banned for saying doctors shouldnt torture their patients just because they voted for Trump
It's so only companies and universities can use it. So game developers can use their company e-mail or some other adult can. Then they added strict mods to ban cursing and there was this whole phase many years ago where if anyone used the word "retard" in any context they would get banned.
It was ok at first because it was kind of a board for game devs and their fans, a more straight line to them. But then the new age of gamer came on board and you can see where it is now by just visiting the page and laughing.
yeah, seriously. Like there are mods that cannot take any criticism at all whatsoever and neogaf is their bubble. These people don't use any other forum and get upset over the slightest shit. Recent example obviously being jontron being taken out of the game because hate is incredibly easy to spread on a board run by the most sensitive people.
I did that years ago but I no longer have the account since I've been out of uni for years. This topic mostly upsets me because 5 years ago neogaf was actually great. Now it's making v look good.
by it being a .com, a .gmail, etc. It has to be a format of email that is used by private organizations like businesses and schools that pay for services like secure emails.
That's what they call "Quality Control"
>I want to see how long it takes to get banned when trying my best to be civil while disagreeing with them.
I already know the answer to that, and it's approximately 5 seconds. Gaf isn't a place where you can have opinions that slightly deviate from the norm. And no, I'm not talking about politics shit, I just mean in general, you're not allowed to criticize games the mods might like or praise games the mods don't like.
They're a very insular, very rigid community that demands slavish devotion to the mods' tastes. Trolling them is a waste of time because they've been the target of so much trolling in the past (deservedly so) that they've grown increasingly paranoid and just mass-ban people for spurious reasons on the off chance that they might be a troll.
The forum has such a massive turnover rate because of these bans that it barely qualifies as a community because the only mainstays are the mods themselves.
Precisely because it makes it harder to spam
Isn't he potentially racist?
Good example of how Neogaf currently works is the recent jontron controversy.
>Jontron mentions that over time races breed together and the gene pool differences become irrelevant
>Destiny thought he was being racist because he assumed jon was saying races shouldnt mix when in reality he was saying they're going to and its a good thing
>Jon said the least racist thing possible
>Gaf got mad because they heard him mention race
>Gaf calls playtronic
>playtronic cancels him
>rest of society mad at playtronic
>Gaf laughs at the destruction and still lies to themselves to this moment
Jesus they need a good dicking. Can user save a board?
Sounds like you got banned and are salty about it.
If you're gonna shitpost period, make sure to stay there with your kind and never return.
I can't believe Destiny cal Jon racist after what he said about japanese.
Jontron literally said a bunch of shit about keeping the white bloodline pure, despite being Iranian.
Of course he's a racist, and it's perfectly within everyone's right to criticize him for that. But that's besides the point. The gaf community doesn't just get angry at jontron, they get angry about everyone who doesn't make a 10-minute long video complaining about jontron themselves.
So, for example, if hypothetical popular Joe Youtuber has a gaming channel and doesn't go out of his way to discuss the jontron incident and point out how he doesn't agree with jontron's views, even if Joe Youtuber has zero connection to jontron whatsoever, that makes Joe Youtuber suspect, and being suspect is tantamount to being The Enemy, which means you get blacklisted on gaf.
>Go to the JonTron thread
>Literally everyone saying "good" and not a single opposing opinion
>Go to other threads
>Nothing but one word reactions like "cool" and "sweet" or just really short uninteresting discussions
>All the thread headlines look like advertisements
Sometimes I'm thankful for the shitposting we have compared to that boring ass place.
shh you're on Sup Forums, it's ok/cool to be racist. that's why we're all mad at playtonic.
How to save Neogaf:
1. Delete the off-topic side forever.
2. Permaban anybody creating threads or making posts tackling political or social issues under the disguise of videogames discussion, like your usual "Super Mario Bros is racist because all the characters are white".
3. Eliminate the junior / senior distinction.
That's..... not what Jontron said?????? Dudes not a fucking innocent flower did you actually keep up or have you been spoon fed what Sup Forums wants you to think so you'll hate playtonic?
Yeah like lets assume he is racist. So what? Changes nothing, art is seperate from the artist.
And atm they're complaining about boogie because he wants to take a middle ground and then everyone there is yelling about artists being racist and like its just jesus christ these people are more sensitive then tumblr.
Feel free to not read this but regarding what jon said in the first place:
Idk I personally didn't see him being too butthurt about bloodlines mixing. Everyone assumed jon was like "STOP BREEDING WITH OTHER RACES" when I really think he was saying "they're doing it no matter what so this conversation is pointless" and the rage he had wasn't directed towards breeders but people complaining about it.
Just mentioning the words got everyones blood boiled and started a giant mess. He didn't even make the mess, nor did destiny. It was neogaf that took a giant shit on the carpet
people who use multiple punctuation marks never have anything good to say
So my understanding is that Neogaf screw Jontron, Playtronic, and the game all because of MUH feeling?
Use college/uni emails you don't use anymore
pretty much. Like no one did anything wrong until neogaf forced playtronics hand. Same thing with WSJ forcing Maker's hand. We live in the age of information so now everyone can see this shit happening in real time and it's just frustrating.
I've tried using both my university email as well as one with my private domain and they refused them both.
Later tried registering with one of the free ones and they approved it. I blew it by baiting too hard though
Oh, and you have to wait up to half a year for them to manually approve your account, too.
The only way to speed this up is if you know someone who's in there already to give heads up to the mods to approve you.
I still don't know what the fuck Jontron even said to trigger people so hard to begin with. Whenever I look into any threads or whatever, all I see if leftist this and far right that, and nobody's actually mentioning any details about what the fuck came out of his mouth, only that he's bad now and nobody should like him.
Sup Forums your obsession with neogaf is unhealthy.
He pretty much had a stream with someone like Sargon and overdose in redpills. Neogaf got offended by his opinions and started this mess.
It not hard to believe considering they're the one that started this.
>It not hard to believe considering they're the one that started this.
You're saying they start threads on their forum all day about shit people on Sup Forums said? I find that hard to believe.
I know its a scarce video but whatever it was quick to reference
The most outlandish thing he said was that rich blacks are more likely to commit a crime then a poor white man. Which has data backing it up.
Also he only said it because he was asked, like fucking seriously he didn't just spew it from nowhere.
yeah the more we talk about them the more power they have. It's still funny as fuck watching them be so upset over just the concept of a holocaust survivor having a sense of humor
They are the one who started the Playtonic thing by making it political.
It's not fun being on Sup Forums lately
Reminder that the mods of GAF literally keep spreadsheets with users who have anti-PC opinions
>Holocaust victims
I'm pretty sure they all dead by now, or probably don't spend their time on internet anyway.
On the other hand they are jews so who knows
The fuck is NeoGaf anyway and why do people consider their opinions valid?
Someone go convince NeoGAF to get JonTron's character kicked out of A Hat In Time too
It would be funny
years ago it used to be a good bridge between devs and players that cared about the behind the scenes of game deving. I think maybe gamergate or just that time period in general is what started making the site more political than anything else. It's worse than tumblr atm but there are devs that take it too seriously because of its history. It needs to die tho, they took jon out of yooka laylee, I really wanted that. Fuck them so much. They were detracted by jon so much less than I was being benefited by it. But also fuck playtronic for listening to them. Just fuck man. Fuck video games.
>40 JonTron threads per minutes
Please have mercy!
And here I thought humans couldn't devolve into primitive apes once again, but then you anons show me what NeoGaf is.
This is why Jesus will never return.
>art is seperate from the artist
That's only something someone who knows nothing about art would say.
It not even just that. This event pretty much fuck yooka laylee on a good release and the company that back it
Good news guys I got banned!
Like tell me where I wasn't being civil
>rich blacks are more likely to commit a crime then a poor white man. Which has data backing it up.
It's not good to lie, user. Back up your statements.
These are people who are so firm in belief that they have the right opinion that other opinions that go against them cannot possibly have any merit whatsoever, so they refuse to look at anything from different perspectives at all. You can't reason with these people like that, as long as you don't say what they want to hear, they won't even show you any respect or decency.
No, you black it up!
Destiny has always been a giant faggot and has been getting those sweet SJW points since he started "debating" people, dawg. It's the same guy who's okay with slave labor if it means he can get an iPhone for few dollars cheaper.
Didn't they ban some accounts randomly and called it "culling"?
I don't get all the hate. They seem like a great group of people with good taste in video games xD
page 11
It's a legit stat. Look, it's not racist, it's not a genetic problem it's because a long lasting racial issue that's been in this country since forever. When we got rid of slavery black families had to start with nothing but a community that hated them. So of course the current situation still has a bias left over. Gaf says that we're saying blacks are genetically more disposed to crime when we're just showing a statistic. Fucking goddamnit.
"Racist" the magic word to stop every arguments
Sadly it seems this kind of behavior is more and more accepted everywhere.
I guess that what we got when people base their entire life around their ideologies.
Jon's comments aren't really an opinion, more a harmful outlook. The gene stuff, the black crime comment, those aren't opinions, they're believing something factually wrong. You were banned because you were trying to excuse it. It's not something that should be excused or justified, it's just plain racism and ignorance. As reasonable as you worded your argument, it was still a dumb one.
More that Jon's outspoken about it. He posts things on Twitter all the time, so he's pretty much doubling down constantly. If someone's advertising they're a piece of shit, you won't want to associate your company with them. It's simple.
NeoGAF seems to me like the most pathetic place on the internet, even worse than Fagbook desu.
>Jontron literally said a bunch of shit about keeping the white bloodline pure
You didn't listen he said he wanted them in the gene pool and destiny said that was racist because he wanted them to have some white in them. He is racist because he wants them to race mix.
>How to save Neogaf:
You don't. Just burn it to the ground. That cesspit is beyond saving and the sooner the world is rid of it the better off everyone will be.