Did Playtonic go too far with this Tweet? I dont care if Jontron is out of the game, but they didn't have to rub it in

Did Playtonic go too far with this Tweet? I dont care if Jontron is out of the game, but they didn't have to rub it in

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They're trying really hard to double down on potential SJW buyers to make up for all the cancelled backers since they stirred up the controversy.

Really pathetic desu. I've lost all respect for them and won't be purchasing any of their games.

Why does personal politics even matter when developing a game?

Because it's 2017, hiding under multiple layers of irony and having strong opinions on personal politics are what people do everywhere.

do we really need several threads about this one thing. they left on good terms get over it.

First of all, JonTron didn't play a bee, he was playing a donkey or something.

Second of all, that tweet really just shows how much of a fucking bitch people are for complaining about something so fucking trivial.

Third of all, this user is dumb fucking retarded anime-poster.

Fucks sake, do you really need a million fucking threads about the same tired subject?

>"Welcome to McDonald's, can I take your order?"
>"Yeah, I'd like two McDoubles and a..."
>"Hey, Jon, it's the manager. We've talked about this before. If you don't like black people, that's fine, that's your opinion and all, but when you say that publicly not only does it reflect poorly on you, but it reflects on our company for hiring you. I'm sorry, we have to let you go."

I have no real opinion on t he Jontron thing, but it definitely looks like they're trying to start drama. Makes me lose a bit of respect for them.

Because you don't want your soiree into an industry to carry the damning stigma of outspoken racism with it? There's nothing unusual about what playtonic did. It's like when Nike dropped Tiger Woods for cheating on his wife. It's just a negative image that people don't want associated with their products.

It doesn't but playtonic had to make it a political issue

But we still have to live in a world where Zoe Quinn's voice, dripping with the semen of a million nu-males, appears in indie games regularly.

the Sup Forums threat is as real as ever

No they didn't. Stupid fucking drones made it an issue when they started crying about it.

dumb spongebob poster

The situation is that the PR people who decided to remove Jon and virtue signal everyone by making it a big deal, know they're fucked. They've realized that they've basically got themselves blacklisted by all the other PR people for the reason they dumped Jon. Nobody will want them because they might cause negative publicity.

So they're doubling down. If they're fucked they're fucked at this point and no amount of damage control can save them.

Like that Blue Haired Nu-Male. He's literally fucked himself

you mean someone using Sup Forums correctly?

silly sponge-poster

dumb hamster poster

>Saying it while doing a job and interacting with people is the same while saying it off the clock.

>Sup Forums will ignore / boycott a potentially good game due to politics controversy

You guys are no better than the people you hate so much.

Zoe Quinn didn't go on a rant about white genocide.

I genuinely laugh when seeing posts like this and thinking about how "Curry Thunder" had no repercussions from BioWare for saying shit far worse than JonTron and far more often to boot.

This isn't about, "We don't want to associate with racism," this is about, "We don't want to associate with people who don't share OUR kind of racism."

>calling out Anime images when you use Spongebob shit

The bee isn't an NPC. It's an enemy. Most enemies in BK didn't have lines.



When politics infiltrate a topic-driven community, that community inevitably turns to shit as the topic becomes secondary and the retards there believe their opinion is of any essence

Look what the left has done to NeoGaf. Look what the right has done to Sup Forums. The same is now true for the mainstream video game community

Sjws don't actually buy games.

I wonder if they realize this.

is that thing actually called corporate drone lol wtf

Correct, this tweet was intentionally trying to get a rise out of the Jontron folks

maybe blacks should stop commiting so many crimes

It's funny how this is only ever a question when it comes to left wing politics but Sup Forums gives no shit when right wing politics gets put into games.
Like not putting a girl in a bikini in a zombie game is "damn those SJWs!!!"
But putting a girl in a bikini in a robot game isn't "damn those MRAs!!!"

>Corplet Drone
>Corporate Drone

They're literally drumming up controversy so they can get more attention for their game.
I didn't know anything about this game until this eceleb bullshit went down.

It's not hard to spot the neocucks.


Do you understand what Sup Forums is and why it was created...?

>First of all, JonTron didn't play a bee, he was playing a donkey or something.
Surely you could provide a source for this.

>forgetting that Sup Forums is Sup Forums's bitch and everything remotely related to left wing is bad
You have much yet to learn.

I'm pretty sure it's just poor timing on Playtonic's part.

>Get mad because they cut Jontron
>Get mad because they keep Jontron
How Sup Forums and SJW are not the same? They don't care about the rest , they just care about themselfs.

SJW here, I buy games.

it looks like shit so i'l pirate it

easy as that

But its not really going to be a big deal.
Some people will whine, but theres not going to be any refunds so theres no reason to care about that.
Some people may not buy it because of this, but that will be a very small number.
The number of sales they are going to lose because of this will be very small, similar to how the number of subscribers Jon had wasn't really affected despite the huge outcry.

wheres your source on what character JonTron played?

They've always been the same

Pick one and only one, I post anime and my IQ is at 160


I hear reddit might suit you better.

>The Muppet Show


What games? And what's wrong with you? Do you really think becoming a hateful bitch is gonna solve anything in the world?

SJWs do buy games, though.

It's anti-SJWs who don't buy games, because they think video games are Satanic tools to teach children evolution and homosexuality.

I'm not so sure it has the potential to be good. I watched that video of the casino level they put out and it looked really empty and lifeless.

when has there ever been blatant right wing glorifying left wing bashing in a game that wasnt painful satire

how the fuck is liking tiddies a right wing promotion

censoring the female form is an actual stated objective of sjws but turning everything into a hentai isn't some MRA platform

hooptie man

>Buy a physical copy of the game
>Disconnect console from internet
>Play pre-patched Yooka Laylee with Jon's voice

Jon is probably going to give people the voice lines so PC version can have the lines modded in.


this, fucking jews

Jonathon posted a non-apology video to his official channel where he doubles down on what he said. He IS doing it 'at work'

I'll concede it's possible, but it's an incredibly odd coincidence to the point where I really have my doubts. I don't know why they felt the need to point out that a random enemy in game has no dialogue, given that close to none of them have no dialogue

>Not posting the superior version

Nice video to back it up, sir.

>make that stupid fucking picture where anyone who claims both sides are bad is a SJW in disguise
>make this comic arguing both sides are bad


>Rick and Morty

>But putting a girl in a bikini in a robot game isn't "damn those MRAs!!!"
The only real flaw of Nier Automata is that there aren't any lewd swimsuit outfits to find/buy for either 2B or 9S.

>Why does personal politics even matter when developing a game?
You know you are obligated to shut down your political view when you work. Sure it can shut down a few doors, sometimes, but it's not forbidden.

*none of them have dialogue

>>saying it off the clock
>Talk a bunch of shit on Twitter where it's public and everyone can see you making an ass of yourself
>Twitter is basically who you are now because you sure as fuck don't make videos or actual content
Internet personalities and e-celebs are never "off the clock", because they don't work a real job.

>not posting the correct image

They are a pissy bunch of hippies who think are in Nazi Germany. They wish they could do more than that.

>Rocko's Modern Life

AVGN had the right idea. When SJWs came after him for refusing to review Ghostbusters, he neither caved to them nor actively resisted them. He simply *ignored* them. And you know what? The "controversy" completely disappeared. I mean COMPLETELY. Hardly anyone even remembers that there ever *was* a controversy. The issue just went away and he's still as popular and successful as ever.

That's how you deal with SJWs properly.

>neogaf is happy about a day one patch that will cut content

that Argentinian flag always gets me

>do something bad
>people react badly to it
>double down instead of admitting he was wrong


It seriously blows my mind how many people give a fuck about this, why is everyone so fucking stupid

That's because he's a smart guy.

>hey we got the entitled guy fired from his job
>let's go after anything associating with jontron now
The internet has become a very efficient eggshell factory.

>There are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that believe canning a voice actor means their character now has no lines

Jafari speech mod when, the sounds have to be somewhere in the game.


>Dudes with attitude

>removing 2B's skirt permanently with the changing room item isn't good enough
yeah I do wish we got some nice FETISH outfits desu

What? It's the newest video on his channel, here, I'll spoonfeed you.


They literally fucking admitted that they were going to add in a patch to remove all of Jontron's dialogue in the game.

fantastic image

It's just Sup Forums trying to push something and make it bigger than it actually is.

Fuck off with this drama bullshit already and play videogames.

>Dark RP

>Crash Bandicoot

perhaps you aren't aware, but i believe that we are presently presiding in the CURRENT YEAR

Nothing of value was lost since this genre is fucking shit anyway

>When you work

But he never did, just was asked to record some voices for the game for free because he is a long time fan.

And a 5K pound backer on the kickstarter

Doing this after the game has gone gold, after mooching on his popularity for years is pretty scummy.

>Switch users get fucked over

Ah, well, thanks for the video source then. It wasn't on my page for Jon. Odd.

Because Sup Forums always gets mad over whatever internet shit they can
6 years ago there were daily reddit hate threads on Sup Forums that had nothing to do with video games and focused solely on how reddit was stealing memes and driving them into the ground.

I really didn't care about Jontron, but creating a shitstorm for no reason and right after that outright mocking your potential customers is retarded as fuck, so I lost all interest in their game. Clearly such a bunch of retards can't be making good games, so fuck them.

Is there any more based devs?

why is Sup Forums always so terrible at food analogies

>this pic
You are aware that the reason peopple do less labor jobs nowadays is not because they are lazy but because most of the jobs got delocalized in shit-tier country, right?

The kickstarter page is filled to the brim with people asking for a refund, I highly doubt that many Sup Forums users are also Jontron supporters that also supported this game. The odds are too low

>"Dude, Ugg, you've got to stop being a caveman. It's 2017."