Introduce a intriguing and well written character

>introduce a intriguing and well written character
>give him a retarded backstory in extended lore
>turn him to shit in the sequel

Fucking bioware. How could such a shitty company create such a great charater? Of course they fucked it up in the end but the illusive man was the best character in the entire mass effect franchise

Xenoposting not allowed

shepherd... you are sitting in my chair

>mass effect
>well written

Contain your hate boner m8. I said one character was well wirtten

The Illusive Man was never well written. Martin Sheen's performance was the only thing that ever lent him any depth or personality.

This. He was always a one-note character without any depth. He gets blown out of the water by characters like Legion and Mordan

Because Drew left after Mass Effect 2 to make his own stuff and only came back to write the story scenarios for The Old Republic.

The new lead writer they got in for Mass Effect 3 was terrible.

Whoever thought turning Mass Effect into a boring wave shooter with meaningless choices and enemies that just sponge bullets like crazy was a real idiot.

He was the Jon Irenicus of the series.

The Illusive Man wasn't a great character, but was he right?

I agree he is my favorite

>tfw Shepard will never share a whiskey with TIM before the final battle with Reapers
>TIM will never talk about the time he fucked an Asari Matriarch

Illusive man was always muh cigar smoking badass Gary Stu, stop being a child

considering how it ended up being a human that saved the galaxy: absolutely

>Literally being controlled by the ones he was trying to fight
I'm gonna go with a hard "no"

he was ggood because of based sheen doing the voice over. me used to have pretty good voice acting in general. i watched a short wlkthrough of andromeda on youtube and the salrians and krogans just sounded fucking terrible

My Earthborn orphan renegade Shepard viewed TIM as a father figure in ME2, especially since he was all "I believe in you - here's everything you need to accomplish the mission". So what happpened in ME3 was twice as painful.

Sleep well sweet prince, in the end you were right.

At least his boss battle was fun and exciting.

>slabs your path

It's not like ME2 added much to the overall story, it was a mistake having him in the first place.


He lived the dream.

You should not even consider extended story canon. I liked how you work for him and then against him in ME3. I especially like how he got a replacement for you, regardless of how edgy and out of the blue he is.

But once again you sound like every other entitled faggot that hates ME3 because it did not go exactly how you wanted it to go.

Jack was a cool guy.But he suffered from a case of SHITTY FUCKIN WRITING.FUCK YOU CASEY.

>Terra Firma Twins
Guess they always intended for him to be space Hitler

fair enough

>well written

>Different Generation with shitty world views at bioware
>dialogue sounds like something out of a 15 yr old fanfiction of ME

Do you seriously wonder why bioware is shit? Look at their employees

I actually enjoyed working for him in ME2. Never had any of the DLC or read any of the books, so his complete unexplained 180 after we had a great working relationship in the previous game pissed me off to no end.
In my headcanon the end of 2 removed the reapers last chance at ever getting to the Galaxy anytime in the next 50,000 years, and that abortion that was 3 never fuckin happened.

>How could such a shitty company create such a great charater?

Did they?



What a fucking hypocrite.