So is everything unlocked?

So is everything unlocked?
i mean cool
>48 tracks
>42 racers

but what do you actually do then? just race friends over and over?

any cups?


I think hes talking about how no one wants to grind for random car parts again on a remake for a portable console.

Im asking what the fuck is left to do in the game.

it states that everything is unlocked off the bat, is that just how mario kart works now? i want to know what you do in the game now that everything is unlocked like Ultra street fighter 4, essentially making it a tournament game.

Meh, waiting for mariokart 9 just like I'm waiting for a monhun for the switch

>I don't want to grind

>I want to grind

Holy shit niggas

Monster hunter special edition switch will be a thing by holiday 2018

im asking if there is no grind at all, what do you do in the game, just race friends till you get bored?

Yes, you play the game. Until you don't want to play the game.

That's the thing; when you give people shit to grind for in a video game, if you release other versions of the game only the hardcore will double dip for the new content (unless it's Monster Hunter)

And when the new content is a competent battle mode and a few extra racers (aka no new tracks), it kind of puts a damper on people hoping to upgrade.

Who bought the Switch at launch? Hardcore Nintendo fans.
Who supported the Wii U and probably bought Mario Kart 8? Hardcore Nintendo fans

Why did you buy the game?
Nobody bought Smash bros to play classic mode.
Nobody bought Street Fighter to play the campaign.
Nobody bought a fps to play the story.
Nobody bought Splatoon to just play through the story mode.

So if you aren't interested in playing multiplayer, why did you buy the game?

You just play the game. In the older Mario Karts there were very few unlockables. It's pretty much like a fighting game where the unlockables are a contrivance more than anything else.

huh really, I remember reading that at the very least gold mario was some 200cc unlockable

The lifeline of Mario Kart is the online. Like Mario Kart 8 honestly was my favorite game to pick up and play if I wanted to play Wii u for a bit, so with switch i'll be getting a lot of life out of the online again. I guess you still have your cups though.

Thanks ill pass on picking up a switch then, thought it would have some substance past mindless track running over n over, i understand that people might not want to grind for a new version of the same game on a new system but it was a reason for me to pick up the Botw machine, now i dont feel like theirs any reason to.

>What do you do if you can't grind?
>You mean you just play the game?

Holy fuck, I knew CoD4 had fucked over shooters forever by making a skinner box more important than the game itself, but I didn't realize how far its influence spread.

>I need a useless form of progression to play vidya

modern gamers, everyone

Let's say that, hypothetically, the game has unlockables. After you unlock them all, what are you going to do OP? Sell the game?

This is real autism, no doubt

Are you going to believe everything Sup Forums tells you? There's new car parts so it's safe to assume you'll atleast be grinding for those, if not most of the car parts. I HIGHLY doubt they'd give us those right off the bat. As for characters? I think the new ones/ DLC ones will be there from the start, but the oens you unlocked in 8 on Wii U will be locked again. Unless of course someone has source on everything be unlocked.

i guess i'm the only one that thinks its rewarding to unlock everything while playing through the game until you've become good enough to play all the characters

how the fuck do you guys not get bored of playing when everything's given to you

>thought it would have some substance past mindless track running over n over
I don gedit.
You do the same thing when unlocking shit. You still get stars by doing tracks properly and gold cups and shit like that. I don't understand your logic

>how the fuck do you guys not get bored of playing when everything's given to you

Because we grew up in an era where you played games to play games, not to unlock virtual pats on the back.

>how do you not get bored of playing chess lmao there's nothing to unlock
>how do you not get bored of playing football lmao there's nothing to unlock

>et's say that, hypothetically, the game has unlockables. After you unlock them all, what are you going to do OP? Sell the game?

stop playing and move on.

Get better friends? I have friends, and we never get bored of competing with each other in games. We party and hang out playing against each other in all sorts of games, from Smash, Kart, Street Fighter, Primal Rage, Mario Party 2, Halo 2, Goldeneye 007, etc, etc. We can play Smash all night long, or Mario Kart 8 all night long, and never get bored of it. Now that there's a battle mode, we plan to have a big party and play that all night long as well. I feel sorry for you, would suck to have friends that get bored so easily. Hopefully you make better friends in the future user.

you sound like a millennial.

>I sound like someone born between 1980 and 2000

You got me. OP sounds like an underage.

The millennial would not be used to the arcade formula of 0 unlockables since arcades had none

>a game with a big multiplayer focus
>stop playing because singleplayer no unlocks
Why wouldn't you just go online?
Are you that much of an autist?
It's a racing game, you are supposed to race other people.

>mfw MK 8 is unironically one of my favorite games

me and my friends hardly have time for video games, too busy working, it would just be nice for the old school character unlock, i guess games nowadays just give you everything.

Games nowadays don't need to force you to play the game 100 times to unlock all the content that you paid for, and give you online so that you can still play even if you are a sad fuck like yourself

>Why wouldn't you just go online?
>Are you that much of an autist?

i dont get these ad hominem responses, ok bro play online, go be mlg.

>too busy working

You're not fooling anyone, you fucking child.


You can play with the machine also, if you want.
But, if the game has a multiplayer focus, why wouldn't you take advantage of that?

>people unironically shitting on the OP for liking the unlockables as a progression and incentive system of sorts

Well fuck you all too. I like unlocking shit gradually, even in a fighting game

No, people are shitting on OP for thinking a multiplayer game isn't worth playing if it doesn't force him to play the singleplayer for hours to unlock things.

Apparently I've been playing games wrong my whole life.

If racing is grinding to you then you clearly don't enjoy the Mario Kart games.

Except you never unlocked cool stuff, you just unlocked more game. And he apparently doesn't like to play more game.

>Thread asking what the OP can do in the game
>No real responses other than play online
>Other trolls just berating the OP

Got you senpai, if its anything like 8 vanilla.
>12 cups to complete
>kart unlocks
>parts unlocks
>mirror mode unlocks


Games have endured literally millennia of play without fucking carrot on a stick bullshit. A truly good videogame doesn't need that.

well that is kind of a stretch I guess. Once you're done with SP there's little to no reason not to go on to MP or even keep on racing against the CPU in SP, but still if he has turbo autism or whatever let the man be. I can kinda understand why someone wouldn't want to go online

>Being a fucking retard that can't read
>Misinforming people

You don't know if there are kart unlocks, or part unlocks, or mirror mode unlock because there's no info on that, which is why OP is asking.
He also doesn't care about completing cups because he cannot fathom playing a game just to play it. He HAS to unlock shit to have his moneys worth

>Once you are done with SP
You mean stationary easy difficulty?
Shit son, I was done with Guilty Gear once I finished arcade mode on Maniac, I'm like a Guilty Gear expert now. I can speedrun that shit with only a button

Are you a moron?

>race friends

That's basically the whole point of Mario Kart, I swear, everyone these days needs account levels and other arbitrary numbers to grind, fuck playing a fun game or anything.

>mario kart with everything unlocked
>mindless track running over and over

>mario kart with unlockable grind
>some substance

I don't get it.

What are you talking about? In the Wii U version, you unlocked characters and cups by winning at the previous cups, and this shouldn't be any different. Likely the only things unlocked at the start will be the starting roster plus the premium Wii U content.

We've seen this song and dance before. Once it was revealed that there'd be DLC for Smash 4, people started bemoaning the loss of "traditional unlocks", but then traditional unlocks were still there.

being done with a mode doesn't mean grinding the everloving shit outta it until becoming an expert at it chucklefuck, just feeling comfortable enough to start playing other modes. If you wanna skip it completely by all means do

My nigga pic related is back and that's all I need.

I fucking hope there's some DLC planned for the game with new race tracks or MK9 teasing at E3

You will still get something for "grinding" single player cups. Gold Mario.

This, I can't believe these days people get mad at a multiplayer not having garbage grindy exp systems and crates.
It's almost like you fucks don't even like the game but are physically addicted to the grind and gambling mechanic.

I just want to rage against Sup Forums during weekends for fucks sake.

This thread has gone on too long, don't feel like reading it all to answer OP's question but..

I assume that the car parts are not unlocked from the start. In the original you had to grind like a million coins to get the Gold Vehicle set as well.

So that will still be an objective.